import { NodePath, PluginObj, types as BabelTypes, } from 'next/dist/compiled/babel/core' // matches any hook-like (the default) const isHook = /^use[A-Z]/ // matches only built-in hooks provided by React et al const isBuiltInHook = /^use(Callback|Context|DebugValue|Effect|ImperativeHandle|LayoutEffect|Memo|Reducer|Ref|State)$/ export default function ({ types: t, }: { types: typeof BabelTypes }): PluginObj { const visitor = { CallExpression(path: NodePath, state: any) { const onlyBuiltIns = state.opts.onlyBuiltIns // if specified, options.lib is a list of libraries that provide hook functions const libs = state.opts.lib && (state.opts.lib === true ? ['react', 'preact/hooks'] : [].concat(state.opts.lib)) // skip function calls that are not the init of a variable declaration: if (!t.isVariableDeclarator(path.parent)) return // skip function calls where the return value is not Array-destructured: if (!t.isArrayPattern( return // name of the (hook) function being called: const hookName = (path.node.callee as BabelTypes.Identifier).name if (libs) { const binding = path.scope.getBinding(hookName) // not an import if (!binding || binding.kind !== 'module') return const specifier = (binding.path.parent as BabelTypes.ImportDeclaration) .source.value // not a match if (!libs.some((lib) => lib === specifier)) return } // only match function calls with names that look like a hook if (!(onlyBuiltIns ? isBuiltInHook : isHook).test(hookName)) return = t.objectPattern(>( (patterns, element, i) => { if (element === null) { return patterns } return patterns.concat( t.objectProperty(t.numericLiteral(i), element) ) }, [] ) ) }, } return { name: 'optimize-hook-destructuring', visitor: { // this is a workaround to run before preset-env destroys destructured assignments Program(path, state) { path.traverse(visitor, state) }, }, } }