import { relative } from 'path' import { sources, webpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { normalizePagePath } from '../../../server/normalize-page-path' import { FUNCTIONS_MANIFEST } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { getPageFromPath } from '../../entries' import { collectAssets, getEntrypointInfo } from './middleware-plugin' const PLUGIN_NAME = 'FunctionsManifestPlugin' export interface FunctionsManifest { version: 1 pages: { [page: string]: { runtime?: string env: string[] files: string[] name: string page: string regexp: string } } } function containsPath(outer: string, inner: string) { const rel = relative(outer, inner) return !rel.startsWith('../') && rel !== '..' } export default class FunctionsManifestPlugin { dev: boolean pagesDir: string pageExtensions: string[] isEdgeRuntime: boolean pagesRuntime: Map constructor({ dev, pagesDir, pageExtensions, isEdgeRuntime, }: { dev: boolean pagesDir: string pageExtensions: string[] isEdgeRuntime: boolean }) { = dev this.pagesDir = pagesDir this.isEdgeRuntime = isEdgeRuntime this.pageExtensions = pageExtensions this.pagesRuntime = new Map() } createAssets( compilation: webpack5.Compilation, assets: any, envPerRoute: Map, isEdgeRuntime: boolean ) { const functionsManifest: FunctionsManifest = { version: 1, pages: {}, } const infos = getEntrypointInfo(compilation, envPerRoute, isEdgeRuntime) infos.forEach((info) => { const { page } = info // TODO: use global default runtime instead of 'web' const pageRuntime = this.pagesRuntime.get(page) const isWebRuntime = pageRuntime === 'edge' || (this.isEdgeRuntime && !pageRuntime) functionsManifest.pages[page] = { // Not assign if it's nodejs runtime, project configured node version is used instead ...(isWebRuntime && { runtime: 'web' }),, } }) const assetPath = (this.isEdgeRuntime ? '' : 'server/') + FUNCTIONS_MANIFEST assets[assetPath] = new sources.RawSource( JSON.stringify(functionsManifest, null, 2) ) } apply(compiler: webpack5.Compiler) { const handler = (parser: webpack5.javascript.JavascriptParser) => { parser.hooks.exportSpecifier.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (statement: any, _identifierName: string, exportName: string) => { const { resource } = parser.state.module const isPagePath = containsPath(this.pagesDir, resource) // Only parse exported config in pages if (!isPagePath) { return } const { declaration } = statement if (exportName === 'config') { const varDecl = declaration.declarations[0] const { properties } = varDecl.init const prop = properties.find((p: any) => === 'runtime') if (!prop) return const runtime = prop.value.value if (!['nodejs', 'edge'].includes(runtime)) throw new Error( `The runtime option can only be 'nodejs' or 'edge'` ) // @ts-ignore buildInfo exists on Module parser.state.module.buildInfo.NEXT_runtime = runtime } } ) } compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, ( compilation: webpack5.Compilation, { normalModuleFactory: factory }: any ) => { factory.hooks.parser.for('javascript/auto').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) factory.hooks.parser.for('javascript/esm').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) compilation.hooks.seal.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { for (const entryData of compilation.entries.values()) { for (const dependency of entryData.dependencies) { // @ts-ignore TODO: webpack 5 types const module = compilation.moduleGraph.getModule(dependency) const outgoingConnections = compilation.moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(module) if (!outgoingConnections) return const entryModules = outgoingConnections.keys() for (const mod of entryModules) { const runtime = mod?.buildInfo?.NEXT_runtime if (runtime) { // @ts-ignore: TODO: webpack 5 types const normalizedPagePath = normalizePagePath(mod.userRequest) const pagePath = normalizedPagePath.replace(this.pagesDir, '') const page = getPageFromPath(pagePath, this.pageExtensions) this.pagesRuntime.set(page, runtime) break } } } } }) } ) collectAssets(compiler, this.createAssets.bind(this), { dev:, pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME, isEdgeRuntime: this.isEdgeRuntime, }) } }