import postcss from 'postcss' import webpack from 'webpack' import { ConfigurationContext } from '../../../utils' import { getClientStyleLoader } from './client' export function getGlobalCssLoader( ctx: ConfigurationContext, postCssPlugins: readonly postcss.AcceptedPlugin[], preProcessors: readonly webpack.RuleSetUseItem[] = [] ): webpack.RuleSetUseItem[] { const loaders: webpack.RuleSetUseItem[] = [] if (ctx.isClient) { // Add appropriate development more or production mode style // loader loaders.push( getClientStyleLoader({ isDevelopment: ctx.isDevelopment, assetPrefix: ctx.assetPrefix, }) ) } // Resolve CSS `@import`s and `url()`s loaders.push({ loader: require.resolve('css-loader'), options: { importLoaders: 1 + preProcessors.length, sourceMap: true }, }) // Compile CSS loaders.push({ loader: require.resolve('postcss-loader'), options: { ident: '__nextjs_postcss', plugins: postCssPlugins, sourceMap: true, }, }) loaders.push( // Webpack loaders run like a stack, so we need to reverse the natural // order of preprocessors. ...preProcessors.slice().reverse() ) return loaders }