import type { NodeHeaders } from './types' export async function* streamToIterator( readable: ReadableStream ): AsyncIterableIterator { const reader = readable.getReader() while (true) { const { value, done } = await if (done) break if (value) { yield value } } reader.releaseLock() } export function notImplemented(name: string, method: string): any { throw new Error( `Failed to get the '${method}' property on '${name}': the property is not implemented` ) } export function fromNodeHeaders(object: NodeHeaders) { const headers: { [k: string]: string } = {} for (let headerKey in object) { const headerValue = object[headerKey] if (Array.isArray(headerValue)) { headers[headerKey] = headerValue.join('; ') } else if (headerValue) { headers[headerKey] = String(headerValue) } } return headers } export function toNodeHeaders(headers?: Headers): NodeHeaders { const object: NodeHeaders = {} if (headers) { for (const [key, value] of headers.entries()) { object[key] = value.includes(';') ? value.split(';') : value } } return object }