import './node-polyfill-fetch' import './node-polyfill-web-streams' import type { TLSSocket } from 'tls' import type { Route } from './router' import { CacheFs, DecodeError, PageNotFoundError, MiddlewareNotFoundError, } from '../shared/lib/utils' import type { MiddlewareManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin' import type RenderResult from './render-result' import type { FetchEventResult } from './web/types' import type { PrerenderManifest } from '../build' import type { Rewrite } from '../lib/load-custom-routes' import type { BaseNextRequest, BaseNextResponse } from './base-http' import type { PagesManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin' import type { PayloadOptions } from './send-payload' import type { NextParsedUrlQuery, NextUrlWithParsedQuery } from './request-meta' import type { Params, RouteMatch, } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import fs from 'fs' import { join, relative, resolve, sep } from 'path' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { addRequestMeta, getRequestMeta } from './request-meta' import { PAGES_MANIFEST, BUILD_ID_FILE, MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME, PRERENDER_MANIFEST, ROUTES_MANIFEST, FLIGHT_MANIFEST, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH, APP_PATHS_MANIFEST, } from '../shared/lib/constants' import { recursiveReadDirSync } from './lib/recursive-readdir-sync' import { format as formatUrl, UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url' import compression from 'next/dist/compiled/compression' import HttpProxy from 'next/dist/compiled/http-proxy' import { getPathMatch } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/path-match' import { run } from './web/sandbox' import { NodeNextRequest, NodeNextResponse } from './base-http/node' import { sendRenderResult } from './send-payload' import { getExtension, serveStatic } from './serve-static' import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import { apiResolver } from './api-utils/node' import { RenderOpts, renderToHTML } from './render' import { renderToHTMLOrFlight as appRenderToHTMLOrFlight } from './app-render' import { ParsedUrl, parseUrl } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-url' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import BaseServer, { Options, FindComponentsResult, prepareServerlessUrl, stringifyQuery, RoutingItem, } from './base-server' import { getPagePath, requireFontManifest } from './require' import { denormalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path' import { normalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path' import { loadComponents } from './load-components' import isError, { getProperError } from '../lib/is-error' import { FontManifest } from './font-utils' import { toNodeHeaders } from './web/utils' import { relativizeURL } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/relativize-url' import { prepareDestination } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination' import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path' import { getRouteMatcher } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env' import { getCustomRoute } from './server-route-utils' import { urlQueryToSearchParams } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/querystring' import ResponseCache from '../server/response-cache' import { removeTrailingSlash } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash' import { getNextPathnameInfo } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info' import { bodyStreamToNodeStream, getClonableBody } from './body-streams' import { checkIsManualRevalidate } from './api-utils' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils' import { shouldUseReactRoot } from './utils' if (shouldUseReactRoot) { ;(process.env as any).__NEXT_REACT_ROOT = 'true' } export * from './base-server' type ExpressMiddleware = ( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: (err?: Error) => void ) => void export interface NodeRequestHandler { ( req: IncomingMessage | BaseNextRequest, res: ServerResponse | BaseNextResponse, parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery | undefined ): Promise } export default class NextNodeServer extends BaseServer { private imageResponseCache?: ResponseCache constructor(options: Options) { // Initialize super class super(options) /** * This sets environment variable to be used at the time of SSR by head.tsx. * Using this from process.env allows targeting both serverless and SSR by calling * `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS`. */ if (this.renderOpts.optimizeFonts) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(true) } if (this.renderOpts.optimizeCss) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS = JSON.stringify(true) } if (this.renderOpts.nextScriptWorkers) { process.env.__NEXT_SCRIPT_WORKERS = JSON.stringify(true) } if (!this.minimalMode) { const { ImageOptimizerCache } = require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer') this.imageResponseCache = new ResponseCache( new ImageOptimizerCache({ distDir: this.distDir, nextConfig: this.nextConfig, }), this.minimalMode ) } if (! { // pre-warm _document and _app as these will be // needed for most requests loadComponents(this.distDir, '/_document', this._isLikeServerless).catch( () => {} ) loadComponents(this.distDir, '/_app', this._isLikeServerless).catch( () => {} ) } } private compression = this.nextConfig.compress && === 'server' ? (compression() as ExpressMiddleware) : undefined protected loadEnvConfig({ dev }: { dev: boolean }) { loadEnvConfig(this.dir, dev, Log) } protected getPublicDir(): string { return join(this.dir, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH) } protected getHasStaticDir(): boolean { return fs.existsSync(join(this.dir, 'static')) } protected getPagesManifest(): PagesManifest | undefined { return require(join(this.serverDistDir, PAGES_MANIFEST)) } protected getAppPathsManifest(): PagesManifest | undefined { if (this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir) { const appPathsManifestPath = join(this.serverDistDir, APP_PATHS_MANIFEST) return require(appPathsManifestPath) } } protected getBuildId(): string { const buildIdFile = join(this.distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE) try { return fs.readFileSync(buildIdFile, 'utf8').trim() } catch (err) { if (!fs.existsSync(buildIdFile)) { throw new Error( `Could not find a production build in the '${this.distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the production server.` ) } throw err } } protected generateImageRoutes(): Route[] { return [ { match: getPathMatch('/_next/image'), type: 'route', name: '_next/image catchall', fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => { if (this.minimalMode) { res.statusCode = 400 res.body('Bad Request').send() return { finished: true, } } const { getHash, ImageOptimizerCache, sendResponse, ImageError } = require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer') if (!this.imageResponseCache) { throw new Error( 'invariant image optimizer cache was not initialized' ) } const imagesConfig = this.nextConfig.images if (imagesConfig.loader !== 'default') { await this.render404(req, res) return { finished: true } } const paramsResult = ImageOptimizerCache.validateParams( (req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest, parsedUrl.query, this.nextConfig, !! ) if ('errorMessage' in paramsResult) { res.statusCode = 400 res.body(paramsResult.errorMessage).send() return { finished: true } } const cacheKey = ImageOptimizerCache.getCacheKey(paramsResult) try { const cacheEntry = await this.imageResponseCache.get( cacheKey, async () => { const { buffer, contentType, maxAge } = await this.imageOptimizer( req as NodeNextRequest, res as NodeNextResponse, paramsResult ) const etag = getHash([buffer]) return { value: { kind: 'IMAGE', buffer, etag, extension: getExtension(contentType) as string, }, revalidate: maxAge, } }, {} ) if (cacheEntry?.value?.kind !== 'IMAGE') { throw new Error( 'invariant did not get entry from image response cache' ) } sendResponse( (req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest, (res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse, paramsResult.href, cacheEntry.value.extension, cacheEntry.value.buffer, paramsResult.isStatic, cacheEntry.isMiss ? 'MISS' : cacheEntry.isStale ? 'STALE' : 'HIT', imagesConfig.contentSecurityPolicy, cacheEntry.revalidate || 0, Boolean( ) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ImageError) { res.statusCode = err.statusCode res.body(err.message).send() return { finished: true, } } throw err } return { finished: true } }, }, ] } protected generateStaticRoutes(): Route[] { return this.hasStaticDir ? [ { // It's very important to keep this route's param optional. // (but it should support as many params as needed, separated by '/') // Otherwise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack. // See more: match: getPathMatch('/static/:path*'), name: 'static catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...params.path) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, } as Route, ] : [] } protected setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res: BaseNextResponse): void { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable') } protected generateFsStaticRoutes(): Route[] { return [ { match: getPathMatch('/_next/static/:path*'), type: 'route', name: '_next/static catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { // make sure to 404 for /_next/static itself if (!params.path) { await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } } if ( params.path[0] === CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME || params.path[0] === 'chunks' || params.path[0] === 'css' || params.path[0] === 'image' || params.path[0] === 'media' || params.path[0] === this.buildId || params.path[0] === 'pages' || params.path[1] === 'pages' ) { this.setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res) } const p = join( this.distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, ...(params.path || []) ) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, }, ] } protected generatePublicRoutes(): Route[] { if (!fs.existsSync(this.publicDir)) return [] const publicFiles = new Set( recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((p) => encodeURI(p.replace(/\\/g, '/')) ) ) return [ { match: getPathMatch('/:path*'), matchesBasePath: true, name: 'public folder catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const pathParts: string[] = params.path || [] const { basePath } = this.nextConfig // if basePath is defined require it be present if (basePath) { const basePathParts = basePath.split('/') // remove first empty value basePathParts.shift() if ( !basePathParts.every((part: string, idx: number) => { return part === pathParts[idx] }) ) { return { finished: false } } pathParts.splice(0, basePathParts.length) } let path = `/${pathParts.join('/')}` if (!publicFiles.has(path)) { // In `next-dev-server.ts`, we ensure encoded paths match // decoded paths on the filesystem. So we need do the // opposite here: make sure decoded paths match encoded. path = encodeURI(path) } if (publicFiles.has(path)) { await this.serveStatic( req, res, join(this.publicDir, ...pathParts), parsedUrl ) return { finished: true, } } return { finished: false, } }, } as Route, ] } private _validFilesystemPathSet: Set | null = null protected getFilesystemPaths(): Set { if (this._validFilesystemPathSet) { return this._validFilesystemPathSet } const pathUserFilesStatic = join(this.dir, 'static') let userFilesStatic: string[] = [] if (this.hasStaticDir && fs.existsSync(pathUserFilesStatic)) { userFilesStatic = recursiveReadDirSync(pathUserFilesStatic).map((f) => join('.', 'static', f) ) } let userFilesPublic: string[] = [] if (this.publicDir && fs.existsSync(this.publicDir)) { userFilesPublic = recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((f) => join('.', 'public', f) ) } let nextFilesStatic: string[] = [] nextFilesStatic = !this.minimalMode && fs.existsSync(join(this.distDir, 'static')) ? recursiveReadDirSync(join(this.distDir, 'static')).map((f) => join('.', relative(this.dir, this.distDir), 'static', f) ) : [] return (this._validFilesystemPathSet = new Set([ ...nextFilesStatic, ...userFilesPublic, ...userFilesStatic, ])) } protected sendRenderResult( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, options: { result: RenderResult type: 'html' | 'json' generateEtags: boolean poweredByHeader: boolean options?: PayloadOptions | undefined } ): Promise { return sendRenderResult({ req: req.originalRequest, res: res.originalResponse, ...options, }) } protected sendStatic( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, path: string ): Promise { return serveStatic(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, path) } protected handleCompression( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse ): void { if (this.compression) { this.compression(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, () => {}) } } protected async proxyRequest( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, parsedUrl: ParsedUrl ) { const { query } = parsedUrl delete (parsedUrl as any).query = stringifyQuery(req, query) const target = formatUrl(parsedUrl) const proxy = new HttpProxy({ target, changeOrigin: true, ignorePath: true, xfwd: true, proxyTimeout: 30_000, // limit proxying to 30 seconds }) await new Promise((proxyResolve, proxyReject) => { let finished = false proxy.on('proxyReq', (proxyReq) => { proxyReq.on('close', () => { if (!finished) { finished = true proxyResolve(true) } }) }) proxy.on('error', (err) => { if (!finished) { finished = true proxyReject(err) } }) proxy.web(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse) }) return { finished: true, } } protected async runApi( req: BaseNextRequest | NodeNextRequest, res: BaseNextResponse | NodeNextResponse, query: ParsedUrlQuery, params: Params | undefined, page: string, builtPagePath: string ): Promise { const handledAsEdgeFunction = await this.runEdgeFunction({ req, res, query, params, page, }) if (handledAsEdgeFunction) { return true } const pageModule = await require(builtPagePath) query = { ...query, ...params } delete query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextDefaultLocale if (! && this._isLikeServerless) { if (typeof pageModule.default === 'function') { prepareServerlessUrl(req, query) await pageModule.default(req, res) return true } } await apiResolver( (req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest, (res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse, query, pageModule, { ...this.renderOpts.previewProps, revalidate: (newReq: IncomingMessage, newRes: ServerResponse) => this.getRequestHandler()( new NodeNextRequest(newReq), new NodeNextResponse(newRes) ), // internal config so is not typed trustHostHeader: (this.nextConfig.experimental as any).trustHostHeader, }, this.minimalMode,, page ) return true } protected async renderHTML( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, pathname: string, query: NextParsedUrlQuery, renderOpts: RenderOpts ): Promise { // Due to the way we pass data by mutating `renderOpts`, we can't extend the // object here but only updating its `serverComponentManifest` field. // renderOpts.serverComponentManifest = this.serverComponentManifest if ( this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir && (renderOpts.isAppPath || query.__flight__) ) { const isPagesDir = !renderOpts.isAppPath return appRenderToHTMLOrFlight( req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, pathname, query, renderOpts, isPagesDir ) } return renderToHTML( req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, pathname, query, renderOpts ) } protected streamResponseChunk(res: NodeNextResponse, chunk: any) { res.originalResponse.write(chunk) // When both compression and streaming are enabled, we need to explicitly // flush the response to avoid it being buffered by gzip. if (this.compression && 'flush' in res.originalResponse) { ;(res.originalResponse as any).flush() } } protected async imageOptimizer( req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, paramsResult: import('./image-optimizer').ImageParamsResult ): Promise<{ buffer: Buffer; contentType: string; maxAge: number }> { const { imageOptimizer } = require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer') return imageOptimizer( req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, paramsResult, this.nextConfig, (newReq, newRes, newParsedUrl) => this.getRequestHandler()( new NodeNextRequest(newReq), new NodeNextResponse(newRes), newParsedUrl ) ) } protected getPagePath(pathname: string, locales?: string[]): string { return getPagePath( pathname, this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless,, locales, this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir ) } protected async findPageComponents( pathname: string, query: NextParsedUrlQuery = {}, params: Params | null = null, isAppDir: boolean = false ): Promise { let paths = [ // try serving a static AMP version first query.amp ? normalizePagePath(pathname) + '.amp' : null, pathname, ].filter(Boolean) if (query.__nextLocale) { paths = [ (path) => `/${query.__nextLocale}${path === '/' ? '' : path}` ), ...paths, ] } for (const pagePath of paths) { try { const components = await loadComponents( this.distDir, pagePath!, ! && this._isLikeServerless, this.renderOpts.serverComponents, this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir ) if ( query.__nextLocale && typeof components.Component === 'string' && !pagePath?.startsWith(`/${query.__nextLocale}`) ) { // if loading an static HTML file the locale is required // to be present since all HTML files are output under their locale continue } return { components, query: { ...(components.getStaticProps ? ({ amp: query.amp, __nextDataReq: query.__nextDataReq, __nextLocale: query.__nextLocale, __nextDefaultLocale: query.__nextDefaultLocale, __flight__: query.__flight__, } as NextParsedUrlQuery) : query), // For appDir params is excluded. ...((isAppDir ? {} : params) || {}), }, } } catch (err) { // we should only not throw if we failed to find the page // in the pages-manifest if (!(err instanceof PageNotFoundError)) { throw err } } } return null } protected getFontManifest(): FontManifest { return requireFontManifest(this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless) } protected getServerComponentManifest() { if (!this.nextConfig.experimental.serverComponents) return undefined return require(join(this.distDir, 'server', FLIGHT_MANIFEST + '.json')) } protected getCacheFilesystem(): CacheFs { return { readFile: (f) => fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8'), readFileSync: (f) => fs.readFileSync(f, 'utf8'), writeFile: (f, d) => fs.promises.writeFile(f, d, 'utf8'), mkdir: (dir) => fs.promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }), stat: (f) => fs.promises.stat(f), } } private normalizeReq( req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage ): BaseNextRequest { return req instanceof IncomingMessage ? new NodeNextRequest(req) : req } private normalizeRes( res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse ): BaseNextResponse { return res instanceof ServerResponse ? new NodeNextResponse(res) : res } public getRequestHandler(): NodeRequestHandler { const handler = super.getRequestHandler() return async (req, res, parsedUrl) => { return handler(this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), parsedUrl) } } public async render( req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, pathname: string, query?: NextParsedUrlQuery, parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery, internal = false ): Promise { return super.render( this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), pathname, query, parsedUrl, internal ) } public async renderToHTML( req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, pathname: string, query?: ParsedUrlQuery ): Promise { return super.renderToHTML( this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), pathname, query ) } public async renderError( err: Error | null, req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, pathname: string, query?: NextParsedUrlQuery, setHeaders?: boolean ): Promise { return super.renderError( err, this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), pathname, query, setHeaders ) } public async renderErrorToHTML( err: Error | null, req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, pathname: string, query?: ParsedUrlQuery ): Promise { return super.renderErrorToHTML( err, this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), pathname, query ) } public async render404( req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery, setHeaders?: boolean ): Promise { return super.render404( this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), parsedUrl, setHeaders ) } public async serveStatic( req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage, res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse, path: string, parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { if (!this.isServeableUrl(path)) { return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } if (!(req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD')) { res.statusCode = 405 res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'HEAD']) return this.renderError(null, req, res, path) } try { await this.sendStatic( req as NodeNextRequest, res as NodeNextResponse, path ) } catch (error) { if (!isError(error)) throw error const err = error as Error & { code?: string; statusCode?: number } if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err.statusCode === 404) { this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } else if (err.statusCode === 412) { res.statusCode = 412 return this.renderError(err, req, res, path) } else { throw err } } } protected getStaticRoutes(): Route[] { return this.hasStaticDir ? [ { // It's very important to keep this route's param optional. // (but it should support as many params as needed, separated by '/') // Otherwise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack. // See more: match: getPathMatch('/static/:path*'), name: 'static catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...params.path) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, } as Route, ] : [] } protected isServeableUrl(untrustedFileUrl: string): boolean { // This method mimics what the version of `send` we use does: // 1. decodeURIComponent: // // // 2. resolve: // let decodedUntrustedFilePath: string try { // (1) Decode the URL so we have the proper file name decodedUntrustedFilePath = decodeURIComponent(untrustedFileUrl) } catch { return false } // (2) Resolve "up paths" to determine real request const untrustedFilePath = resolve(decodedUntrustedFilePath) // don't allow null bytes anywhere in the file path if (untrustedFilePath.indexOf('\0') !== -1) { return false } // Check if .next/static, static and public are in the path. // If not the path is not available. if ( (untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.distDir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'public') + sep)) === false ) { return false } // Check against the real filesystem paths const filesystemUrls = this.getFilesystemPaths() const resolved = relative(this.dir, untrustedFilePath) return filesystemUrls.has(resolved) } protected generateRewrites({ restrictedRedirectPaths, }: { restrictedRedirectPaths: string[] }) { let beforeFiles: Route[] = [] let afterFiles: Route[] = [] let fallback: Route[] = [] if (!this.minimalMode) { const buildRewrite = (rewrite: Rewrite, check = true): Route => { const rewriteRoute = getCustomRoute({ type: 'rewrite', rule: rewrite, restrictedRedirectPaths, }) return { ...rewriteRoute, check, type: rewriteRoute.type, name: `Rewrite route ${rewriteRoute.source}`, match: rewriteRoute.match, matchesBasePath: true, matchesLocale: true, matchesLocaleAPIRoutes: true, matchesTrailingSlash: true, fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { newUrl, parsedDestination } = prepareDestination({ appendParamsToQuery: true, destination: rewriteRoute.destination, params: params, query: parsedUrl.query, }) // external rewrite, proxy it if (parsedDestination.protocol) { return this.proxyRequest( req as NodeNextRequest, res as NodeNextResponse, parsedDestination ) } addRequestMeta(req, '_nextRewroteUrl', newUrl) addRequestMeta(req, '_nextDidRewrite', newUrl !== req.url) return { finished: false, pathname: newUrl, query: parsedDestination.query, } }, } } if (Array.isArray(this.customRoutes.rewrites)) { afterFiles = => buildRewrite(r)) } else { beforeFiles = => buildRewrite(r, false) ) afterFiles = => buildRewrite(r) ) fallback = => buildRewrite(r) ) } } return { beforeFiles, afterFiles, fallback, } } protected getMiddlewareManifest(): MiddlewareManifest | null { if (this.minimalMode) return null const manifest: MiddlewareManifest = require(join( this.serverDistDir, MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST )) return manifest } /** * Return a list of middleware routing items. This method exists to be later * overridden by the development server in order to use a different source * to get the list. */ protected getMiddleware(): RoutingItem | undefined { const manifest = this.getMiddlewareManifest() if (!manifest) { return } return => ({ match: getMiddlewareMatcher(manifest.middleware[page]), page, }))[0] } protected getEdgeFunctions(): RoutingItem[] { const manifest = this.getMiddlewareManifest() if (!manifest) { return [] } return Object.keys(manifest.functions).map((page) => ({ match: getMiddlewareMatcher(manifest.functions[page]), page, })) } protected getEdgeRoutes(): RoutingItem[] { const edgeFunctions = this.getEdgeFunctions() const middleware = this.getMiddleware() return edgeFunctions.concat(middleware ? [middleware] : []) } /** * Get information for the edge function located in the provided page * folder. If the edge function info can't be found it will throw * an error. */ protected getEdgeFunctionInfo(params: { page: string /** Whether we should look for a middleware or not */ middleware: boolean }) { const manifest: MiddlewareManifest = require(join( this.serverDistDir, MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST )) let foundPage: string try { foundPage = denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath( } catch (err) { return null } let pageInfo = params.middleware ? manifest.middleware[foundPage] : manifest.functions[foundPage] if (!pageInfo) { if (!params.middleware) { throw new PageNotFoundError(foundPage) } return null } return { name:, paths: => join(this.distDir, file)), env: pageInfo.env ?? [], wasm: (pageInfo.wasm ?? []).map((binding) => ({ ...binding, filePath: join(this.distDir, binding.filePath), })), assets: (pageInfo.assets ?? []).map((binding) => { return { ...binding, filePath: join(this.distDir, binding.filePath), } }), } } /** * Checks if a middleware exists. This method is useful for the development * server where we need to check the filesystem. Here we just check the * middleware manifest. */ protected async hasMiddleware( pathname: string, _isSSR?: boolean ): Promise { const info = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({ page: pathname, middleware: true }) return Boolean(info && info.paths.length > 0) } /** * A placeholder for a function to be defined in the development server. * It will make sure that the middleware has been compiled so that we * can run it. */ protected async ensureMiddleware(_pathname: string, _isSSR?: boolean) {} /** * This method gets all middleware matchers and execute them when the request * matches. It will make sure that each middleware exists and is compiled and * ready to be invoked. The development server will decorate it to add warns * and errors with rich traces. */ protected async runMiddleware(params: { request: BaseNextRequest response: BaseNextResponse parsedUrl: ParsedUrl parsed: UrlWithParsedQuery onWarning?: (warning: Error) => void }) { // Middleware is skipped for on-demand revalidate requests if ( checkIsManualRevalidate(params.request, this.renderOpts.previewProps) .isManualRevalidate ) { return { finished: false } } const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(params.parsed.pathname || '') // For middleware to "fetch" we must always provide an absolute URL const query = urlQueryToSearchParams(params.parsed.query).toString() const locale = params.parsed.query.__nextLocale const url = `${getRequestMeta(params.request, '_protocol')}://${ this.hostname }:${this.port}${locale ? `/${locale}` : ''}${params.parsed.pathname}${ query ? `?${query}` : '' }` if (!url.startsWith('http')) { throw new Error( 'To use middleware you must provide a `hostname` and `port` to the Next.js Server' ) } const page: { name?: string; params?: { [key: string]: string } } = {} if (await this.hasPage(normalizedPathname)) { = params.parsedUrl.pathname } else if (this.dynamicRoutes) { for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) { const matchParams = dynamicRoute.match(normalizedPathname) if (matchParams) { = page.params = matchParams break } } } const allHeaders = new Headers() let result: FetchEventResult | null = null const method = (params.request.method || 'GET').toUpperCase() const edgeRoutesList = this.getEdgeRoutes() for (const middleware of edgeRoutesList) { if (middleware.match(normalizedPathname)) { if (!(await this.hasMiddleware(, middleware.ssr))) { console.warn(`The Edge Function for ${} was not found`) continue } await this.ensureMiddleware(, middleware.ssr) const middlewareInfo = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({ page:, middleware: !middleware.ssr, }) if (!middlewareInfo) { throw new MiddlewareNotFoundError() } result = await run({ distDir: this.distDir, name:, paths: middlewareInfo.paths, env: middlewareInfo.env, edgeFunctionEntry: middlewareInfo, request: { headers: params.request.headers, method, nextConfig: { basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n, trailingSlash: this.nextConfig.trailingSlash, }, url: url, page: page, body: getRequestMeta(params.request, '__NEXT_CLONABLE_BODY'), }, useCache: !this.nextConfig.experimental.runtime, onWarning: params.onWarning, }) for (let [key, value] of result.response.headers) { if (key !== 'x-middleware-next') { allHeaders.append(key, value) } } if (! { result.waitUntil.catch((error) => { console.error(`Uncaught: middleware waitUntil errored`, error) }) } if (!result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-next')) { break } } } if (!result) { this.render404(params.request, params.response, params.parsed) return { finished: true } } else { for (let [key, value] of allHeaders) { result.response.headers.set(key, value) } } return result } protected generateCatchAllMiddlewareRoute(devReady?: boolean): Route[] { if (this.minimalMode) return [] const edgeCatchAllRoute: Route = { match: getPathMatch('/:path*'), type: 'route', name: 'edge functions catchall', fn: async (req, res, _params, parsed) => { const edgeFunctions = this.getEdgeFunctions() if (!edgeFunctions.length) return { finished: false } const { query, pathname } = parsed const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(pathname || '') let page = normalizedPathname let params: Params | undefined = undefined let pageFound = !isDynamicRoute(page) if (this.dynamicRoutes) { for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) { params = dynamicRoute.match(normalizedPathname) || undefined if (params) { page = pageFound = true break } } } if (!pageFound) { return { finished: false, } } const edgeSSRResult = await this.runEdgeFunction({ req, res, query, params, page, }) return { finished: !!edgeSSRResult, } }, } const middlewareCatchAllRoute: Route = { match: getPathMatch('/:path*'), matchesBasePath: true, matchesLocale: true, type: 'route', name: 'middleware catchall', fn: async (req, res, _params, parsed) => { const middleware = this.getMiddleware() if (!middleware) { return { finished: false } } const initUrl = getRequestMeta(req, '__NEXT_INIT_URL')! const parsedUrl = parseUrl(initUrl) const pathnameInfo = getNextPathnameInfo(parsedUrl.pathname, { nextConfig: this.nextConfig, }) parsedUrl.pathname = pathnameInfo.pathname const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(parsed.pathname || '') if (!middleware.match(normalizedPathname)) { return { finished: false } } let result: Awaited< ReturnType > try { result = await this.runMiddleware({ request: req, response: res, parsedUrl: parsedUrl, parsed: parsed, }) } catch (err) { if (isError(err) && err.code === 'ENOENT') { await this.render404(req, res, parsed) return { finished: true } } if (err instanceof DecodeError) { res.statusCode = 400 this.renderError(err, req, res, parsed.pathname || '') return { finished: true } } const error = getProperError(err) console.error(error) res.statusCode = 500 this.renderError(error, req, res, parsed.pathname || '') return { finished: true } } if ('finished' in result) { return result } if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite')) { const value = result.response.headers.get('x-middleware-rewrite')! const rel = relativizeURL(value, initUrl) result.response.headers.set('x-middleware-rewrite', rel) } if (result.response.headers.has('Location')) { const value = result.response.headers.get('Location')! const rel = relativizeURL(value, initUrl) result.response.headers.set('Location', rel) } if ( !result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite') && !result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-next') && !result.response.headers.has('Location') ) { result.response.headers.set('x-middleware-refresh', '1') } result.response.headers.delete('x-middleware-next') for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( toNodeHeaders(result.response.headers) )) { if ( [ 'x-middleware-rewrite', 'x-middleware-redirect', 'x-middleware-refresh', ].includes(key) ) { continue } if (key !== 'content-encoding' && value !== undefined) { res.setHeader(key, value) } } res.statusCode = result.response.status res.statusMessage = result.response.statusText const location = result.response.headers.get('Location') if (location) { res.statusCode = result.response.status if (res.statusCode === 308) { res.setHeader('Refresh', `0;url=${location}`) } res.body(location).send() return { finished: true, } } if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite')) { const rewritePath = result.response.headers.get( 'x-middleware-rewrite' )! const parsedDestination = parseUrl(rewritePath) const newUrl = parsedDestination.pathname if ( parsedDestination.protocol && (parsedDestination.port ? `${parsedDestination.hostname}:${parsedDestination.port}` : parsedDestination.hostname) !== ) { return this.proxyRequest( req as NodeNextRequest, res as NodeNextResponse, parsedDestination ) } if (this.nextConfig.i18n) { const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath( newUrl, this.nextConfig.i18n.locales ) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { parsedDestination.query.__nextLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale } } addRequestMeta(req, '_nextRewroteUrl', newUrl) addRequestMeta(req, '_nextDidRewrite', newUrl !== req.url) return { finished: false, pathname: newUrl, query: parsedDestination.query, } } if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-refresh')) { res.statusCode = result.response.status for await (const chunk of result.response.body || ([] as any)) { this.streamResponseChunk(res as NodeNextResponse, chunk) } res.send() return { finished: true, } } return { finished: false, } }, } const routes = [] if (! || devReady) { if (this.getMiddleware()) routes[0] = middlewareCatchAllRoute if (this.getEdgeFunctions().length) routes[1] = edgeCatchAllRoute } return routes } private _cachedPreviewManifest: PrerenderManifest | undefined protected getPrerenderManifest(): PrerenderManifest { if (this._cachedPreviewManifest) { return this._cachedPreviewManifest } const manifest = require(join(this.distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST)) return (this._cachedPreviewManifest = manifest) } protected getRoutesManifest() { return require(join(this.distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST)) } protected attachRequestMeta( req: BaseNextRequest, parsedUrl: NextUrlWithParsedQuery ) { const protocol = ( (req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest?.socket as TLSSocket )?.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http' // When there are hostname and port we build an absolute URL const initUrl = this.hostname && this.port ? `${protocol}://${this.hostname}:${this.port}${req.url}` : req.url addRequestMeta(req, '__NEXT_INIT_URL', initUrl) addRequestMeta(req, '__NEXT_INIT_QUERY', { ...parsedUrl.query }) addRequestMeta(req, '_protocol', protocol) addRequestMeta(req, '__NEXT_CLONABLE_BODY', getClonableBody(req.body)) } protected async runEdgeFunction(params: { req: BaseNextRequest | NodeNextRequest res: BaseNextResponse | NodeNextResponse query: ParsedUrlQuery params: Params | undefined page: string onWarning?: (warning: Error) => void }): Promise { let middlewareInfo: ReturnType | undefined try { await this.ensureMiddleware(, true) middlewareInfo = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({ page:, middleware: false, }) } catch { return null } if (!middlewareInfo) { return null } // For middleware to "fetch" we must always provide an absolute URL const url = getRequestMeta(params.req, '__NEXT_INIT_URL')! if (!url.startsWith('http')) { throw new Error( 'To use middleware you must provide a `hostname` and `port` to the Next.js Server' ) } const result = await run({ distDir: this.distDir, name:, paths: middlewareInfo.paths, env: middlewareInfo.env, edgeFunctionEntry: middlewareInfo, request: { headers: params.req.headers, method: params.req.method, nextConfig: { basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n, trailingSlash: this.nextConfig.trailingSlash, }, url, page: { name:, ...(params.params && { params: params.params }), }, body: getRequestMeta(params.req, '__NEXT_CLONABLE_BODY'), }, useCache: !this.nextConfig.experimental.runtime, onWarning: params.onWarning, }) params.res.statusCode = result.response.status params.res.statusMessage = result.response.statusText result.response.headers.forEach((value, key) => { params.res.appendHeader(key, value) }) if (result.response.body) { // TODO(gal): not sure that we always need to stream bodyStreamToNodeStream(result.response.body).pipe( (params.res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse ) } else { ;(params.res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse.end() } return result } } const MiddlewareMatcherCache = new WeakMap< MiddlewareManifest['middleware'][string], RouteMatch >() function getMiddlewareMatcher( info: MiddlewareManifest['middleware'][string] ): RouteMatch { const stored = MiddlewareMatcherCache.get(info) if (stored) { return stored } if (typeof info.regexp !== 'string' || !info.regexp) { throw new Error( `Invariant: invalid regexp for middleware ${JSON.stringify(info)}` ) } const matcher = getRouteMatcher({ re: new RegExp(info.regexp), groups: {} }) MiddlewareMatcherCache.set(info, matcher) return matcher }