--- title: 'No `styled-jsx` in `_document`' --- > Prevent usage of `styled-jsx` in `pages/_document.js`. ## Why This Error Occurred Custom CSS like `styled-jsx` is not allowed in a [Custom Document](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-document). ## Possible Ways to Fix It If you need shared CSS for all of your pages, take a look at the [Custom `App`](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-app) file or define a custom layout. For example, consider the following stylesheet named `styles.css`: ```css filename="styles.css" body { font-family: 'SF Pro Text', 'SF Pro Icons', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif; padding: 20px 20px 60px; max-width: 680px; margin: 0 auto; } ``` Create a `pages/_app.{js,tsx}` file if not already present. Then, import the `styles.css` file. ```jsx filename="pages/_app.js" import '../styles.css' // This default export is required in a new `pages/_app.js` file. export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return } ``` These styles (`styles.css`) will apply to all pages and components in your application. ## Useful Links - [Custom Document Caveats](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-document#caveats) - [Layouts](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/pages-and-layouts#layout-pattern) - [Built in CSS Support](/docs/pages/building-your-application/styling) - [Custom `App`](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/custom-app)