import loader from '@next/font/google/loader' import fetch from 'next/dist/compiled/node-fetch' jest.mock('next/dist/compiled/node-fetch') describe('@next/font/google loader', () => { afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks() }) describe('URL from options', () => { test.each([ [ 'Inter', {}, '', ], [ 'Inter', { weight: '400' }, '', ], [ 'Inter', { weight: '900', display: 'block' }, '', ], [ 'Source_Sans_Pro', { weight: '900', display: 'auto' }, '', ], [ 'Source_Sans_Pro', { weight: '200', style: 'italic' }, ',wght@1,200&display=optional', ], [ 'Roboto_Flex', { display: 'swap' }, '', ], [ 'Roboto_Flex', { display: 'fallback', weight: 'variable', axes: ['opsz'] }, ',wght@8..144,100..1000&display=fallback', ], [ 'Roboto_Flex', { display: 'optional', axes: ['YTUC', 'slnt', 'wdth', 'opsz', 'XTRA', 'YTAS'], }, ',slnt,wdth,wght,XTRA,YTAS,YTUC@8..144,-10..0,25..151,100..1000,323..603,649..854,528..760&display=optional', ], [ 'Oooh_Baby', { weight: '400' }, '', ], [ 'Albert_Sans', { weight: 'variable', style: 'italic' }, ',wght@1,100..900&display=optional', ], [ 'Fraunces', { weight: 'variable', style: 'italic', axes: ['WONK', 'opsz', 'SOFT'] }, ',opsz,wght,SOFT,WONK@1,9..144,100..900,0..100,0..1&display=optional', ], [ 'Molle', { weight: '400' }, ',wght@1,400&display=optional', ], ])('%s', async (functionName: string, data: any, url: string) => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, text: async () => 'OK', }) const { css } = await loader({ functionName, data: [{ adjustFontFallback: false, }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) expect(css).toBe('OK') expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(url, expect.any(Object)) }) }) describe('Fallback fonts', () => { test('Inter', async () => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, text: async () => '', }) const { adjustFontFallback, fallbackFonts } = await loader({ functionName: 'Inter', data: [], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) expect(adjustFontFallback).toEqual({ ascentOverride: '88.84%', descentOverride: '22.14%', fallbackFont: 'Arial', lineGapOverride: '0.00%', sizeAdjust: '109.04%', }) expect(fallbackFonts).toBeUndefined() }) test('Source Code Pro', async () => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, text: async () => '', }) const { fallbackFonts, adjustFontFallback } = await loader({ functionName: 'Source_Code_Pro', data: [], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) expect(adjustFontFallback).toEqual({ ascentOverride: '80.28%', descentOverride: '22.27%', fallbackFont: 'Arial', lineGapOverride: '0.00%', sizeAdjust: '122.56%', }) expect(fallbackFonts).toBeUndefined() }) test('Fraunces', async () => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, text: async () => '', }) const { adjustFontFallback, fallbackFonts } = await loader({ functionName: 'Fraunces', data: [{ fallback: ['Abc', 'Def'] }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) expect(adjustFontFallback).toEqual({ ascentOverride: '83.79%', descentOverride: '21.85%', fallbackFont: 'Times New Roman', lineGapOverride: '0.00%', sizeAdjust: '116.72%', }) expect(fallbackFonts).toEqual(['Abc', 'Def']) }) test('adjustFontFallback disabled', async () => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: true, text: async () => '', }) const { css, fallbackFonts } = await loader({ functionName: 'Inter', data: [{ adjustFontFallback: false, fallback: ['system-ui', 'Arial'] }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) expect(css).toBe('') expect(fallbackFonts).toEqual(['system-ui', 'Arial']) }) }) describe('Errors', () => { test('Failed to fetch', async () => { fetch.mockResolvedValue({ ok: false, }) await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Alkalami', data: [{ weight: '400' }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Failed to fetch font \`Alkalami\`. URL:" `) }) test('Missing function name', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: '', // default import data: [], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"@next/font/google has no default export"` ) }) test('Unknown font', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Unknown_Font', data: [], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Unknown font \`Unknown Font\`"` ) }) test('Unknown weight', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Inter', data: [{ weight: '123' }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unknown weight \`123\` for font \`Inter\`. Available weights: \`100\`, \`200\`, \`300\`, \`400\`, \`500\`, \`600\`, \`700\`, \`800\`, \`900\`, \`variable\`" `) }) test('Missing weight for non variable font', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Abel', data: [], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Missing weight for font \`Abel\`. Available weights: \`400\`" `) }) test('Unknown style', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Molle', data: [{ weight: '400', style: 'normal' }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unknown style \`normal\` for font \`Molle\`. Available styles: \`italic\`" `) }) test('Invalid display value', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Inter', data: [{ display: 'invalid' }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Invalid display value \`invalid\` for font \`Inter\`. Available display values: \`auto\`, \`block\`, \`swap\`, \`fallback\`, \`optional\`" `) }) test('Setting axes on non variable font', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Abel', data: [{ weight: '400', axes: [] }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Axes can only be defined for variable fonts"` ) }) test('Setting axes on font without definable axes', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Lora', data: [{ axes: [] }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Font \`Lora\` has no definable \`axes\`"` ) }) test('Invalid axes value', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Inter', data: [{ axes: true }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Invalid axes value for font \`Inter\`, expected an array of axes. Available axes: \`slnt\`" `) }) test('Invalid value in axes array', async () => { await expect( loader({ functionName: 'Roboto_Flex', data: [{ axes: ['INVALID'] }], config: { subsets: [] }, emitFontFile: jest.fn(), resolve: jest.fn(), fs: {} as any, }) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Invalid axes value \`INVALID\` for font \`Roboto Flex\`. Available axes: \`GRAD\`, \`XTRA\`, \`YOPQ\`, \`YTAS\`, \`YTDE\`, \`YTFI\`, \`YTLC\`, \`YTUC\`, \`opsz\`, \`slnt\`, \`wdth\`" `) }) }) })