# Next.js Redis Cache Integration Example This example is tailored for self-hosted setups and demonstrates how to use Redis as a shared cache. It is built on the principles of the `@neshca/cache-handler` package, which replaces the default Next.js cache handler and adds advanced caching features. Check out this [repository](https://github.com/ezeparziale/nextjs-k8s) that contains a comprehensive setup for Kubernetes. ## How to use Execute [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app) with [npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/init), [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/create/), or [pnpm](https://pnpm.io) to bootstrap the example: ```bash npx create-next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app ``` ```bash yarn create next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app ``` ```bash pnpm create next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app ``` Once you have installed the dependencies, you can begin running the example Redis Stack server by using the following command: ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` Then, build and start the Next.js app as usual. ## Documentation For detailed information on configuration and usage, please refer to our comprehensive [Documentation ↗](https://caching-tools.github.io/next-shared-cache). ## Key Features and Considerations - **Handlers:** The `@neshca/cache-handler` package includes [Handlers](https://caching-tools.github.io/next-shared-cache/handlers/redis-stack) for seamless integration with Redis. - **Create Your Own Handlers:** Take a look at [Custom Redis Handler](https://caching-tools.github.io/next-shared-cache/usage/creating-a-custom-handler) and use it as a basis to create your own handler. - **Redis Server Setup:** Ensure your Redis server is running and properly configured before starting your Next.js application. - **Configure Redis Credentials:** Update the `cache-handler-redis*` files with your Redis credentials. Connection details can be found [here](https://redis.io/docs/connect/clients/nodejs/). - **Building Without Redis:** To build the app without connecting to Redis use conditions inside `onCreation` callback. Check the [documentation](https://caching-tools.github.io/next-shared-cache/configuration/opt-out-cache-on-build) for more details. ## Development and Production Considerations - The provided `docker-compose.yml` is intended for local development. For production deployment, refer to the official [Redis installation](https://redis.io/docs/install/) and [management](https://redis.io/docs/management/) guidelines. - **Clearing Redis Cache:** To clear the Redis cache, use RedisInsight Workbench or the following CLI command: ```bash docker exec -it redis-stack redis-cli> flushall OK ```