const authToken = process.env.CODE_FREEZE_TOKEN if (!authToken) { throw new Error(`missing CODE_FREEZE_TOKEN env`) } const codeFreezeRule = { context: 'Potentially publish release', app_id: 15368, } async function updateRules(newRules) { const res = await fetch( ``, { method: 'PUT', headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github+json', Authorization: `Bearer ${authToken}`, 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28', }, body: JSON.stringify(newRules), } ) if (!res.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to check for rule ${res.status} ${await res.text()}` ) } } async function getCurrentRules() { const res = await fetch( ``, { headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github+json', Authorization: `Bearer ${authToken}`, 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28', }, } ) if (!res.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to check for rule ${res.status} ${await res.text()}` ) } const data = await res.json() return { required_status_checks: { strict: data.required_status_checks.strict, // checks: data.required_status_checks.checks, contexts: data.required_status_checks.contexts, }, enforce_admins: data.enforce_admins.enabled, required_pull_request_reviews: { dismiss_stale_reviews: data.required_pull_request_reviews.dismiss_stale_reviews, require_code_owner_reviews: data.required_pull_request_reviews.require_code_owner_reviews, require_last_push_approval: data.required_pull_request_reviews.require_last_push_approval, required_approving_review_count: data.required_pull_request_reviews.required_approving_review_count, }, restrictions: { users: data.restrictions.users?.map((user) => user.login) || [], teams: data.restrictions.teams?.map((team) => team.slug) || [], apps: [], }, } } async function main() { const typeIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--type') const type = process.argv[typeIdx + 1] if (type !== 'enable' && type !== 'disable') { throw new Error(`--type should be enable or disable`) } const isEnable = type === 'enable' const currentRules = await getCurrentRules() const hasRule = currentRules.required_status_checks.contexts?.some((ctx) => { return ctx === codeFreezeRule.context }) console.log(currentRules) if (isEnable) { if (hasRule) { console.log(`Already enabled`) return } currentRules.required_status_checks.contexts.push(codeFreezeRule.context) await updateRules(currentRules) console.log('Enabled code freeze') } else { if (!hasRule) { console.log(`Already disabled`) return } currentRules.required_status_checks.contexts = currentRules.required_status_checks.contexts.filter( (ctx) => ctx !== codeFreezeRule.context ) await updateRules(currentRules) console.log('Disabled code freeze') } } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })