--- description: Extend the babel preset added by Next.js with your own configs. --- # Customizing Babel Config
Next.js includes the `next/babel` preset to your app, it includes everything needed to compile React applications and server-side code. But if you want to extend the default Babel configs, it's also possible. To start, you only need to define a `.babelrc` file at the top of your app, if such file is found, we're going to consider it the _source of truth_, therefore it needs to define what Next.js needs as well, which is the `next/babel` preset. Here's an example `.babelrc` file: ```json { "presets": ["next/babel"], "plugins": [] } ``` The `next/babel` presets includes: - preset-env - preset-react - preset-typescript - plugin-proposal-class-properties - plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread - plugin-transform-runtime - styled-jsx These presets/plugins **should not** be added to your custom `.babelrc`. Instead, you can configure them on the `next/babel` preset, like so: ```json { "presets": [ [ "next/babel", { "preset-env": {}, "transform-runtime": {}, "styled-jsx": {}, "class-properties": {} } ] ], "plugins": [] } ``` To learn more about the available options for each config, visit their documentation site. > Next.js uses the **current** Node.js version for server-side compilations. > The `modules` option on `"preset-env"` should be kept to `false`, otherwise webpack code splitting is disabled.