import type { I18NConfig } from '../../config-shared' import type { RequestData } from '../types' import { NextURL } from '../next-url' import { toNodeHeaders, validateURL } from '../utils' import { RemovedUAError, RemovedPageError } from '../error' import { NextCookies } from './cookies' export const INTERNALS = Symbol('internal request') export class NextRequest extends Request { [INTERNALS]: { cookies: NextCookies geo: RequestData['geo'] ip?: string url: NextURL } constructor(input: URL | RequestInfo, init: RequestInit = {}) { const url = typeof input !== 'string' && 'url' in input ? input.url : String(input) validateURL(url) super(url, init) this[INTERNALS] = { cookies: new NextCookies(this), geo: init.geo || {}, ip: init.ip, url: new NextURL(url, { headers: toNodeHeaders(this.headers), nextConfig: init.nextConfig, }), } } [Symbol.for('edge-runtime.inspect.custom')]() { return { cookies: this.cookies, geo: this.geo, ip: this.ip, nextUrl: this.nextUrl, url: this.url, // rest of props come from Request bodyUsed: this.bodyUsed, cache: this.cache, credentials: this.credentials, destination: this.destination, headers: Object.fromEntries(this.headers), integrity: this.integrity, keepalive: this.keepalive, method: this.method, mode: this.mode, redirect: this.redirect, referrer: this.referrer, referrerPolicy: this.referrerPolicy, signal: this.signal, } } public get cookies() { return this[INTERNALS].cookies } public get geo() { return this[INTERNALS].geo } public get ip() { return this[INTERNALS].ip } public get nextUrl() { return this[INTERNALS].url } /** * @deprecated * `page` has been deprecated in favour of `URLPattern`. * Read more: */ public get page() { throw new RemovedPageError() } /** * @deprecated * `ua` has been removed in favour of \`userAgent\` function. * Read more: */ public get ua() { throw new RemovedUAError() } public get url() { return this[INTERNALS].url.toString() } } export interface RequestInit extends globalThis.RequestInit { geo?: { city?: string country?: string region?: string } ip?: string nextConfig?: { basePath?: string i18n?: I18NConfig | null trailingSlash?: boolean } }