import chalk from 'chalk' import ciEnvironment from 'ci-info' import crypto from 'crypto' import devalue from 'devalue' import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp' import findUp from 'find-up' import fs from 'fs' import Worker from 'jest-worker' import mkdirpOrig from 'mkdirp' import nanoid from 'next/dist/compiled/nanoid/index.js' import path from 'path' import { pathToRegexp } from 'path-to-regexp' import { promisify } from 'util' import formatWebpackMessages from '../client/dev/error-overlay/format-webpack-messages' import checkCustomRoutes, { getRedirectStatus, Header, Redirect, Rewrite, RouteType, } from '../lib/check-custom-routes' import { PAGES_404_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR, PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT, } from '../lib/constants' import { findPagesDir } from '../lib/find-pages-dir' import { recursiveDelete } from '../lib/recursive-delete' import { recursiveReadDir } from '../lib/recursive-readdir' import { verifyTypeScriptSetup } from '../lib/verifyTypeScriptSetup' import { BUILD_MANIFEST, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, EXPORT_DETAIL, EXPORT_MARKER, PAGES_MANIFEST, PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, PRERENDER_MANIFEST, ROUTES_MANIFEST, SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY, SERVER_DIRECTORY, } from '../next-server/lib/constants' import { getRouteRegex, getSortedRoutes, isDynamicRoute, } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils' import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../next-server/server/api-utils' import loadConfig, { isTargetLikeServerless, } from '../next-server/server/config' import { normalizePagePath } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path' import { eventBuildCompleted, eventBuildOptimize, eventCliSession, eventNextPlugins, } from '../telemetry/events' import { Telemetry } from '../telemetry/storage' import { CompilerResult, runCompiler } from './compiler' import { createEntrypoints, createPagesMapping } from './entries' import { generateBuildId } from './generate-build-id' import { isWriteable } from './is-writeable' import createSpinner from './spinner' import { collectPages, getPageSizeInKb, hasCustomAppGetInitialProps, isPageStatic, PageInfo, printCustomRoutes, printTreeView, } from './utils' import getBaseWebpackConfig from './webpack-config' import { writeBuildId } from './write-build-id' const fsAccess = promisify(fs.access) const fsUnlink = promisify(fs.unlink) const fsRmdir = promisify(fs.rmdir) const fsStat = promisify(fs.stat) const fsMove = promisify(fs.rename) const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) const fsWriteFile = promisify(fs.writeFile) const mkdirp = promisify(mkdirpOrig) const staticCheckWorker = require.resolve('./utils') export type SsgRoute = { initialRevalidateSeconds: number | false srcRoute: string | null dataRoute: string } export type DynamicSsgRoute = { routeRegex: string fallback: string | false dataRoute: string dataRouteRegex: string } export type PrerenderManifest = { version: 2 routes: { [route: string]: SsgRoute } dynamicRoutes: { [route: string]: DynamicSsgRoute } preview: __ApiPreviewProps } export default async function build(dir: string, conf = null): Promise { if (!(await isWriteable(dir))) { throw new Error( '> Build directory is not writeable.' ) } const config = loadConfig(PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, dir, conf) const { target } = config const buildId = await generateBuildId(config.generateBuildId, nanoid) const distDir = path.join(dir, config.distDir) const headers: Header[] = [] const rewrites: Rewrite[] = [] const redirects: Redirect[] = [] if (typeof config.experimental.redirects === 'function') { const _redirects = await config.experimental.redirects() checkCustomRoutes(_redirects, 'redirect') redirects.push(..._redirects) } if (typeof config.experimental.rewrites === 'function') { const _rewrites = await config.experimental.rewrites() checkCustomRoutes(_rewrites, 'rewrite') rewrites.push(..._rewrites) } if (typeof config.experimental.headers === 'function') { const _headers = await config.experimental.headers() checkCustomRoutes(_headers, 'header') headers.push(..._headers) } if (ciEnvironment.isCI) { const cacheDir = path.join(distDir, 'cache') const hasCache = await fsAccess(cacheDir) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false) if (!hasCache) { // Intentionally not piping to stderr in case people fail in CI when // stderr is detected. console.log( chalk.bold.yellow(`Warning: `) + chalk.bold( `No build cache found. Please configure build caching for faster rebuilds. Read more:` ) ) console.log('') } } const buildSpinner = createSpinner({ prefixText: 'Creating an optimized production build', }) const telemetry = new Telemetry({ distDir }) const publicDir = path.join(dir, 'public') const pagesDir = findPagesDir(dir) let publicFiles: string[] = [] let hasPublicDir = false telemetry.record( eventCliSession(PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, dir, { cliCommand: 'build', isSrcDir: path.relative(dir, pagesDir!).startsWith('src'), hasNowJson: !!(await findUp('now.json', { cwd: dir })), isCustomServer: null, }) ) eventNextPlugins(path.resolve(dir)).then(events => telemetry.record(events)) await verifyTypeScriptSetup(dir, pagesDir) try { await fsStat(publicDir) hasPublicDir = true } catch (_) {} if (hasPublicDir) { publicFiles = await recursiveReadDir(publicDir, /.*/) } let tracer: any = null if (config.experimental.profiling) { const { createTrace } = require('./profiler/profiler.js') tracer = createTrace(path.join(distDir, `profile-events.json`)) tracer.profiler.startProfiling() } const isLikeServerless = isTargetLikeServerless(target) const pagePaths: string[] = await collectPages( pagesDir, config.pageExtensions ) // needed for static exporting since we want to replace with HTML // files const allStaticPages = new Set() let allPageInfos = new Map() const previewProps: __ApiPreviewProps = { previewModeId: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'), previewModeSigningKey: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), previewModeEncryptionKey: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), } const mappedPages = createPagesMapping(pagePaths, config.pageExtensions) const entrypoints = createEntrypoints( mappedPages, target, buildId, previewProps, config ) const pageKeys = Object.keys(mappedPages) const dynamicRoutes = pageKeys.filter(page => isDynamicRoute(page)) const conflictingPublicFiles: string[] = [] const hasCustomErrorPage = mappedPages['/_error'].startsWith( 'private-next-pages' ) const hasPages404 = Boolean( mappedPages['/404'] && mappedPages['/404'].startsWith('private-next-pages') ) if (hasPublicDir) { try { await fsStat(path.join(publicDir, '_next')) throw new Error(PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT) } catch (err) {} } for (let file of publicFiles) { file = file .replace(/\\/g, '/') .replace(/\/index$/, '') .split(publicDir) .pop()! if (mappedPages[file]) { conflictingPublicFiles.push(file) } } const numConflicting = conflictingPublicFiles.length if (numConflicting) { throw new Error( `Conflicting public and page file${ numConflicting === 1 ? ' was' : 's were' } found.\n${conflictingPublicFiles.join( '\n' )}` ) } const buildCustomRoute = ( r: { source: string statusCode?: number }, type: RouteType ) => { const keys: any[] = [] const routeRegex = pathToRegexp(r.source, keys, { strict: true, sensitive: false, delimiter: '/', // default is `/#?`, but Next does not pass query info }) return { ...r, ...(type === 'redirect' ? { statusCode: getRedirectStatus(r as Redirect), permanent: undefined, } : {}), regex: routeRegex.source, } } const routesManifestPath = path.join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST) const routesManifest: any = { version: 1, pages404: true, basePath: config.experimental.basePath, redirects: => buildCustomRoute(r, 'redirect')), rewrites: => buildCustomRoute(r, 'rewrite')), headers: => buildCustomRoute(r, 'header')), dynamicRoutes: getSortedRoutes(dynamicRoutes).map(page => ({ page, regex: getRouteRegex(page).re.source, })), } await mkdirp(distDir) // We need to write the manifest with rewrites before build // so serverless can import the manifest await fsWriteFile(routesManifestPath, JSON.stringify(routesManifest), 'utf8') const configs = await Promise.all([ getBaseWebpackConfig(dir, { tracer, buildId, isServer: false, config, target, pagesDir, entrypoints: entrypoints.client, }), getBaseWebpackConfig(dir, { tracer, buildId, isServer: true, config, target, pagesDir, entrypoints: entrypoints.server, }), ]) const clientConfig = configs[0] if ( clientConfig.optimization && (clientConfig.optimization.minimize !== true || (clientConfig.optimization.minimizer && clientConfig.optimization.minimizer.length === 0)) ) { console.warn( chalk.bold.yellow(`Warning: `) + chalk.bold( `Production code optimization has been disabled in your project. Read more:` ) ) } const webpackBuildStart = process.hrtime() let result: CompilerResult = { warnings: [], errors: [] } // TODO: why do we need this?? if (isLikeServerless) { const clientResult = await runCompiler(clientConfig) // Fail build if clientResult contains errors if (clientResult.errors.length > 0) { result = { warnings: [...clientResult.warnings], errors: [...clientResult.errors], } } else { const serverResult = await runCompiler(configs[1]) result = { warnings: [...clientResult.warnings, ...serverResult.warnings], errors: [...clientResult.errors, ...serverResult.errors], } } } else { result = await runCompiler(configs) } const webpackBuildEnd = process.hrtime(webpackBuildStart) if (buildSpinner) { buildSpinner.stopAndPersist() } console.log() result = formatWebpackMessages(result) if (result.errors.length > 0) { // Only keep the first error. Others are often indicative // of the same problem, but confuse the reader with noise. if (result.errors.length > 1) { result.errors.length = 1 } const error = result.errors.join('\n\n') console.error('Failed to compile.\n')) if ( error.indexOf('private-next-pages') > -1 && error.indexOf('does not contain a default export') > -1 ) { const page_name_regex = /'private-next-pages\/(?[^']*)'/ const parsed = page_name_regex.exec(error) const page_name = parsed && parsed.groups && parsed.groups.page_name throw new Error( `webpack build failed: found page without a React Component as default export in pages/${page_name}\n\nSee for more info.` ) } console.error(error) console.error() if ( error.indexOf('private-next-pages') > -1 || error.indexOf('__next_polyfill__') > -1 ) { throw new Error( '> webpack config.resolve.alias was incorrectly overriden.' ) } throw new Error('> Build failed because of webpack errors') } else { telemetry.record( eventBuildCompleted(pagePaths, { durationInSeconds: webpackBuildEnd[0], }) ) if (result.warnings.length > 0) { console.warn(chalk.yellow('Compiled with warnings.\n')) console.warn(result.warnings.join('\n\n')) console.warn() } else { console.log('Compiled successfully.\n')) } } const postBuildSpinner = createSpinner({ prefixText: 'Automatically optimizing pages', }) const manifestPath = path.join( distDir, isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY, PAGES_MANIFEST ) const buildManifestPath = path.join(distDir, BUILD_MANIFEST) const ssgPages = new Set() const ssgFallbackPages = new Set() const staticPages = new Set() const invalidPages = new Set() const hybridAmpPages = new Set() const serverPropsPages = new Set() const additionalSsgPaths = new Map>() const pageInfos = new Map() const pagesManifest = JSON.parse(await fsReadFile(manifestPath, 'utf8')) const buildManifest = JSON.parse(await fsReadFile(buildManifestPath, 'utf8')) let customAppGetInitialProps: boolean | undefined process.env.NEXT_PHASE = PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD const staticCheckWorkers = new Worker(staticCheckWorker, { numWorkers: config.experimental.cpus, enableWorkerThreads: config.experimental.workerThreads, }) as Worker & { isPageStatic: typeof isPageStatic } staticCheckWorkers.getStdout().pipe(process.stdout) staticCheckWorkers.getStderr().pipe(process.stderr) const analysisBegin = process.hrtime() await Promise.all( page => { const actualPage = normalizePagePath(page) const [selfSize, allSize] = await getPageSizeInKb( actualPage, distDir, buildId, buildManifest, config.experimental.modern ) const bundleRelative = path.join( isLikeServerless ? 'pages' : `static/${buildId}/pages`, actualPage + '.js' ) const serverBundle = path.join( distDir, isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY, bundleRelative ) let isSsg = false let isStatic = false let isHybridAmp = false let ssgPageRoutes: string[] | null = null let hasSsgFallback: boolean = false pagesManifest[page] = bundleRelative.replace(/\\/g, '/') const runtimeEnvConfig = { publicRuntimeConfig: config.publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig: config.serverRuntimeConfig, } const nonReservedPage = !page.match(/^\/(_app|_error|_document|api)/) if (nonReservedPage && customAppGetInitialProps === undefined) { customAppGetInitialProps = hasCustomAppGetInitialProps( isLikeServerless ? serverBundle : path.join( distDir, SERVER_DIRECTORY, `/static/${buildId}/pages/_app.js` ), runtimeEnvConfig ) if (customAppGetInitialProps) { console.warn( chalk.bold.yellow(`Warning: `) + chalk.yellow( `You have opted-out of Automatic Static Optimization due to \`getInitialProps\` in \`pages/_app\`.` ) ) console.warn( 'Read more:\n' ) } } if (nonReservedPage) { try { let result = await staticCheckWorkers.isPageStatic( page, serverBundle, runtimeEnvConfig ) if (result.isHybridAmp) { isHybridAmp = true hybridAmpPages.add(page) } if (result.hasStaticProps) { ssgPages.add(page) isSsg = true if (result.prerenderRoutes) { additionalSsgPaths.set(page, result.prerenderRoutes) ssgPageRoutes = result.prerenderRoutes } if (result.prerenderFallback) { hasSsgFallback = true ssgFallbackPages.add(page) } } else if (result.hasServerProps) { serverPropsPages.add(page) } else if (result.isStatic && customAppGetInitialProps === false) { staticPages.add(page) isStatic = true } if (hasPages404 && page === '/404') { if (!result.isStatic) { throw new Error(PAGES_404_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR) } // we need to ensure the 404 lambda is present since we use // it when _app has getInitialProps if (customAppGetInitialProps) { staticPages.delete(page) } } } catch (err) { if (err.message !== 'INVALID_DEFAULT_EXPORT') throw err invalidPages.add(page) } } pageInfos.set(page, { size: selfSize, totalSize: allSize, serverBundle, static: isStatic, isSsg, isHybridAmp, ssgPageRoutes, hasSsgFallback, }) }) ) staticCheckWorkers.end() if (serverPropsPages.size > 0 || ssgPages.size > 0) { // We update the routes manifest after the build with the // data routes since we can't determine these until after build routesManifest.dataRoutes = getSortedRoutes([ ...serverPropsPages, ...ssgPages, ]).map(page => { const pagePath = normalizePagePath(page) const dataRoute = path.posix.join( '/_next/data', buildId, `${pagePath}.json` ) return { page, dataRouteRegex: isDynamicRoute(page) ? getRouteRegex(dataRoute.replace(/\.json$/, '')).re.source.replace( /\(\?:\\\/\)\?\$$/, '\\.json$' ) : new RegExp( `^${path.posix.join( '/_next/data', escapeStringRegexp(buildId), `${pagePath}.json` )}$` ).source, } }) await fsWriteFile( routesManifestPath, JSON.stringify(routesManifest), 'utf8' ) } // Since custom _app.js can wrap the 404 page we have to opt-out of static optimization if it has getInitialProps // Only export the static 404 when there is no /_error present const useStatic404 = !customAppGetInitialProps && (!hasCustomErrorPage || hasPages404) if (invalidPages.size > 0) { throw new Error( `Build optimization failed: found page${ invalidPages.size === 1 ? '' : 's' } without a React Component as default export in \n${[...invalidPages] .map(pg => `pages${pg}`) .join( '\n' )}\n\nSee for more info.\n` ) } if (Array.isArray(configs[0].plugins)) { configs[0].plugins.some((plugin: any) => { if (!plugin.ampPages) { return false } plugin.ampPages.forEach((pg: any) => { pageInfos.get(pg)!.isAmp = true }) return true }) } await writeBuildId(distDir, buildId) const finalPrerenderRoutes: { [route: string]: SsgRoute } = {} const tbdPrerenderRoutes: string[] = [] if (staticPages.size > 0 || ssgPages.size > 0 || useStatic404) { const combinedPages = [...staticPages, ...ssgPages] const exportApp = require('../export').default const exportOptions = { silent: true, buildExport: true, threads: config.experimental.cpus, pages: combinedPages, outdir: path.join(distDir, 'export'), } const exportConfig: any = { ...config, initialPageRevalidationMap: {}, // Default map will be the collection of automatic statically exported // pages and SPR pages. // n.b. we cannot handle this above in combinedPages because the dynamic // page must be in the `pages` array, but not in the mapping. exportPathMap: (defaultMap: any) => { // Dynamically routed pages should be prerendered to be used as // a client-side skeleton (fallback) while data is being fetched. // This ensures the end-user never sees a 500 or slow response from the // server. // // Note: prerendering disables automatic static optimization. ssgPages.forEach(page => { if (isDynamicRoute(page)) { tbdPrerenderRoutes.push(page) if (ssgFallbackPages.has(page)) { // Override the rendering for the dynamic page to be treated as a // fallback render. defaultMap[page] = { page, query: { __nextFallback: true } } } else { // Remove dynamically routed pages from the default path map when // fallback behavior is disabled. delete defaultMap[page] } } }) // Append the "well-known" routes we should prerender for, e.g. blog // post slugs. additionalSsgPaths.forEach((routes, page) => { routes.forEach(route => { defaultMap[route] = { page } }) }) if (useStatic404) { defaultMap['/404'] = { page: hasPages404 ? '/404' : '/_error', } } return defaultMap }, exportTrailingSlash: false, } await exportApp(dir, exportOptions, exportConfig) // remove server bundles that were exported for (const page of staticPages) { const { serverBundle } = pageInfos.get(page)! await fsUnlink(serverBundle) } const moveExportedPage = async ( page: string, file: string, isSsg: boolean, ext: 'html' | 'json' ) => { file = `${file}.${ext}` const orig = path.join(exportOptions.outdir, file) const relativeDest = (isLikeServerless ? path.join('pages', file) : path.join('static', buildId, 'pages', file) ).replace(/\\/g, '/') const dest = path.join( distDir, isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY, relativeDest ) if (!isSsg) { pagesManifest[page] = relativeDest if (page === '/') pagesManifest['/index'] = relativeDest if (page === '/.amp') pagesManifest['/index.amp'] = relativeDest } await mkdirp(path.dirname(dest)) await fsMove(orig, dest) } // Only move /404 to /404 when there is no custom 404 as in that case we don't know about the 404 page if (!hasPages404 && useStatic404) { await moveExportedPage('/404', '/404', false, 'html') } for (const page of combinedPages) { const isSsg = ssgPages.has(page) const isSsgFallback = ssgFallbackPages.has(page) const isDynamic = isDynamicRoute(page) const hasAmp = hybridAmpPages.has(page) let file = normalizePagePath(page) // The dynamic version of SSG pages are only prerendered if the fallback // is enabled. Below, we handle the specific prerenders of these. if (!(isSsg && isDynamic && !isSsgFallback)) { await moveExportedPage(page, file, isSsg, 'html') } if (hasAmp) { await moveExportedPage(`${page}.amp`, `${file}.amp`, isSsg, 'html') } if (isSsg) { // For a non-dynamic SSG page, we must copy its data file from export. if (!isDynamic) { await moveExportedPage(page, file, true, 'json') finalPrerenderRoutes[page] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[page], srcRoute: null, dataRoute: path.posix.join('/_next/data', buildId, `${file}.json`), } } else { // For a dynamic SSG page, we did not copy its data exports and only // copy the fallback HTML file (if present). // We must also copy specific versions of this page as defined by // `getStaticPaths` (additionalSsgPaths). const extraRoutes = additionalSsgPaths.get(page) || [] for (const route of extraRoutes) { await moveExportedPage(route, route, true, 'html') await moveExportedPage(route, route, true, 'json') finalPrerenderRoutes[route] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[route], srcRoute: page, dataRoute: path.posix.join( '/_next/data', buildId, `${normalizePagePath(route)}.json` ), } } } } } // remove temporary export folder await recursiveDelete(exportOptions.outdir) await fsRmdir(exportOptions.outdir) await fsWriteFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(pagesManifest), 'utf8') } if (postBuildSpinner) postBuildSpinner.stopAndPersist() console.log() const analysisEnd = process.hrtime(analysisBegin) telemetry.record( eventBuildOptimize(pagePaths, { durationInSeconds: analysisEnd[0], staticPageCount: staticPages.size, staticPropsPageCount: ssgPages.size, serverPropsPageCount: serverPropsPages.size, ssrPageCount: pagePaths.length - (staticPages.size + ssgPages.size + serverPropsPages.size), hasStatic404: useStatic404, }) ) if (ssgPages.size > 0) { const finalDynamicRoutes: PrerenderManifest['dynamicRoutes'] = {} tbdPrerenderRoutes.forEach(tbdRoute => { const normalizedRoute = normalizePagePath(tbdRoute) const dataRoute = path.posix.join( '/_next/data', buildId, `${normalizedRoute}.json` ) finalDynamicRoutes[tbdRoute] = { routeRegex: getRouteRegex(tbdRoute).re.source, dataRoute, fallback: ssgFallbackPages.has(tbdRoute) ? `${normalizedRoute}.html` : false, dataRouteRegex: getRouteRegex( dataRoute.replace(/\.json$/, '') ).re.source.replace(/\(\?:\\\/\)\?\$$/, '\\.json$'), } }) const prerenderManifest: PrerenderManifest = { version: 2, routes: finalPrerenderRoutes, dynamicRoutes: finalDynamicRoutes, preview: previewProps, } await fsWriteFile( path.join(distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(prerenderManifest), 'utf8' ) await generateClientSsgManifest(prerenderManifest, { distDir, buildId, isModern: !!config.experimental.modern, }) } else { const prerenderManifest: PrerenderManifest = { version: 2, routes: {}, dynamicRoutes: {}, preview: previewProps, } await fsWriteFile( path.join(distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(prerenderManifest), 'utf8' ) // No need to call this fn as we already emitted a default SSG manifest: // await generateClientSsgManifest(prerenderManifest, { distDir, buildId }) } await fsWriteFile( path.join(distDir, EXPORT_MARKER), JSON.stringify({ version: 1, hasExportPathMap: typeof config.exportPathMap === 'function', exportTrailingSlash: config.exportTrailingSlash === true, }), 'utf8' ) await fsUnlink(path.join(distDir, EXPORT_DETAIL)).catch(err => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return Promise.resolve() } return Promise.reject(err) }) staticPages.forEach(pg => allStaticPages.add(pg)) pageInfos.forEach((info: PageInfo, key: string) => { allPageInfos.set(key, info) }) await printTreeView( Object.keys(mappedPages), allPageInfos, isLikeServerless, { distPath: distDir, buildId: buildId, pagesDir, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, buildManifest, isModern: config.experimental.modern, } ) printCustomRoutes({ redirects, rewrites, headers }) if (tracer) { const parsedResults = await tracer.profiler.stopProfiling() await new Promise(resolve => { if (parsedResults === undefined) { tracer.profiler.destroy() tracer.trace.flush() tracer.end(resolve) return } const cpuStartTime = parsedResults.profile.startTime const cpuEndTime = parsedResults.profile.endTime tracer.trace.completeEvent({ name: 'TaskQueueManager::ProcessTaskFromWorkQueue', id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ['toplevel'], ts: cpuStartTime, args: { src_file: '../../ipc/', src_func: 'Accept', }, }) tracer.trace.completeEvent({ name: 'EvaluateScript', id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ['devtools.timeline'], ts: cpuStartTime, dur: cpuEndTime - cpuStartTime, args: { data: { url: 'webpack', lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 1, frame: '0xFFF', }, }, }) tracer.trace.instantEvent({ name: 'CpuProfile', id: ++tracer.counter, cat: ['disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline'], ts: cpuEndTime, args: { data: { cpuProfile: parsedResults.profile, }, }, }) tracer.profiler.destroy() tracer.trace.flush() tracer.end(resolve) }) } await telemetry.flush() } function generateClientSsgManifest( prerenderManifest: PrerenderManifest, { buildId, distDir, isModern, }: { buildId: string; distDir: string; isModern: boolean } ) { const ssgPages: Set = new Set([ ...Object.entries(prerenderManifest.routes) // Filter out dynamic routes .filter(([, { srcRoute }]) => srcRoute == null) .map(([route]) => route), ...Object.keys(prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes), ]) const clientSsgManifestPaths = [ '_ssgManifest.js', isModern && '_ssgManifest.module.js', ] .filter(Boolean) .map(f => path.join(`${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${buildId}`, f as string)) const clientSsgManifestContent = `self.__SSG_MANIFEST=${devalue( ssgPages )};self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB&&self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB()` clientSsgManifestPaths.forEach(clientSsgManifestPath => fs.writeFileSync( path.join(distDir, clientSsgManifestPath), clientSsgManifestContent ) ) }