import cssnanoSimple from 'cssnano-simple' import postcssScss from 'next/dist/compiled/postcss-scss' import postcss, { Parser } from 'postcss' import webpack from 'webpack' import sources from 'webpack-sources' import { tracer, traceAsyncFn } from '../../tracer' // @ts-ignore: TODO: remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable const { RawSource, SourceMapSource } = webpack.sources || sources // const CSS_REGEX = /\.css(\?.*)?$/i type CssMinimizerPluginOptions = { postcssOptions: { map: false | { prev?: string | false; inline: boolean; annotation: boolean } } } const isWebpack5 = parseInt(webpack.version!) === 5 export class CssMinimizerPlugin { __next_css_remove = true private options: CssMinimizerPluginOptions constructor(options: CssMinimizerPluginOptions) { this.options = options } optimizeAsset(file: string, asset: any) { const postcssOptions = { ...this.options.postcssOptions, to: file, from: file, // We don't actually add this parser to support Sass. It can also be used // for inline comment support. See the README: // parser: (postcssScss as any) as Parser, } let input: string if ( && asset.sourceAndMap) { const { source, map } = asset.sourceAndMap() input = source = map ? map : false } else { input = asset.source() } return postcss([cssnanoSimple]) .process(input, postcssOptions) .then((res) => { if ( { return new SourceMapSource(res.css, file, } else { return new RawSource(res.css) } }) } apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('CssMinimizerPlugin', (compilation: any) => { if (isWebpack5) { const cache = compilation.getCache('CssMinimizerPlugin') compilation.hooks.processAssets.tapPromise( { name: 'CssMinimizerPlugin', // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_SIZE, }, async (assets: any) => { const span = tracer.startSpan('css-minimizer-plugin', { attributes: { webpackVersion: 5, }, }) return traceAsyncFn(span, async () => { const files = Object.keys(assets) await Promise.all( files .filter((file) => CSS_REGEX.test(file)) .map(async (file) => { const assetSpan = tracer.startSpan('minify-css', { attributes: { file, }, }) return traceAsyncFn(span, async () => { const asset = assets[file] const etag = cache.getLazyHashedEtag(asset) const cachedResult = await cache.getPromise(file, etag) assetSpan.setAttribute( 'cache', cachedResult ? 'HIT' : 'MISS' ) if (cachedResult) { assets[file] = cachedResult return } const result = await this.optimizeAsset(file, asset) await cache.storePromise(file, etag, result) assets[file] = result }) }) ) }) } ) return } compilation.hooks.optimizeChunkAssets.tapPromise( 'CssMinimizerPlugin', (chunks: webpack.compilation.Chunk[]) => { const span = tracer.startSpan('css-minimizer-plugin', { attributes: { webpackVersion: 4, compilationName:, }, }) return traceAsyncFn(span, async () => { const res = await Promise.all( chunks .reduce( (acc, chunk) => acc.concat(chunk.files || []), [] as string[] ) .filter((entry) => CSS_REGEX.test(entry)) .map(async (file) => { const assetSpan = tracer.startSpan('minify-css', { attributes: { file, }, }) return traceAsyncFn(assetSpan, async () => { const asset = compilation.assets[file] // Makes trace attributes the same as webpack 5 // When using webpack 4 the result is not cached assetSpan.setAttribute('cache', 'MISS') compilation.assets[file] = await this.optimizeAsset( file, asset ) }) }) ) return res }) } ) }) } }