import { basename, extname, relative, isAbsolute, resolve } from 'path' import { pathToFileURL } from 'url' import { Agent as HttpAgent } from 'http' import { Agent as HttpsAgent } from 'https' import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' import chalk from '../lib/chalk' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import { CONFIG_FILES, PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } from '../shared/lib/constants' import { execOnce } from '../shared/lib/utils' import { defaultConfig, normalizeConfig, ExperimentalConfig, NextConfigComplete, } from './config-shared' import { loadWebpackHook } from './config-utils' import { ImageConfig, imageConfigDefault, VALID_LOADERS, } from '../shared/lib/image-config' import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env' import { hasNextSupport } from '../telemetry/ci-info' export { DomainLocale, NextConfig, normalizeConfig } from './config-shared' const targets = ['server', 'serverless', 'experimental-serverless-trace'] const experimentalWarning = execOnce( (configFileName: string, features: string[]) => { const s = features.length > 1 ? 's' : '' Log.warn( chalk.bold( `You have enabled experimental feature${s} (${features.join( ', ' )}) in ${configFileName}.` ) ) Log.warn( `Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. ` + `Use at your own risk.` ) console.warn() } ) const missingExperimentalWarning = execOnce( (configFileName: string, features: string[]) => { const s = features.length > 1 ? 's' : '' const dont = features.length > 1 ? 'do not' : 'does not' const them = features.length > 1 ? 'them' : 'it' Log.warn( chalk.bold( `You have defined experimental feature${s} (${features.join( ', ' )}) in ${configFileName} that ${dont} exist in this version of Next.js.` ) ) Log.warn(`Please remove ${them} from your configuration.`) console.warn() } ) function assignDefaults(userConfig: { [key: string]: any }) { const configFileName = userConfig.configFileName if (typeof userConfig.exportTrailingSlash !== 'undefined') { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + `The "exportTrailingSlash" option has been renamed to "trailingSlash". Please update your ${configFileName}.` ) if (typeof userConfig.trailingSlash === 'undefined') { userConfig.trailingSlash = userConfig.exportTrailingSlash } delete userConfig.exportTrailingSlash } const config = Object.keys(userConfig).reduce<{ [key: string]: any }>( (currentConfig, key) => { const value = userConfig[key] if (value === undefined || value === null) { return currentConfig } if (key === 'experimental' && typeof value === 'object') { const enabledMissingExperiments: string[] = [] const enabledExperiments: (keyof ExperimentalConfig)[] = [] // defaultConfig.experimental is predefined and will never be undefined // This is only a type guard for the typescript if (defaultConfig.experimental) { for (const featureName of Object.keys( value ) as (keyof ExperimentalConfig)[]) { if (!(featureName in defaultConfig.experimental)) { enabledMissingExperiments.push(featureName) } else if ( value[featureName] !== defaultConfig.experimental[featureName] ) { enabledExperiments.push(featureName) } } } if (enabledMissingExperiments.length > 0) { missingExperimentalWarning(configFileName, enabledMissingExperiments) } if (enabledExperiments.length > 0) { experimentalWarning(configFileName, enabledExperiments) } } if (key === 'distDir') { if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Specified distDir is not a string, found type "${typeof value}"` ) } const userDistDir = value.trim() // don't allow public as the distDir as this is a reserved folder for // public files if (userDistDir === 'public') { throw new Error( `The 'public' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be set as the 'distDir'.` ) } // make sure distDir isn't an empty string as it can result in the provided // directory being deleted in development mode if (userDistDir.length === 0) { throw new Error( `Invalid distDir provided, distDir can not be an empty string. Please remove this config or set it to undefined` ) } } if (key === 'pageExtensions') { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new Error( `Specified pageExtensions is not an array of strings, found "${value}". Please update this config or remove it.` ) } if (!value.length) { throw new Error( `Specified pageExtensions is an empty array. Please update it with the relevant extensions or remove it.` ) } value.forEach((ext) => { if (typeof ext !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Specified pageExtensions is not an array of strings, found "${ext}" of type "${typeof ext}". Please update this config or remove it.` ) } }) } if (!!value && value.constructor === Object) { currentConfig[key] = { ...defaultConfig[key], ...Object.keys(value).reduce((c, k) => { const v = value[k] if (v !== undefined && v !== null) { c[k] = v } return c }, {}), } } else { currentConfig[key] = value } return currentConfig }, {} ) const result = { ...defaultConfig, ...config } if (typeof result.assetPrefix !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Specified assetPrefix is not a string, found type "${typeof result.assetPrefix}"` ) } if (typeof result.basePath !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Specified basePath is not a string, found type "${typeof result.basePath}"` ) } if (result.basePath !== '') { if (result.basePath === '/') { throw new Error( `Specified basePath /. basePath has to be either an empty string or a path prefix"` ) } if (!result.basePath.startsWith('/')) { throw new Error( `Specified basePath has to start with a /, found "${result.basePath}"` ) } if (result.basePath !== '/') { if (result.basePath.endsWith('/')) { throw new Error( `Specified basePath should not end with /, found "${result.basePath}"` ) } if (result.assetPrefix === '') { result.assetPrefix = result.basePath } if (result.amp?.canonicalBase === '') { result.amp.canonicalBase = result.basePath } } } if (result?.images) { const images: ImageConfig = result.images if (typeof images !== 'object') { throw new Error( `Specified images should be an object received ${typeof images}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if ( { if (!Array.isArray( { throw new Error( `Specified should be an Array received ${typeof}.\nSee more info here:` ) } // static images are automatically prefixed with assetPrefix // so we need to ensure _next/image allows downloading from // this resource if (config.assetPrefix?.startsWith('http')) { URL(config.assetPrefix).hostname) } if ( > 50) { throw new Error( `Specified exceeds length of 50, received length (${}), please reduce the length of the array to continue.\nSee more info here:` ) } const invalid = (d: unknown) => typeof d !== 'string' ) if (invalid.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified should be an Array of strings received invalid values (${invalid.join( ', ' )}).\nSee more info here:` ) } } const remotePatterns = result.experimental?.images?.remotePatterns if (remotePatterns) { if (!Array.isArray(remotePatterns)) { throw new Error( `Specified images.remotePatterns should be an Array received ${typeof remotePatterns}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (remotePatterns.length > 50) { throw new Error( `Specified images.remotePatterns exceeds length of 50, received length (${remotePatterns.length}), please reduce the length of the array to continue.\nSee more info here:` ) } const validProps = new Set(['protocol', 'hostname', 'pathname', 'port']) const requiredProps = ['hostname'] const invalidPatterns = remotePatterns.filter( (d: unknown) => !d || typeof d !== 'object' || Object.entries(d).some( ([k, v]) => !validProps.has(k) || typeof v !== 'string' ) || requiredProps.some((k) => !(k in d)) ) if (invalidPatterns.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Invalid images.remotePatterns values:\n${invalidPatterns .map((item) => JSON.stringify(item)) .join( '\n' )}\n\nremotePatterns value must follow format { protocol: 'https', hostname: '', port: '', pathname: '/imgs/**' }.\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (images.deviceSizes) { const { deviceSizes } = images if (!Array.isArray(deviceSizes)) { throw new Error( `Specified images.deviceSizes should be an Array received ${typeof deviceSizes}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (deviceSizes.length > 25) { throw new Error( `Specified images.deviceSizes exceeds length of 25, received length (${deviceSizes.length}), please reduce the length of the array to continue.\nSee more info here:` ) } const invalid = deviceSizes.filter((d: unknown) => { return typeof d !== 'number' || d < 1 || d > 10000 }) if (invalid.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified images.deviceSizes should be an Array of numbers that are between 1 and 10000, received invalid values (${invalid.join( ', ' )}).\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (images.imageSizes) { const { imageSizes } = images if (!Array.isArray(imageSizes)) { throw new Error( `Specified images.imageSizes should be an Array received ${typeof imageSizes}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (imageSizes.length > 25) { throw new Error( `Specified images.imageSizes exceeds length of 25, received length (${imageSizes.length}), please reduce the length of the array to continue.\nSee more info here:` ) } const invalid = imageSizes.filter((d: unknown) => { return typeof d !== 'number' || d < 1 || d > 10000 }) if (invalid.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified images.imageSizes should be an Array of numbers that are between 1 and 10000, received invalid values (${invalid.join( ', ' )}).\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (!images.loader) { images.loader = 'default' } if (!VALID_LOADERS.includes(images.loader)) { throw new Error( `Specified images.loader should be one of (${VALID_LOADERS.join( ', ' )}), received invalid value (${ images.loader }).\nSee more info here:` ) } if ( images.loader !== 'default' && images.loader !== 'custom' && images.path === imageConfigDefault.path ) { throw new Error( `Specified images.loader property (${images.loader}) also requires images.path property to be assigned to a URL prefix.\nSee more info here:` ) } // Append trailing slash for non-default loaders and when trailingSlash is set if (images.path) { if ( (images.loader !== 'default' && images.path[images.path.length - 1] !== '/') || result.trailingSlash ) { images.path += '/' } } if (images.path === imageConfigDefault.path && result.basePath) { images.path = `${result.basePath}${images.path}` } if ( images.minimumCacheTTL && (!Number.isInteger(images.minimumCacheTTL) || images.minimumCacheTTL < 0) ) { throw new Error( `Specified images.minimumCacheTTL should be an integer 0 or more ', ' )}), received (${images.minimumCacheTTL}).\nSee more info here:` ) } if (images.formats) { const { formats } = images if (!Array.isArray(formats)) { throw new Error( `Specified images.formats should be an Array received ${typeof formats}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (formats.length < 1 || formats.length > 2) { throw new Error( `Specified images.formats must be length 1 or 2, received length (${formats.length}), please reduce the length of the array to continue.\nSee more info here:` ) } const invalid = formats.filter((f) => { return f !== 'image/avif' && f !== 'image/webp' }) if (invalid.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified images.formats should be an Array of mime type strings, received invalid values (${invalid.join( ', ' )}).\nSee more info here:` ) } } if ( typeof images.dangerouslyAllowSVG !== 'undefined' && typeof images.dangerouslyAllowSVG !== 'boolean' ) { throw new Error( `Specified images.dangerouslyAllowSVG should be a boolean ', ' )}), received (${images.dangerouslyAllowSVG}).\nSee more info here:` ) } if ( typeof images.contentSecurityPolicy !== 'undefined' && typeof images.contentSecurityPolicy !== 'string' ) { throw new Error( `Specified images.contentSecurityPolicy should be a string ', ' )}), received (${images.contentSecurityPolicy}).\nSee more info here:` ) } const unoptimized = result.experimental?.images?.unoptimized if ( typeof unoptimized !== 'undefined' && typeof unoptimized !== 'boolean' ) { throw new Error( `Specified images.unoptimized should be a boolean, received (${unoptimized}).\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (result.webpack5 === false) { throw new Error( `Webpack 4 is no longer supported in Next.js. Please upgrade to webpack 5 by removing "webpack5: false" from ${configFileName}.` ) } if (result.experimental && 'swcMinify' in (result.experimental as any)) { Log.warn( `\`swcMinify\` has been moved out of \`experimental\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.swcMinify = (result.experimental as any).swcMinify } if (result.experimental && 'relay' in (result.experimental as any)) { Log.warn( `\`relay\` has been moved out of \`experimental\` and into \`compiler\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.compiler = result.compiler || {} result.compiler.relay = (result.experimental as any).relay } if ( result.experimental && 'styledComponents' in (result.experimental as any) ) { Log.warn( `\`styledComponents\` has been moved out of \`experimental\` and into \`compiler\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.compiler = result.compiler || {} result.compiler.styledComponents = ( result.experimental as any ).styledComponents } if (result.experimental && 'emotion' in (result.experimental as any)) { Log.warn( `\`emotion\` has been moved out of \`experimental\` and into \`compiler\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.compiler = result.compiler || {} result.compiler.emotion = (result.experimental as any).emotion } if ( result.experimental && 'reactRemoveProperties' in (result.experimental as any) ) { Log.warn( `\`reactRemoveProperties\` has been moved out of \`experimental\` and into \`compiler\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.compiler = result.compiler || {} result.compiler.reactRemoveProperties = ( result.experimental as any ).reactRemoveProperties } if (result.experimental && 'removeConsole' in (result.experimental as any)) { Log.warn( `\`removeConsole\` has been moved out of \`experimental\` and into \`compiler\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.` ) result.compiler = result.compiler || {} result.compiler.removeConsole = (result.experimental as any).removeConsole } if (result.swcMinify) { Log.warn( 'SWC minify release candidate enabled.' ) } if (result.experimental?.swcMinifyDebugOptions) { Log.warn( 'SWC minify debug option specified. This option is for debugging minifier issues and will be removed once SWC minifier is stable.' ) } if ((result.experimental as any).outputStandalone) { Log.warn( `experimental.outputStandalone has been renamed to "output: 'standalone'", please move the config.` ) result.output = 'standalone' } if ( result.experimental?.outputFileTracingRoot && !isAbsolute(result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot) ) { result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot = resolve( result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot ) Log.warn( `experimental.outputFileTracingRoot should be absolute, using: ${result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot}` ) } if (result.output === 'standalone' && !result.outputFileTracing) { Log.warn( `"output: 'standalone'" requires outputFileTracing not be disabled please enable it to leverage the standalone build` ) result.output = undefined } // TODO: Change defaultConfig type to NextConfigComplete // so we don't need "!" here. setHttpAgentOptions( result.httpAgentOptions || defaultConfig.httpAgentOptions! ) if (result.i18n) { const { i18n } = result const i18nType = typeof i18n if (i18nType !== 'object') { throw new Error( `Specified i18n should be an object received ${i18nType}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (!Array.isArray(i18n.locales)) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.locales should be an Array received ${typeof i18n.locales}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (i18n.locales.length > 100) { Log.warn( `Received ${i18n.locales.length} i18n.locales items which exceeds the recommended max of 100.\nSee more info here:` ) } const defaultLocaleType = typeof i18n.defaultLocale if (!i18n.defaultLocale || defaultLocaleType !== 'string') { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.defaultLocale should be a string.\nSee more info here:` ) } if (typeof !== 'undefined' && !Array.isArray( { throw new Error( `Specified must be an array of domain objects e.g. [ { domain: '', defaultLocale: 'fr', locales: ['fr'] } ] received ${typeof}.\nSee more info here:` ) } if ( { const invalidDomainItems = => { if (!item || typeof item !== 'object') return true if (!item.defaultLocale) return true if (!item.domain || typeof item.domain !== 'string') return true const defaultLocaleDuplicate = (altItem) => altItem.defaultLocale === item.defaultLocale && altItem.domain !== item.domain ) if (defaultLocaleDuplicate) { console.warn( `Both ${item.domain} and ${defaultLocaleDuplicate.domain} configured the defaultLocale ${item.defaultLocale} but only one can. Change one item's default locale to continue` ) return true } let hasInvalidLocale = false if (Array.isArray(item.locales)) { for (const locale of item.locales) { if (typeof locale !== 'string') hasInvalidLocale = true for (const domainItem of || []) { if (domainItem === item) continue if (domainItem.locales && domainItem.locales.includes(locale)) { console.warn( `Both ${item.domain} and ${domainItem.domain} configured the locale (${locale}) but only one can. Remove it from one config to continue` ) hasInvalidLocale = true break } } } } return hasInvalidLocale }) if (invalidDomainItems.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Invalid values:\n${invalidDomainItems .map((item: any) => JSON.stringify(item)) .join( '\n' )}\n\ndomains value must follow format { domain: '', defaultLocale: 'fr', locales: ['fr'] }.\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (!Array.isArray(i18n.locales)) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.locales must be an array of locale strings e.g. ["en-US", "nl-NL"] received ${typeof i18n.locales}.\nSee more info here:` ) } const invalidLocales = i18n.locales.filter( (locale: any) => typeof locale !== 'string' ) if (invalidLocales.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.locales contains invalid values (${invalidLocales .map(String) .join( ', ' )}), locales must be valid locale tags provided as strings e.g. "en-US".\n` + `See here for list of valid language sub-tags:` ) } if (!i18n.locales.includes(i18n.defaultLocale)) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.defaultLocale should be included in i18n.locales.\nSee more info here:` ) } const normalizedLocales = new Set() const duplicateLocales = new Set() i18n.locales.forEach((locale) => { const localeLower = locale.toLowerCase() if (normalizedLocales.has(localeLower)) { duplicateLocales.add(locale) } normalizedLocales.add(localeLower) }) if (duplicateLocales.size > 0) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.locales contains the following duplicate locales:\n` + `${[...duplicateLocales].join(', ')}\n` + `Each locale should be listed only once.\n` + `See more info here:` ) } // make sure default Locale is at the front i18n.locales = [ i18n.defaultLocale, ...i18n.locales.filter((locale) => locale !== i18n.defaultLocale), ] const localeDetectionType = typeof i18n.localeDetection if ( localeDetectionType !== 'boolean' && localeDetectionType !== 'undefined' ) { throw new Error( `Specified i18n.localeDetection should be undefined or a boolean received ${localeDetectionType}.\nSee more info here:` ) } } if (result.experimental?.serverComponents) { const pageExtensions: string[] = [] ;(result.pageExtensions || []).forEach((ext) => { pageExtensions.push(ext) pageExtensions.push(`server.${ext}`) pageExtensions.push(`client.${ext}`) }) result.pageExtensions = pageExtensions } if (result.devIndicators?.buildActivityPosition) { const { buildActivityPosition } = result.devIndicators const allowedValues = [ 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', ] if (!allowedValues.includes(buildActivityPosition)) { throw new Error( `Invalid "devIndicator.buildActivityPosition" provided, expected one of ${allowedValues.join( ', ' )}, received ${buildActivityPosition}` ) } } return result } export default async function loadConfig( phase: string, dir: string, customConfig?: object | null ): Promise { await loadEnvConfig(dir, phase === PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, Log) await loadWebpackHook() let configFileName = 'next.config.js' if (customConfig) { return assignDefaults({ configOrigin: 'server', configFileName, ...customConfig, }) as NextConfigComplete } const path = await findUp(CONFIG_FILES, { cwd: dir }) // If config file was found if (path?.length) { configFileName = basename(path) let userConfigModule: any try { // `import()` expects url-encoded strings, so the path must be properly // escaped and (especially on Windows) absolute paths must pe prefixed // with the `file://` protocol if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE === 'jest') { // dynamic import does not currently work inside of vm which // jest relies on so we fall back to require for this case // userConfigModule = require(path) } else { userConfigModule = await import(pathToFileURL(path).href) } } catch (err) { Log.error( `Failed to load ${configFileName}, see more info here` ) throw err } const userConfig = await normalizeConfig( phase, userConfigModule.default || userConfigModule ) if (Object.keys(userConfig).length === 0) { Log.warn( `Detected ${configFileName}, no exported configuration found.` ) } if ( && !targets.includes( { throw new Error( `Specified target is invalid. Provided: "${ }" should be one of ${targets.join(', ')}` ) } if ( && !== 'server') { Log.warn( 'The `target` config is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n' + 'See more info here' ) } if (userConfig.amp?.canonicalBase) { const { canonicalBase } = userConfig.amp || ({} as any) userConfig.amp = userConfig.amp || {} userConfig.amp.canonicalBase = (canonicalBase.endsWith('/') ? canonicalBase.slice(0, -1) : canonicalBase) || '' } if (process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET || hasNextSupport) { = process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET || 'server' } return assignDefaults({ configOrigin: relative(dir, path), configFile: path, configFileName, ...userConfig, }) as NextConfigComplete } else { const configBaseName = basename(CONFIG_FILES[0], extname(CONFIG_FILES[0])) const nonJsPath = findUp.sync( [ `${configBaseName}.jsx`, `${configBaseName}.ts`, `${configBaseName}.tsx`, `${configBaseName}.json`, ], { cwd: dir } ) if (nonJsPath?.length) { throw new Error( `Configuring Next.js via '${basename( nonJsPath )}' is not supported. Please replace the file with 'next.config.js' or 'next.config.mjs'.` ) } } // always call assignDefaults to ensure settings like // reactRoot can be updated correctly even with no next.config.js const completeConfig = assignDefaults(defaultConfig) as NextConfigComplete completeConfig.configFileName = configFileName setHttpAgentOptions(completeConfig.httpAgentOptions) return completeConfig } export function setHttpAgentOptions( options: NextConfigComplete['httpAgentOptions'] ) { if ((global as any).__NEXT_HTTP_AGENT) { // We only need to assign once because we want // to resuse the same agent for all requests. return } if (!options) { throw new Error('Expected config.httpAgentOptions to be an object') } ;(global as any).__NEXT_HTTP_AGENT = new HttpAgent(options) ;(global as any).__NEXT_HTTPS_AGENT = new HttpsAgent(options) }