const clientGlobs = [ { name: 'Client Bundles (main, webpack, commons)', globs: [ '.next/static/runtime/+(main|webpack)-!(*.module.js)', '.next/static/chunks/!(*.module.js)', ], }, { name: 'Client Bundles (main, webpack, commons) Modern', globs: [ '.next/static/runtime/+(main|webpack)-*.module.js', '.next/static/chunks/*.module.js', ], }, { name: 'Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills)', globs: ['.next/static/runtime/+(polyfills)-!(*.module.js)'], }, { name: 'Client Pages', globs: ['.next/static/*/pages/**/!(*.module.js)'], }, { name: 'Client Pages Modern', globs: ['.next/static/*/pages/**/*.module.js'], }, { name: 'Client Build Manifests', globs: ['.next/static/*/_buildManifest*'], }, { name: 'Rendered Page Sizes', globs: ['fetched-pages/**/*.html'], }, ] const renames = [ { srcGlob: '.next/static/*/pages', dest: '.next/static/BUILD_ID/pages', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/runtime/main-!(*.module.js)', dest: '.next/static/runtime/main-HASH.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/runtime/webpack-!(*.module.js)', dest: '.next/static/runtime/webpack-HASH.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/runtime/polyfills-!(*.module.js)', dest: '.next/static/runtime/polyfills-HASH.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/chunks/commons!(*.module.js)', dest: '.next/static/chunks/commons.HASH.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/chunks/framework!(*.module.js)', dest: '.next/static/chunks/framework.HASH.js', }, // modern { srcGlob: '.next/static/runtime/main-*.module.js', dest: '.next/static/runtime/main-HASH.module.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/runtime/webpack-*.module.js', dest: '.next/static/runtime/webpack-HASH.module.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/chunks/commons*.module.js', dest: '.next/static/chunks/commons.HASH.module.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/chunks/framework*.module.js', dest: '.next/static/chunks/framework.HASH.module.js', }, // misc { srcGlob: '.next/static/*/_buildManifest.js', dest: '.next/static/BUILD_ID/_buildManifest.js', }, { srcGlob: '.next/static/*/_buildManifest.module.js', dest: '.next/static/BUILD_ID/_buildManifest.module.js', }, ] module.exports = { commentHeading: 'Stats from current PR', commentReleaseHeading: 'Stats from current release', appBuildCommand: 'NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 yarn next build', appStartCommand: 'NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 yarn next start --port $PORT', mainRepo: 'zeit/next.js', mainBranch: 'canary', autoMergeMain: true, configs: [ { title: 'Default Server Mode', diff: 'onOutputChange', diffConfigFiles: [ { path: 'next.config.js', content: ` module.exports = { generateBuildId: () => 'BUILD_ID', webpack(config) { config.optimization.minimize = false config.optimization.minimizer = undefined return config }, experimental: { modern: true, granularChunks: true } } `, }, ], // renames to apply to make file names deterministic renames, configFiles: [ { path: 'next.config.js', content: ` module.exports = { generateBuildId: () => 'BUILD_ID', experimental: { modern: true, granularChunks: true } } `, }, ], filesToTrack: clientGlobs, // will be output to fetched-pages/${pathname}.html pagesToFetch: [ 'http://localhost:$PORT/', 'http://localhost:$PORT/link', 'http://localhost:$PORT/withRouter', ], }, { title: 'Serverless Mode', diff: false, renames, configFiles: [ { path: 'next.config.js', content: ` module.exports = { generateBuildId: () => 'BUILD_ID', target: 'serverless', experimental: { modern: true, granularChunks: true } } `, }, ], filesToTrack: [ ...clientGlobs, { name: 'Serverless bundles', globs: ['.next/serverless/pages/**/*'], }, ], }, ], }