import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from 'react' import type { ChildProp } from '../../server/app-render' import type { ChildSegmentMap } from '../../shared/lib/app-router-context' import type { FlightRouterState, FlightSegmentPath, FlightDataPath, } from '../../server/app-render' import { AppTreeContext, GlobalLayoutRouterContext, } from '../../shared/lib/app-router-context' import { fetchServerResponse } from './app-router.client' import { matchSegment } from './match-segments' let infinitePromise: Promise | Error function equalArray(a: any[], b: any[]) { return a.length === b.length && a.every((val, i) => matchSegment(val, b[i])) } function pathMatches( flightDataPath: FlightDataPath, layoutSegmentPath: FlightSegmentPath ): boolean { // The last two items are the tree and subTreeData const pathToLayout = flightDataPath.slice(0, -3) return equalArray(layoutSegmentPath, pathToLayout) } function createInfinitePromise() { if (!infinitePromise) { infinitePromise = new Promise((/* resolve */) => { // Note: this is used to debug when the rendering is never updated. // setTimeout(() => { // infinitePromise = new Error('Infinite promise') // resolve() // }, 5000) }) } return infinitePromise } function topOfElementInViewport(element: HTMLElement) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect() return >= 0 } export function InnerLayoutRouter({ parallelRouterKey, url, childNodes, childProp, segmentPath, tree, // isActive, path, rootLayoutIncluded, }: { parallelRouterKey: string url: string childNodes: ChildSegmentMap childProp: ChildProp | null segmentPath: FlightSegmentPath tree: FlightRouterState isActive: boolean path: string rootLayoutIncluded: boolean }) { const { changeByServerResponse, tree: fullTree, focusRef, } = useContext(GlobalLayoutRouterContext) const focusAndScrollRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (focusRef.focus && focusAndScrollRef.current) { focusRef.focus = false focusAndScrollRef.current.focus() // Only scroll into viewport when the layout is not visible currently. if (!topOfElementInViewport(focusAndScrollRef.current)) { focusAndScrollRef.current.scrollIntoView() } } }, [focusRef]) let childNode = childNodes.get(path) if (childProp && !childNode) { childNodes.set(path, { data: null, subTreeData: childProp.current, parallelRoutes: new Map(), }) childProp.current = null // In the above case childNode was set on childNodes, so we have to get it from the cacheNodes again. childNode = childNodes.get(path) } if (!childNode) { const walkAddRefetch = ( segmentPathToWalk: FlightSegmentPath | undefined, treeToRecreate: FlightRouterState ): FlightRouterState => { if (segmentPathToWalk) { const [segment, parallelRouteKey] = segmentPathToWalk const isLast = segmentPathToWalk.length === 2 if (treeToRecreate[0] === segment) { if (treeToRecreate[1].hasOwnProperty(parallelRouteKey)) { if (isLast) { const subTree = walkAddRefetch( undefined, treeToRecreate[1][parallelRouteKey] ) if (!subTree[2]) { subTree[2] = undefined } subTree[3] = 'refetch' return [ treeToRecreate[0], { ...treeToRecreate[1], [parallelRouteKey]: [...subTree], }, ] } return [ treeToRecreate[0], { ...treeToRecreate[1], [parallelRouteKey]: walkAddRefetch( segmentPathToWalk.slice(2), treeToRecreate[1][parallelRouteKey] ), }, ] } } } return treeToRecreate } // TODO-APP: remove '' const refetchTree = walkAddRefetch(['', ...segmentPath], fullTree) const data = fetchServerResponse(new URL(url, location.origin), refetchTree) childNodes.set(path, { data, subTreeData: null, parallelRoutes: new Map(), }) // In the above case childNode was set on childNodes, so we have to get it from the cacheNodes again. childNode = childNodes.get(path) } // In the above case childNode was set on childNodes, so we have to get it from the cacheNodes again. childNode = childNodes.get(path) if (!childNode) { throw new Error('Child node should always exist') } if (childNode.subTreeData && { throw new Error('Child node should not have both subTreeData and data') } if ( { // TODO-APP: error case const flightData = // Handle case when navigating to page in `pages` from `app` if (typeof flightData === 'string') { window.location.href = url return null } let fastPath: boolean = false // segmentPath matches what came back from the server. This is the happy path. if (flightData.length === 1) { const flightDataPath = flightData[0] if (pathMatches(flightDataPath, segmentPath)) { = null // Last item is the subtreeData // TODO-APP: routerTreePatch needs to be applied to the tree, handle it in render? const [, /* routerTreePatch */ subTreeData] = flightDataPath.slice(-2) childNode.subTreeData = subTreeData childNode.parallelRoutes = new Map() fastPath = true } } if (!fastPath) { // For push we can set data in the cache // segmentPath from the server does not match the layout's segmentPath = null setTimeout(() => { // @ts-ignore startTransition exists React.startTransition(() => { // TODO-APP: handle redirect changeByServerResponse(fullTree, flightData) }) }) // Suspend infinitely as `changeByServerResponse` will cause a different part of the tree to be rendered. throw createInfinitePromise() } } // TODO-APP: double check users can't return null in a component that will kick in here if (!childNode.subTreeData) { throw createInfinitePromise() } const subtree = ( {childNode.subTreeData} ) // Ensure root layout is not wrapped in a div return rootLayoutIncluded ? (
) : ( subtree ) } function LoadingBoundary({ children, loading, }: { children: React.ReactNode loading?: React.ReactNode }) { if (loading) { return {children} } return <>{children} } export default function OuterLayoutRouter({ parallelRouterKey, segmentPath, childProp, loading, rootLayoutIncluded, }: { parallelRouterKey: string segmentPath: FlightSegmentPath childProp: ChildProp loading: React.ReactNode | undefined rootLayoutIncluded: boolean }) { const { childNodes, tree, url } = useContext(AppTreeContext) let childNodesForParallelRouter = childNodes.get(parallelRouterKey) if (!childNodesForParallelRouter) { childNodes.set(parallelRouterKey, new Map()) childNodesForParallelRouter = childNodes.get(parallelRouterKey)! } // This relates to the segments in the current router // tree[1].children[0] refers to tree.children.segment in the data format const treeSegment = tree[1][parallelRouterKey][0] const childPropSegment = Array.isArray(childProp.segment) ? childProp.segment[1] : childProp.segment const currentChildSegment = (Array.isArray(treeSegment) ? treeSegment[1] : treeSegment) ?? childPropSegment const preservedSegments: string[] = [currentChildSegment] return ( <> {/* {stylesheets ? => ( )) : null} */} { => { return ( ) })} ) }