--- description: Turbopack, an incremental bundler built with Rust, can be used with Next.js 13 using the --turbo flag for faster local development. --- # Turbopack (beta) [Turbopack](https://turbo.build/pack) is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, and built into Next.js 13. On large applications, Turbopack updates 700x faster than Webpack. ## Usage Turbopack can be used in Next.js 13 in both the `pages` and `app` directories: 1. Create a Next.js 13 project with Turbopack ```bash npx create-next-app@latest --example with-turbopack ``` 2. Start the Next.js development server (with Turbopack) ```bash next dev --turbo ``` ## Supported Features To learn more about the currently supported features for Turbopack, view the [documentation](https://turbo.build/pack/docs/features).