# No Cache Detected ### Why This Error Occurred A Next.js build was triggered in a continuous integration environment, but no cache was detected. This results in slower builds and can hurt Next.js' persistent caching of client-side bundles across builds. ### Possible Ways to Fix It > **Note**: If this is a new project, or being built for the first time in your CI, you can ignore this error. > However, you'll want to make sure it doesn't continue to happen and fix it if it does! Configure Next.js' cache to be persisted across builds. Next.js stores its cache in the `.next/cache` directory. Storing this folder across builds varies by CI provider. We've provided a list of a few common providers below. #### Vercel Next.js caching is automatically configured for you. There's no action required on your part. #### CircleCI Edit your `save_cache` step in `.circleci/config.yml` to include `.next/cache`: ```yaml steps: - save_cache: key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} paths: - ./node_modules - ./.next/cache ``` If you do not have a `save_cache` key, please follow CircleCI's [documentation on setting up build caching](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/caching/). #### Travis CI Add or merge the following into your `.travis.yml`: ```yaml cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/yarn - node_modules - .next/cache ``` #### GitLab CI Add or merge the following into your `.gitlab-ci.yml`: ```yaml cache: key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} paths: - node_modules/ - .next/cache/ ``` #### Netlify CI Use [Netlify Plugins](https://www.netlify.com/products/build/plugins/) with [`netlify-plugin-cache-nextjs`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/netlify-plugin-cache-nextjs). #### AWS CodeBuild Add (or merge in) the following to your `buildspec.yml`: ```yaml cache: paths: - 'node_modules/**/*' # Cache `node_modules` for faster `yarn` or `npm i` - '.next/cache/**/*' # Cache Next.js for faster application rebuilds ``` #### GitHub Actions Using GitHub's [actions/cache](https://github.com/actions/cache), add the following step in your workflow file: ```yaml uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ${{ github.workspace }}/.next/cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-nextjs-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }} ``` #### Bitbucket Pipelines Add or merge the following into your `bitbucket-pipelines.yml` at the top level (same level as `pipelines`): ```yaml definitions: caches: nextcache: .next/cache ``` Then reference it in the `caches` section of your pipeline's `step`: ```yaml - step: name: your_step_name caches: - node - nextcache ``` #### Heroku Using Heroku's [custom cache](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#custom-caching), add a `cacheDirectories` array in your top-level package.json: ```javascript "cacheDirectories": [".next/cache"] ```