import chalk from 'chalk' import stripAnsi from 'next/dist/compiled/strip-ansi' import textTable from 'next/dist/compiled/text-table' import createStore from 'next/dist/compiled/unistore' import formatWebpackMessages from '../../client/dev/error-overlay/format-webpack-messages' import { OutputState, store as consoleStore } from './store' export function startedDevelopmentServer(appUrl: string, bindAddr: string) { consoleStore.setState({ appUrl, bindAddr }) } let previousClient: import('webpack').Compiler | null = null let previousServer: import('webpack').Compiler | null = null type CompilerDiagnostics = { errors: string[] | null warnings: string[] | null } type WebpackStatus = | { loading: true } | ({ loading: false } & CompilerDiagnostics) type AmpStatus = { message: string line: number col: number specUrl: string | null code: string } export type AmpPageStatus = { [page: string]: { errors: AmpStatus[]; warnings: AmpStatus[] } } type BuildStatusStore = { client: WebpackStatus server: WebpackStatus amp: AmpPageStatus } // eslint typescript has a bug with TS enums /* eslint-disable no-shadow */ enum WebpackStatusPhase { COMPILING = 1, COMPILED_WITH_ERRORS = 2, COMPILED_WITH_WARNINGS = 4, COMPILED = 5, } function getWebpackStatusPhase(status: WebpackStatus): WebpackStatusPhase { if (status.loading) { return WebpackStatusPhase.COMPILING } if (status.errors) { return WebpackStatusPhase.COMPILED_WITH_ERRORS } if (status.warnings) { return WebpackStatusPhase.COMPILED_WITH_WARNINGS } return WebpackStatusPhase.COMPILED } export function formatAmpMessages(amp: AmpPageStatus) { let output = chalk.bold('Amp Validation') + '\n\n' let messages: string[][] = [] const chalkError ='error') function ampError(page: string, error: AmpStatus) { messages.push([page, chalkError, error.message, error.specUrl || '']) } const chalkWarn = chalk.yellow('warn') function ampWarn(page: string, warn: AmpStatus) { messages.push([page, chalkWarn, warn.message, warn.specUrl || '']) } for (const page in amp) { let { errors, warnings } = amp[page] const devOnlyFilter = (err: AmpStatus) => err.code !== 'DEV_MODE_ONLY' errors = errors.filter(devOnlyFilter) warnings = warnings.filter(devOnlyFilter) if (!(errors.length || warnings.length)) { // Skip page with no non-dev warnings continue } if (errors.length) { ampError(page, errors[0]) for (let index = 1; index < errors.length; ++index) { ampError('', errors[index]) } } if (warnings.length) { ampWarn(errors.length ? '' : page, warnings[0]) for (let index = 1; index < warnings.length; ++index) { ampWarn('', warnings[index]) } } messages.push(['', '', '', '']) } if (!messages.length) { return '' } output += textTable(messages, { align: ['l', 'l', 'l', 'l'], stringLength(str: string) { return stripAnsi(str).length }, }) return output } const buildStore = createStore() buildStore.subscribe((state) => { const { amp, client, server } = state const [{ status }] = [ { status: client, phase: getWebpackStatusPhase(client) }, { status: server, phase: getWebpackStatusPhase(server) }, ].sort((a, b) => a.phase.valueOf() - b.phase.valueOf()) const { bootstrap: bootstrapping, appUrl } = consoleStore.getState() if (bootstrapping && status.loading) { return } let partialState: Partial = { bootstrap: false, appUrl: appUrl!, } if (status.loading) { consoleStore.setState( { ...partialState, loading: true } as OutputState, true ) } else { let { errors, warnings } = status if (errors == null) { if (Object.keys(amp).length > 0) { warnings = (warnings || []).concat(formatAmpMessages(amp) || []) if (!warnings.length) warnings = null } } consoleStore.setState( { ...partialState, loading: false, typeChecking: false, errors, warnings, } as OutputState, true ) } }) export function ampValidation( page: string, errors: AmpStatus[], warnings: AmpStatus[] ) { const { amp } = buildStore.getState() if (!(errors.length || warnings.length)) { buildStore.setState({ amp: Object.keys(amp) .filter((k) => k !== page) .sort() // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences .reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = amp[c]), a), {} as AmpPageStatus), }) return } const newAmp: AmpPageStatus = { ...amp, [page]: { errors, warnings } } buildStore.setState({ amp: Object.keys(newAmp) .sort() // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences .reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = newAmp[c]), a), {} as AmpPageStatus), }) } export function watchCompilers( client: import('webpack').Compiler, server: import('webpack').Compiler ) { if (previousClient === client && previousServer === server) { return } buildStore.setState({ client: { loading: true }, server: { loading: true }, }) function tapCompiler( key: string, compiler: any, onEvent: (status: WebpackStatus) => void ) { compiler.hooks.invalid.tap(`NextJsInvalid-${key}`, () => { onEvent({ loading: true }) }) compiler.hooks.done.tap( `NextJsDone-${key}`, (stats: import('webpack').Stats) => { buildStore.setState({ amp: {} }) const { errors, warnings } = formatWebpackMessages( stats.toJson({ all: false, warnings: true, errors: true }) ) const hasErrors = !!errors?.length const hasWarnings = !!warnings?.length onEvent({ loading: false, errors: hasErrors ? errors : null, warnings: hasWarnings ? warnings : null, }) } ) } tapCompiler('client', client, (status) => buildStore.setState({ client: status }) ) tapCompiler('server', server, (status) => buildStore.setState({ server: status }) ) previousClient = client previousServer = server }