import { relative as relativePath, join, normalize, sep } from 'path' import WebpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware' import WebpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware' import errorOverlayMiddleware from './lib/error-overlay-middleware' import onDemandEntryHandler, { normalizePage } from './on-demand-entry-handler' import webpack from 'webpack' import getBaseWebpackConfig from '../build/webpack-config' import { IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX, ROUTE_NAME_REGEX, BLOCKED_PAGES, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP } from 'next-server/constants' import { NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT } from '../lib/constants' import { route } from 'next-server/dist/server/router' import { createPagesMapping, createEntrypoints } from '../build/entries' import { watchCompilers } from '../build/output' import { findPageFile } from './lib/find-page-file' import { recursiveDelete } from '../lib/recursive-delete' import { fileExists } from '../lib/file-exists' import { promisify } from 'util' import fs from 'fs' const access = promisify(fs.access) const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile) export async function renderScriptError (res, error) { // Asks CDNs and others to not to cache the errored page res.setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' ) if (error.code === 'ENOENT' || error.message === 'INVALID_BUILD_ID') { res.statusCode = 404 res.end('404 - Not Found') return } console.error(error.stack) res.statusCode = 500 res.end('500 - Internal Error') } function addCorsSupport (req, res) { if (!req.headers.origin) { return { preflight: false } } res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers.origin) res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET') // Based on if (req.headers['access-control-request-headers']) { res.setHeader( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', req.headers['access-control-request-headers'] ) } if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { res.writeHead(200) res.end() return { preflight: true } } return { preflight: false } } const matchNextPageBundleRequest = route( '/_next/static/:buildId/pages/:path*.js(.map)?' ) // Recursively look up the issuer till it ends up at the root function findEntryModule (issuer) { if (issuer.issuer) { return findEntryModule(issuer.issuer) } return issuer } function erroredPages (compilation, options = { enhanceName: name => name }) { const failedPages = {} for (const error of compilation.errors) { if (!error.origin) { continue } const entryModule = findEntryModule(error.origin) const { name } = entryModule if (!name) { continue } // Only pages have to be reloaded if (!IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test(name)) { continue } const enhancedName = options.enhanceName(name) if (!failedPages[enhancedName]) { failedPages[enhancedName] = [] } failedPages[enhancedName].push(error) } return failedPages } export default class HotReloader { constructor (dir, { config, buildId } = {}) { this.buildId = buildId this.dir = dir this.middlewares = [] this.webpackDevMiddleware = null this.webpackHotMiddleware = null this.initialized = false this.stats = null this.serverPrevDocumentHash = null this.config = config } async run (req, res, parsedUrl) { // Usually CORS support is not needed for the hot-reloader (this is dev only feature) // With when the app runs for multi-zones support behind a proxy, // the current page is trying to access this URL via assetPrefix. // That's when the CORS support is needed. const { preflight } = addCorsSupport(req, res) if (preflight) { return } // When a request comes in that is a page bundle, e.g. /_next/static//pages/index.js // we have to compile the page using on-demand-entries, this middleware will handle doing that // by adding the page to on-demand-entries, waiting till it's done // and then the bundle will be served like usual by the actual route in server/index.js const handlePageBundleRequest = async (res, parsedUrl) => { const { pathname } = parsedUrl const params = matchNextPageBundleRequest(pathname) if (!params) { return {} } if (params.buildId !== this.buildId) { return } const page = `/${params.path.join('/')}` if (page === '/_error' || BLOCKED_PAGES.indexOf(page) === -1) { try { await this.ensurePage(page) } catch (error) { await renderScriptError(res, error) return { finished: true } } const bundlePath = join( this.dir, this.config.distDir, 'static/development/pages', page + '.js' ) // make sure to 404 for AMP bundles in case they weren't removed try { await access(bundlePath) const data = await readFile(bundlePath, 'utf8') if (data.includes('__NEXT_DROP_CLIENT_FILE__')) { res.statusCode = 404 res.end() return { finished: true } } } catch (_) {} const errors = await this.getCompilationErrors(page) if (errors.length > 0) { await renderScriptError(res, errors[0]) return { finished: true } } } return {} } const { finished } = await handlePageBundleRequest(res, parsedUrl) for (const fn of this.middlewares) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn(req, res, err => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } return { finished } } async clean () { return recursiveDelete(join(this.dir, this.config.distDir)) } async getWebpackConfig () { const pagesDir = join(this.dir, 'pages') const pagePaths = await Promise.all([ findPageFile(pagesDir, '/_app', this.config.pageExtensions), findPageFile(pagesDir, '/_document', this.config.pageExtensions) ]) const pages = createPagesMapping( pagePaths.filter(i => i !== null), this.config.pageExtensions ) const entrypoints = createEntrypoints( pages, 'server', this.buildId, false, this.config ) let additionalClientEntrypoints = {} additionalClientEntrypoints[CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP] = `.${sep}` + relativePath( this.dir, join(NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT, 'dev', 'amp-dev') ) return Promise.all([ getBaseWebpackConfig(this.dir, { dev: true, isServer: false, config: this.config, buildId: this.buildId, entrypoints: { ...entrypoints.client, ...additionalClientEntrypoints } }), getBaseWebpackConfig(this.dir, { dev: true, isServer: true, config: this.config, buildId: this.buildId, entrypoints: entrypoints.server }) ]) } async start () { await this.clean() const configs = await this.getWebpackConfig() const multiCompiler = webpack(configs) const buildTools = await this.prepareBuildTools(multiCompiler) this.assignBuildTools(buildTools) this.stats = (await this.waitUntilValid()).stats[0] } async stop (webpackDevMiddleware) { const middleware = webpackDevMiddleware || this.webpackDevMiddleware if (middleware) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { middleware.close(err => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } } async reload () { this.stats = null await this.clean() const configs = await this.getWebpackConfig() const compiler = webpack(configs) const buildTools = await this.prepareBuildTools(compiler) this.stats = await this.waitUntilValid(buildTools.webpackDevMiddleware) const oldWebpackDevMiddleware = this.webpackDevMiddleware this.assignBuildTools(buildTools) await this.stop(oldWebpackDevMiddleware) } assignBuildTools ({ webpackDevMiddleware, webpackHotMiddleware, onDemandEntries }) { this.webpackDevMiddleware = webpackDevMiddleware this.webpackHotMiddleware = webpackHotMiddleware this.onDemandEntries = onDemandEntries this.middlewares = [ webpackDevMiddleware, // must come before hotMiddleware onDemandEntries.middleware(), webpackHotMiddleware, errorOverlayMiddleware({ dir: this.dir }) ] } async prepareBuildTools (multiCompiler) { const tsConfigPath = join(this.dir, 'tsconfig.json') const useTypeScript = await fileExists(tsConfigPath) watchCompilers( multiCompiler.compilers[0], multiCompiler.compilers[1], useTypeScript, ({ errors, warnings }) => this.send('typeChecked', { errors, warnings }) ) // This plugin watches for changes to _document.js and notifies the client side that it should reload the page multiCompiler.compilers[1].hooks.done.tap( 'NextjsHotReloaderForServer', stats => { if (!this.initialized) { return } const { compilation } = stats // We only watch `_document` for changes on the server compilation // the rest of the files will be triggered by the client compilation const documentChunk = compilation.chunks.find( c => === normalize(`static/${this.buildId}/pages/_document.js`) ) // If the document chunk can't be found we do nothing if (!documentChunk) { console.warn('_document.js chunk not found') return } // Initial value if (this.serverPrevDocumentHash === null) { this.serverPrevDocumentHash = documentChunk.hash return } // If _document.js didn't change we don't trigger a reload if (documentChunk.hash === this.serverPrevDocumentHash) { return } // Notify reload to reload the page, as _document.js was changed (different hash) this.send('reloadPage') this.serverPrevDocumentHash = documentChunk.hash } ) multiCompiler.compilers[0].hooks.done.tap( 'NextjsHotReloaderForClient', stats => { const { compilation } = stats const chunkNames = new Set( compilation.chunks .map(c => .filter(name => IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test(name)) ) if (this.initialized) { // detect chunks which have to be replaced with a new template // e.g, pages/index.js <-> pages/_error.js const addedPages = diff(chunkNames, this.prevChunkNames) const removedPages = diff(this.prevChunkNames, chunkNames) if (addedPages.size > 0) { for (const addedPage of addedPages) { let page = '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(addedPage)[1].replace(/\\/g, '/') page = page === '/index' ? '/' : page this.send('addedPage', page) } } if (removedPages.size > 0) { for (const removedPage of removedPages) { let page = '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(removedPage)[1].replace(/\\/g, '/') page = page === '/index' ? '/' : page this.send('removedPage', page) } } } this.initialized = true this.stats = stats this.prevChunkNames = chunkNames } ) // We don’t watch .git/ .next/ and node_modules for changes const ignored = [ /[\\/]\.git[\\/]/, /[\\/]\.next[\\/]/, /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/ ] let webpackDevMiddlewareConfig = { publicPath: `/_next/static/webpack`, noInfo: true, logLevel: 'silent', watchOptions: { ignored }, writeToDisk: true } if (this.config.webpackDevMiddleware) { console.log( `> Using "webpackDevMiddleware" config function defined in ${ this.config.configOrigin }.` ) webpackDevMiddlewareConfig = this.config.webpackDevMiddleware( webpackDevMiddlewareConfig ) } const webpackDevMiddleware = WebpackDevMiddleware( multiCompiler, webpackDevMiddlewareConfig ) const webpackHotMiddleware = WebpackHotMiddleware( multiCompiler.compilers[0], { path: '/_next/webpack-hmr', log: false, heartbeat: 2500 } ) const onDemandEntries = onDemandEntryHandler( webpackDevMiddleware, multiCompiler, { dir: this.dir, buildId: this.buildId, distDir: this.config.distDir, reload: this.reload.bind(this), pageExtensions: this.config.pageExtensions, publicRuntimeConfig: this.config.publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig: this.config.serverRuntimeConfig, ...this.config.onDemandEntries } ) return { webpackDevMiddleware, webpackHotMiddleware, onDemandEntries } } waitUntilValid (webpackDevMiddleware) { const middleware = webpackDevMiddleware || this.webpackDevMiddleware return new Promise(resolve => { middleware.waitUntilValid(resolve) }) } async getCompilationErrors (page) { const normalizedPage = normalizePage(page) // When we are reloading, we need to wait until it's reloaded properly. await this.onDemandEntries.waitUntilReloaded() if (this.stats.hasErrors()) { const { compilation } = this.stats const failedPages = erroredPages(compilation, { enhanceName (name) { return '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(name)[1] } }) // If there is an error related to the requesting page we display it instead of the first error if ( failedPages[normalizedPage] && failedPages[normalizedPage].length > 0 ) { return failedPages[normalizedPage] } // If none were found we still have to show the other errors return this.stats.compilation.errors } return [] } send = (action, ...args) => { this.webpackHotMiddleware.publish({ action, data: args }) } async ensurePage (page) { // Make sure we don't re-build or dispose prebuilt pages if (page !== '/_error' && BLOCKED_PAGES.indexOf(page) !== -1) { return } return this.onDemandEntries.ensurePage(page) } } function diff (a, b) { return new Set([...a].filter(v => !b.has(v))) }