import Link from 'next/link' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.caughtWarns = [] const origWarn = window.console.warn window.console.warn = function (...args) { window.caughtWarns.push(args) origWarn(...args) } } const Page = () => { return (

My blog

View post 1
View post 1 (hash)
View post 1 (hash only href)
View post 1 (href query)
View post 1 (hash interpolated)
View post 1 (no as)
View post 1 (interpolated)
View post 1 (interpolated incorrectly)
View post 1 (interpolated additional query)
View post 1 comments
View comment 1 on post 1
View comment 1 on post 1 (no as)
View comment 1 on post 1 (interpolated)
View comment 123 on blog post 321
View post 1 with query
View test with hash
Catch-all route (single)
Catch-all route (multi)
Catch-all route (encoded)
Catch-all route :42
Catch-all route (single)
Catch-all route (single interpolated)
Catch-all route (multi)
Catch-all route (multi)
Catch-all route (multi interpolated)
Nested Catch-all route (single)
Nested Catch-all route (multi)
Dynamic route no as


) } export default Page