import { promises as fs } from 'fs' import chalk from 'chalk' import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' import semver from 'next/dist/compiled/semver' import * as CommentJson from 'next/dist/compiled/comment-json' import { formatResults } from './customFormatter' import { writeDefaultConfig } from './writeDefaultConfig' import { findPagesDir } from '../find-pages-dir' import { CompileError } from '../compile-error' import { hasNecessaryDependencies, NecessaryDependencies, } from '../has-necessary-dependencies' import * as Log from '../../build/output/log' type Config = { plugins: string[] rules: { [key: string]: Array } } const linteableFiles = (dir: string) => { return `${dir}/**/*.{${['jsx', 'js', 'ts', 'tsx'].join(',')}}` } async function lint( deps: NecessaryDependencies, baseDir: string, lintDirs: string[] | null, eslintrcFile: string | null, pkgJsonPath: string | null ): Promise { // Load ESLint after we're sure it exists: const mod = await import(deps.resolved) const { ESLint } = mod if (!ESLint) { const eslintVersion: string | undefined = mod?.CLIEngine?.version if (!eslintVersion ||, '7.0.0')) { Log.error( `Your project has an older version of ESLint installed${ eslintVersion ? ' (' + eslintVersion + ')' : '' }. Please upgrade to ESLint version 7 or later` ) return null } Log.error( `ESLint class not found. Please upgrade to ESLint version 7 or later` ) return null } let options: any = { useEslintrc: true, baseConfig: {}, } let eslint = new ESLint(options) let nextEslintPluginIsEnabled = false const pagesDirRules = ['@next/next/no-html-link-for-pages'] for (const configFile of [eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath]) { if (!configFile) continue const completeConfig: Config = await eslint.calculateConfigForFile( configFile ) if (completeConfig.plugins?.includes('@next/next')) { nextEslintPluginIsEnabled = true break } } const pagesDir = findPagesDir(baseDir) if (nextEslintPluginIsEnabled) { let updatedPagesDir = false for (const rule of pagesDirRules) { if ( !options.baseConfig!.rules?.[rule] && !options.baseConfig!.rules?.[ rule.replace('@next/next', '@next/babel-plugin-next') ] ) { if (!options.baseConfig!.rules) { options.baseConfig!.rules = {} } options.baseConfig!.rules[rule] = [1, pagesDir] updatedPagesDir = true } } if (updatedPagesDir) { eslint = new ESLint(options) } } // If no directories to lint are provided, only the pages directory will be linted const filesToLint = lintDirs ? : linteableFiles(pagesDir) const results = await eslint.lintFiles(filesToLint) if (ESLint.getErrorResults(results)?.length > 0) { throw new CompileError(await formatResults(baseDir, results)) } return results?.length > 0 ? formatResults(baseDir, results) : null } export async function runLintCheck( baseDir: string, lintDirs: string[] | null, lintDuringBuild: boolean = false ): Promise { try { // Find user's .eslintrc file const eslintrcFile = (await findUp( [ '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.yml', '.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc', ], { cwd: baseDir, } )) ?? null const pkgJsonPath = (await findUp('package.json', { cwd: baseDir })) ?? null let packageJsonConfig = null if (pkgJsonPath) { const pkgJsonContent = await fs.readFile(pkgJsonPath, { encoding: 'utf8', }) packageJsonConfig = CommentJson.parse(pkgJsonContent) } // Warning displayed if no ESLint configuration is present during build if (lintDuringBuild && !eslintrcFile && !packageJsonConfig.eslintConfig) { Log.warn( `No ESLint configuration detected. Run ${chalk.bold.cyan( 'next lint' )} to begin setup` ) return null } // Ensure ESLint and necessary plugins and configs are installed: const deps: NecessaryDependencies = await hasNecessaryDependencies( baseDir, false, true, eslintrcFile ?? '', !!packageJsonConfig.eslintConfig, lintDuringBuild ) // Write default ESLint config if none is present await writeDefaultConfig(eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath, packageJsonConfig) // Run ESLint return await lint(deps, baseDir, lintDirs, eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath) } catch (err) { throw err } }