import nodePath from 'path' import { nodeFileTrace } from 'next/dist/compiled/@vercel/nft' import { webpack, isWebpack5, sources, } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { TRACE_OUTPUT_VERSION } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { spans } from './profiling-plugin' import { Span } from '../../../trace' import isError from '../../../lib/is-error' const PLUGIN_NAME = 'TraceEntryPointsPlugin' const TRACE_IGNORES = [ '**/*/node_modules/react/**/*.development.js', '**/*/node_modules/react-dom/**/*.development.js', '**/*/next/dist/server/next.js', '**/*/next/dist/bin/next', ] function getModuleFromDependency( compilation: any, dep: any ): webpack.Module & { resource?: string } { if (isWebpack5) { return compilation.moduleGraph.getModule(dep) } return dep.module } export class TraceEntryPointsPlugin implements webpack.Plugin { private appDir: string private entryTraces: Map private excludeFiles: string[] constructor({ appDir, excludeFiles, }: { appDir: string excludeFiles?: string[] }) { this.appDir = appDir this.entryTraces = new Map() this.excludeFiles = excludeFiles || [] } // Here we output all traced assets and webpack chunks to a // ${page}.js.nft.json file createTraceAssets(compilation: any, assets: any, span: Span) { const outputPath = compilation.outputOptions.path const nodeFileTraceSpan = span.traceChild('create-trace-assets') nodeFileTraceSpan.traceFn(() => { for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()) { const entryFiles = new Set() for (const chunk of entrypoint .getEntrypointChunk() .getAllReferencedChunks()) { for (const file of chunk.files) { entryFiles.add(nodePath.join(outputPath, file)) } for (const file of chunk.auxiliaryFiles) { entryFiles.add(nodePath.join(outputPath, file)) } } // don't include the entry itself in the trace entryFiles.delete( nodePath.join( outputPath, `${isWebpack5 ? '../' : ''}${}.js` ) ) const traceOutputName = `${isWebpack5 ? '../' : ''}${ }.js.nft.json` const traceOutputPath = nodePath.dirname( nodePath.join(outputPath, traceOutputName) ) assets[traceOutputName] = new sources.RawSource( JSON.stringify({ version: TRACE_OUTPUT_VERSION, files: [ ...entryFiles, ...(this.entryTraces.get( || []), ].map((file) => { return nodePath .relative(traceOutputPath, file) .replace(/\\/g, '/') }), }) ) } }) } tapfinishModules( compilation: webpack.compilation.Compilation, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan: Span ) { compilation.hooks.finishModules.tapAsync( PLUGIN_NAME, async (_stats: any, callback: any) => { const finishModulesSpan = traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceChild('finish-modules') await finishModulesSpan .traceAsyncFn(async () => { // we create entry -> module maps so that we can // look them up faster instead of having to iterate // over the compilation modules list const entryNameMap = new Map() const entryModMap = new Map() const additionalEntries = new Map>() const depModMap = new Map() finishModulesSpan.traceChild('get-entries').traceFn(() => { compilation.entries.forEach((entry) => { const name = || entry.options?.name if (name?.replace(/\\/g, '/').startsWith('pages/')) { for (const dep of entry.dependencies) { if (!dep) continue const entryMod = getModuleFromDependency(compilation, dep) if (entryMod && entryMod.resource) { if ( entryMod.resource.replace(/\\/g, '/').includes('pages/') ) { entryNameMap.set(entryMod.resource, name) entryModMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod) } else { let curMap = additionalEntries.get(name) if (!curMap) { curMap = new Map() additionalEntries.set(name, curMap) } curMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod) } } } } }) }) // TODO: investigate allowing non-sync fs calls in node-file-trace // for better performance const readFile = (path: string, _span: Span) => { // return span.traceChild('read-file', { path }).traceFn(() => { const mod = depModMap.get(path) || entryModMap.get(path) // map the transpiled source when available to avoid // parse errors in node-file-trace const source = mod?.originalSource?.() if (source) { return source.buffer() } try { return compilation.inputFileSystem.readFileSync(path) } catch (e) { if ( isError(e) && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'EISDIR') ) { return null } throw e } // }) } const readlink = (path: string, _span: Span) => { // return span.traceChild('read-link', { path }).traceFn(() => { try { return compilation.inputFileSystem.readlinkSync(path) } catch (e) { if ( isError(e) && (e.code === 'EINVAL' || e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'UNKNOWN') ) { return null } throw e } // }) } const stat = (path: string, _span: Span) => { // return span.traceChild('stat', { path }).traceFn(() => { try { return compilation.inputFileSystem.statSync(path) } catch (e) { if (isError(e) && e.code === 'ENOENT') { return null } throw e } // }) } const nftCache = {} const entryPaths = Array.from(entryModMap.keys()) for (const entry of entryPaths) { const entrySpan = finishModulesSpan.traceChild('entry', { entry }) await entrySpan.traceAsyncFn(async () => { depModMap.clear() const entryMod = entryModMap.get(entry) // TODO: investigate caching, will require ensuring no traced // files in the cache have changed, we could potentially hash // all traced files and only leverage the cache if the hashes // match // const cachedTraces = entryMod.buildInfo?.cachedNextEntryTrace // Use cached trace if available and trace version matches // if ( // isWebpack5 && // cachedTraces && // cachedTraces.version === TRACE_OUTPUT_VERSION // ) { // this.entryTraces.set( // entryNameMap.get(entry)!, // cachedTraces.tracedDeps // ) // continue // } const collectDependencies = (mod: any) => { if (!mod || !mod.dependencies) return for (const dep of mod.dependencies) { const depMod = getModuleFromDependency(compilation, dep) if (depMod?.resource && !depModMap.get(depMod.resource)) { depModMap.set(depMod.resource, depMod) collectDependencies(depMod) } } } collectDependencies(entryMod) const toTrace: string[] = [entry, ...depModMap.keys()] const entryName = entryNameMap.get(entry)! const curExtraEntries = additionalEntries.get(entryName) if (curExtraEntries) { toTrace.push(...curExtraEntries.keys()) } const root = nodePath.parse(process.cwd()).root const fileTraceSpan = entrySpan.traceChild('node-file-trace') const result = await fileTraceSpan.traceAsyncFn(() => nodeFileTrace(toTrace, { base: root, cache: nftCache, processCwd: this.appDir, readFile: (path) => readFile(path, fileTraceSpan), readlink: (path) => readlink(path, fileTraceSpan), stat: (path) => stat(path, fileTraceSpan), ignore: [...TRACE_IGNORES, ...this.excludeFiles], mixedModules: true, }) ) const tracedDeps: string[] = [] for (const file of result.fileList) { if (result.reasons[file].type === 'initial') { continue } tracedDeps.push(nodePath.join(root, file)) } // entryMod.buildInfo.cachedNextEntryTrace = { // version: TRACE_OUTPUT_VERSION, // tracedDeps, // } this.entryTraces.set(entryName, tracedDeps) }) } }) .then( () => callback(), (err) => callback(err) ) } ) } apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) { if (isWebpack5) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation) => { const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)! const traceEntrypointsPluginSpan = compilationSpan.traceChild( 'next-trace-entrypoint-plugin' ) traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceFn(() => { // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap( { name: PLUGIN_NAME, // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE, }, (assets: any) => { this.createTraceAssets( compilation, assets, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan ) } ) this.tapfinishModules(compilation, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan) }) }) } else { compiler.hooks.emit.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation: any) => { const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation)! || spans.get(compiler) const traceEntrypointsPluginSpan = compilationSpan.traceChild( 'next-trace-entrypoint-plugin' ) traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceFn(() => { this.createTraceAssets( compilation, compilation.assets, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan ) }) }) compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation) => { const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation)! || spans.get(compiler) const traceEntrypointsPluginSpan = compilationSpan.traceChild( 'next-trace-entrypoint-plugin' ) traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceFn(() => this.tapfinishModules(compilation, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan) ) }) } } }