import type { ClientPagesLoaderOptions } from './webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader' import type { MiddlewareLoaderOptions } from './webpack/loaders/next-middleware-loader' import type { MiddlewareSSRLoaderQuery } from './webpack/loaders/next-middleware-ssr-loader' import type { NextConfigComplete, NextConfig } from '../server/config-shared' import type { PageRuntime } from '../server/config-shared' import type { ServerlessLoaderQuery } from './webpack/loaders/next-serverless-loader' import type { webpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import type { LoadedEnvFiles } from '@next/env' import fs from 'fs' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' import { posix, join } from 'path' import { stringify } from 'querystring' import { API_ROUTE, DOT_NEXT_ALIAS, MIDDLEWARE_FILE, MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME, PAGES_DIR_ALIAS, ROOT_DIR_ALIAS, VIEWS_DIR_ALIAS, } from '../lib/constants' import { CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN_ROOT, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_REACT_REFRESH, EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, } from '../shared/lib/constants' import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../server/api-utils' import { isTargetLikeServerless } from '../server/utils' import { warn } from './output/log' import { parse } from '../build/swc' import { isServerComponentPage, withoutRSCExtensions } from './utils' import { normalizePathSep } from '../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-path-sep' import { normalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path' import { serverComponentRegex } from './webpack/loaders/utils' type ObjectValue = T extends { [key: string]: infer V } ? V : never /** * For a given page path removes the provided extensions. `/_app.server` is a * special case because it is the only page where we want to preserve the RSC * server extension. */ export function getPageFromPath(pagePath: string, pageExtensions: string[]) { const extensions = pagePath.includes('/_app.server.') ? withoutRSCExtensions(pageExtensions) : pageExtensions let page = normalizePathSep( pagePath.replace(new RegExp(`\\.+(${extensions.join('|')})$`), '') ) page = page.replace(/\/index$/, '') return page === '' ? '/' : page } export function createPagesMapping({ hasServerComponents, isDev, pageExtensions, pagePaths, pagesType, }: { hasServerComponents: boolean isDev: boolean pageExtensions: string[] pagePaths: string[] pagesType: 'pages' | 'root' | 'views' }): { [page: string]: string } { const previousPages: { [key: string]: string } = {} const pages = pagePaths.reduce<{ [key: string]: string }>( (result, pagePath) => { // Do not process .d.ts files inside the `pages` folder if (pagePath.endsWith('.d.ts') && pageExtensions.includes('ts')) { return result } const pageKey = getPageFromPath(pagePath, pageExtensions) // Assume that if there's a Client Component, that there is // a matching Server Component that will map to the page. // so we will not process it if (hasServerComponents && /\.client$/.test(pageKey)) { return result } if (pageKey in result) { warn( `Duplicate page detected. ${chalk.cyan( join('pages', previousPages[pageKey]) )} and ${chalk.cyan( join('pages', pagePath) )} both resolve to ${chalk.cyan(pageKey)}.` ) } else { previousPages[pageKey] = pagePath } result[pageKey] = normalizePathSep( join( pagesType === 'pages' ? PAGES_DIR_ALIAS : pagesType === 'views' ? VIEWS_DIR_ALIAS : ROOT_DIR_ALIAS, pagePath ) ) return result }, {} ) if (pagesType !== 'pages') { return pages } if (isDev) { delete pages['/_app'] delete pages['/_app.server'] delete pages['/_error'] delete pages['/_document'] } // In development we always alias these to allow Webpack to fallback to // the correct source file so that HMR can work properly when a file is // added or removed. const root = isDev ? PAGES_DIR_ALIAS : 'next/dist/pages' return { '/_app': `${root}/_app`, '/_error': `${root}/_error`, '/_document': `${root}/_document`, ...(hasServerComponents ? { '/_app.server': `${root}/_app.server` } : {}), ...pages, } } type PageStaticInfo = { runtime?: PageRuntime; ssr?: boolean; ssg?: boolean } const cachedPageStaticInfo = new Map() // @TODO: We should limit the maximum concurrency of this function as there // could be thousands of pages existing. export async function getPageStaticInfo( pageFilePath: string, nextConfig: Partial, isDev?: boolean ): Promise { const globalRuntime = nextConfig.experimental?.runtime const cached = cachedPageStaticInfo.get(pageFilePath) if (cached) { return cached[1] } let pageContent: string try { pageContent = await fs.promises.readFile(pageFilePath, { encoding: 'utf8', }) } catch (err) { if (!isDev) throw err return {} } // When gSSP or gSP is used, this page requires an execution runtime. If the // page config is not present, we fallback to the global runtime. Related // discussion: // let isRuntimeRequired: boolean = false let pageRuntime: PageRuntime = undefined let ssr = false let ssg = false // Since these configurations should always be static analyzable, we can // skip these cases that "runtime" and "gSP", "gSSP" are not included in the // source code. if (/runtime|getStaticProps|getServerSideProps/.test(pageContent)) { try { const { body } = await parse(pageContent, { filename: pageFilePath, isModule: 'unknown', }) for (const node of body) { const { type, declaration } = node if (type === 'ExportDeclaration') { // Match `export const config` const valueNode = declaration?.declarations?.[0] if (valueNode?.id?.value === 'config') { const props = const runtimeKeyValue = props.find( (prop: any) => prop.key.value === 'runtime' ) const runtime = runtimeKeyValue?.value?.value pageRuntime = runtime === 'edge' || runtime === 'nodejs' ? runtime : pageRuntime } else if (declaration?.type === 'FunctionDeclaration') { // Match `export function getStaticProps | getServerSideProps` const identifier = declaration.identifier?.value if ( identifier === 'getStaticProps' || identifier === 'getServerSideProps' ) { isRuntimeRequired = true ssg = identifier === 'getStaticProps' ssr = identifier === 'getServerSideProps' } } } else if (type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration') { // Match `export { getStaticProps | getServerSideProps } ` const { specifiers } = node for (const specifier of specifiers) { const { orig } = specifier const hasDataFetchingExports = specifier.type === 'ExportSpecifier' && orig?.type === 'Identifier' && (orig?.value === 'getStaticProps' || orig?.value === 'getServerSideProps') if (hasDataFetchingExports) { isRuntimeRequired = true ssg = orig.value === 'getStaticProps' ssr = orig.value === 'getServerSideProps' break } } } } } catch (err) {} } if (!pageRuntime) { if (isRuntimeRequired) { pageRuntime = globalRuntime } } else { // For Node.js runtime, we do static optimization. if (!isRuntimeRequired && pageRuntime === 'nodejs') { pageRuntime = undefined } } const info = { runtime: pageRuntime, ssr, ssg, } cachedPageStaticInfo.set(pageFilePath, [, info]) return info } export function invalidatePageRuntimeCache( pageFilePath: string, safeTime: number ) { const cached = cachedPageStaticInfo.get(pageFilePath) if (cached && cached[0] < safeTime) { cachedPageStaticInfo.delete(pageFilePath) } } interface CreateEntrypointsParams { buildId: string config: NextConfigComplete envFiles: LoadedEnvFiles isDev?: boolean pages: { [page: string]: string } pagesDir: string previewMode: __ApiPreviewProps rootDir: string rootPaths?: Record target: 'server' | 'serverless' | 'experimental-serverless-trace' viewsDir?: string viewPaths?: Record pageExtensions: string[] } export function getEdgeServerEntry(opts: { absolutePagePath: string buildId: string bundlePath: string config: NextConfigComplete isDev: boolean isServerComponent: boolean page: string pages: { [page: string]: string } }) { if ( === MIDDLEWARE_FILE) { const loaderParams: MiddlewareLoaderOptions = { absolutePagePath: opts.absolutePagePath, page:, } return `next-middleware-loader?${stringify(loaderParams)}!` } const loaderParams: MiddlewareSSRLoaderQuery = { absolute500Path: opts.pages['/500'] || '', absoluteAppPath: opts.pages['/_app'], absoluteAppServerPath: opts.pages['/_app.server'], absoluteDocumentPath: opts.pages['/_document'], absoluteErrorPath: opts.pages['/_error'], absolutePagePath: opts.absolutePagePath, buildId: opts.buildId, dev: opts.isDev, isServerComponent: isServerComponentPage( opts.config, opts.absolutePagePath ), page:, stringifiedConfig: JSON.stringify(opts.config), } return { import: `next-middleware-ssr-loader?${stringify(loaderParams)}!`, layer: opts.isServerComponent ? 'sc_server' : undefined, } } export function getViewsEntry(opts: { name: string pagePath: string viewsDir: string pageExtensions: string[] }) { return { import: `next-view-loader?${stringify(opts)}!`, layer: 'sc_server', } } export function getServerlessEntry(opts: { absolutePagePath: string buildId: string config: NextConfigComplete envFiles: LoadedEnvFiles page: string previewMode: __ApiPreviewProps pages: { [page: string]: string } }): ObjectValue { const loaderParams: ServerlessLoaderQuery = { absolute404Path: opts.pages['/404'] || '', absoluteAppPath: opts.pages['/_app'], absoluteAppServerPath: opts.pages['/_app.server'], absoluteDocumentPath: opts.pages['/_document'], absoluteErrorPath: opts.pages['/_error'], absolutePagePath: opts.absolutePagePath, assetPrefix: opts.config.assetPrefix, basePath: opts.config.basePath, buildId: opts.buildId, canonicalBase: opts.config.amp.canonicalBase || '', distDir: DOT_NEXT_ALIAS, generateEtags: opts.config.generateEtags ? 'true' : '', i18n: opts.config.i18n ? JSON.stringify(opts.config.i18n) : '', // base64 encode to make sure contents don't break webpack URL loading loadedEnvFiles: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(opts.envFiles)).toString( 'base64' ), page:, poweredByHeader: opts.config.poweredByHeader ? 'true' : '', previewProps: JSON.stringify(opts.previewMode), reactRoot: !!opts.config.experimental.reactRoot ? 'true' : '', runtimeConfig: Object.keys(opts.config.publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0 || Object.keys(opts.config.serverRuntimeConfig).length > 0 ? JSON.stringify({ publicRuntimeConfig: opts.config.publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig: opts.config.serverRuntimeConfig, }) : '', } return `next-serverless-loader?${stringify(loaderParams)}!` } export function getClientEntry(opts: { absolutePagePath: string page: string }) { const loaderOptions: ClientPagesLoaderOptions = { absolutePagePath: opts.absolutePagePath, page:, } const pageLoader = `next-client-pages-loader?${stringify(loaderOptions)}!` // Make sure next/router is a dependency of _app or else chunk splitting // might cause the router to not be able to load causing hydration // to fail return === '/_app' ? [pageLoader, require.resolve('../client/router')] : pageLoader } export async function createEntrypoints(params: CreateEntrypointsParams) { const { config, pages, pagesDir, isDev, rootDir, rootPaths, target, viewsDir, viewPaths, pageExtensions, } = params const edgeServer: webpack5.EntryObject = {} const server: webpack5.EntryObject = {} const client: webpack5.EntryObject = {} const getEntryHandler = (mappings: Record, pagesType: 'views' | 'pages' | 'root') => async (page: string) => { const bundleFile = normalizePagePath(page) const clientBundlePath = posix.join('pages', bundleFile) const serverBundlePath = pagesType === 'pages' ? posix.join('pages', bundleFile) : pagesType === 'views' ? posix.join('views', bundleFile) : bundleFile.slice(1) const absolutePagePath = mappings[page] // Handle paths that have aliases const pageFilePath = (() => { if (absolutePagePath.startsWith(PAGES_DIR_ALIAS)) { return absolutePagePath.replace(PAGES_DIR_ALIAS, pagesDir) } if (absolutePagePath.startsWith(VIEWS_DIR_ALIAS) && viewsDir) { return absolutePagePath.replace(VIEWS_DIR_ALIAS, viewsDir) } if (absolutePagePath.startsWith(ROOT_DIR_ALIAS)) { return absolutePagePath.replace(ROOT_DIR_ALIAS, rootDir) } return require.resolve(absolutePagePath) })() /** * When we find a middleware file that is not in the ROOT_DIR we fail. * There is no need to check on `dev` as this should only happen when * building for production. */ if ( !absolutePagePath.startsWith(ROOT_DIR_ALIAS) && /[\\\\/]_middleware$/.test(page) ) { throw new Error( `nested Middleware is not allowed (found pages${page}) -` ) } const isServerComponent = serverComponentRegex.test(absolutePagePath) runDependingOnPageType({ page, pageRuntime: (await getPageStaticInfo(pageFilePath, config, isDev)) .runtime, onClient: () => { if (isServerComponent) { // We skip the initial entries for server component pages and let the // server compiler inject them instead. } else { client[clientBundlePath] = getClientEntry({ absolutePagePath: mappings[page], page, }) } }, onServer: () => { if (pagesType === 'views' && viewsDir) { server[serverBundlePath] = getViewsEntry({ name: serverBundlePath, pagePath: mappings[page], viewsDir, pageExtensions, }) } else if (isTargetLikeServerless(target)) { if (page !== '/_app' && page !== '/_document') { server[serverBundlePath] = getServerlessEntry({ ...params, absolutePagePath: mappings[page], page, }) } } else { server[serverBundlePath] = isServerComponent ? { import: mappings[page], layer: 'sc_server', } : [mappings[page]] } }, onEdgeServer: () => { edgeServer[serverBundlePath] = getEdgeServerEntry({ ...params, absolutePagePath: mappings[page], bundlePath: clientBundlePath, isDev: false, isServerComponent, page, }) }, }) } if (viewsDir && viewPaths) { const entryHandler = getEntryHandler(viewPaths, 'views') await Promise.all(Object.keys(viewPaths).map(entryHandler)) } if (rootPaths) { await Promise.all( Object.keys(rootPaths).map(getEntryHandler(rootPaths, 'root')) ) } await Promise.all(Object.keys(pages).map(getEntryHandler(pages, 'pages'))) return { client, server, edgeServer, } } export function runDependingOnPageType(params: { onClient: () => T onEdgeServer: () => T onServer: () => T page: string pageRuntime: PageRuntime }) { if ( === MIDDLEWARE_FILE) { return [params.onEdgeServer()] } else if ( { return [params.onServer()] } else if ( === '/_document') { return [params.onServer()] } else if ( === '/_app' || === '/_error' || === '/404' || === '/500' ) { return [params.onClient(), params.onServer()] } else { return [ params.onClient(), params.pageRuntime === 'edge' ? params.onEdgeServer() : params.onServer(), ] } } export function finalizeEntrypoint({ name, compilerType, value, isServerComponent, }: { compilerType?: 'client' | 'server' | 'edge-server' name: string value: ObjectValue isServerComponent?: boolean }): ObjectValue { const entry = typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value) ? { import: value } : value if (compilerType === 'server') { const isApi = name.startsWith('pages/api/') return { publicPath: isApi ? '' : undefined, runtime: isApi ? 'webpack-api-runtime' : 'webpack-runtime', layer: isApi ? 'api' : isServerComponent ? 'sc_server' : undefined, ...entry, } } if (compilerType === 'edge-server') { return { layer: name === MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME ? 'middleware' : undefined, library: { name: ['_ENTRIES', `middleware_[name]`], type: 'assign' }, runtime: EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, asyncChunks: false, ...entry, } } if ( // Client special cases name !== 'polyfills' && name !== CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN && name !== CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN_ROOT && name !== CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP && name !== CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_REACT_REFRESH ) { return { dependOn: name.startsWith('pages/') && name !== 'pages/_app' ? 'pages/_app' : 'main', ...entry, } } return entry }