import type webpack from 'webpack' import { NODE_RESOLVE_OPTIONS } from '../../webpack-config' import { getModuleBuildInfo } from './get-module-build-info' async function createTreeCodeFromPath({ pagePath, resolve, resolveParallelSegments, }: { pagePath: string resolve: (pathname: string) => Promise resolveParallelSegments: ( pathname: string ) => [key: string, segment: string][] }) { const splittedPath = pagePath.split(/[\\/]/) const appDirPrefix = splittedPath[0] async function createSubtreePropsFromSegmentPath( segments: string[] ): Promise { const segmentPath = segments.join('/') // Existing tree are the children of the current segment const props: Record = {} // We need to resolve all parallel routes in this level. const parallelSegments: [key: string, segment: string][] = [] if (segments.length === 0) { parallelSegments.push(['children', '']) } else { parallelSegments.push(...resolveParallelSegments(segmentPath)) } for (const [parallelKey, parallelSegment] of parallelSegments) { const parallelSegmentPath = segmentPath + '/' + parallelSegment if (parallelSegment === 'page') { const matchedPagePath = `${appDirPrefix}${parallelSegmentPath}` const resolvedPagePath = await resolve(matchedPagePath) // Use '' for segment as it's the page. There can't be a segment called '' so this is the safest way to add it. props[parallelKey] = `['', {}, {filePath: ${JSON.stringify( resolvedPagePath )}, page: () => require(${JSON.stringify(resolvedPagePath)})}]` continue } const subtree = await createSubtreePropsFromSegmentPath([ ...segments, parallelSegment, ]) // For segmentPath === '' avoid double `/` const layoutPath = `${appDirPrefix}${parallelSegmentPath}/layout` // For segmentPath === '' avoid double `/` const loadingPath = `${appDirPrefix}${parallelSegmentPath}/loading` const resolvedLayoutPath = await resolve(layoutPath) const resolvedLoadingPath = await resolve(loadingPath) props[parallelKey] = `[ '${parallelSegment}', ${subtree}, { filePath: ${JSON.stringify(resolvedLayoutPath)}, ${ resolvedLayoutPath ? `layout: () => require(${JSON.stringify(resolvedLayoutPath)}),` : '' } ${ resolvedLoadingPath ? `loading: () => require(${JSON.stringify( resolvedLoadingPath )}),` : '' } } ]` } return `{ ${Object.entries(props) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`) .join(',\n')} }` } const tree = await createSubtreePropsFromSegmentPath([]) return `const tree = ${tree}.children;` } function createAbsolutePath(appDir: string, pathToTurnAbsolute: string) { return pathToTurnAbsolute.replace(/^private-next-app-dir/, appDir) } const nextAppLoader: webpack.LoaderDefinitionFunction<{ name: string pagePath: string appDir: string appPaths: string[] | null pageExtensions: string[] }> = async function nextAppLoader() { const { name, appDir, appPaths, pagePath, pageExtensions } = this.getOptions() || {} const buildInfo = getModuleBuildInfo((this as any)._module) buildInfo.route = { page: name.replace(/^app/, ''), absolutePagePath: createAbsolutePath(appDir, pagePath), } const extensions = => `.${extension}`) const resolveOptions: any = { ...NODE_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, extensions, } const resolve = this.getResolve(resolveOptions) const normalizedAppPaths = typeof appPaths === 'string' ? [appPaths] : appPaths || [] const resolveParallelSegments = (pathname: string) => { const matched: Record = {} for (const path of normalizedAppPaths) { if (path.startsWith(pathname + '/')) { const restPath = path.slice(pathname.length + 1) const matchedSegment = restPath.split('/')[0] const matchedKey = matchedSegment.startsWith('@') ? matchedSegment.slice(1) : 'children' matched[matchedKey] = matchedSegment } } return Object.entries(matched) } const resolver = async (pathname: string) => { try { const resolved = await resolve(this.rootContext, pathname) this.addDependency(resolved) return resolved } catch (err: any) { const absolutePath = createAbsolutePath(appDir, pathname) for (const ext of extensions) { const absolutePathWithExtension = `${absolutePath}${ext}` this.addMissingDependency(absolutePathWithExtension) } if (err.message.includes("Can't resolve")) { return undefined } throw err } } const treeCode = await createTreeCodeFromPath({ pagePath, resolve: resolver, resolveParallelSegments, }) const result = ` export ${treeCode} export const AppRouter = require('next/dist/client/components/app-router.client.js').default export const LayoutRouter = require('next/dist/client/components/layout-router.client.js').default export const HotReloader = ${ // Disable HotReloader component in production this.mode === 'development' ? `require('next/dist/client/components/hot-reloader.client.js').default` : 'null' } export const __next_app_webpack_require__ = __webpack_require__ ` return result } export default nextAppLoader