const path = require('path') const minimatch = require('minimatch') function getTestFilter() { const manifest = process.env.NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS ? require(path.resolve(process.env.NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS)) : null if (!manifest) return null // For the legacy manifest without a version, we assume it's a complete list // of all the tests. if (!manifest.version || typeof manifest.version !== 'number') { return (tests) => tests .filter((test) => { const info = manifest[test.file] // Include tests that are not in the manifest return !info || !info.runtimeError }) .map((test) => { const info = manifest[test.file] // Exclude failing and flakey tests, newly added tests are automatically included if (info && (info.failed.length > 0 || info.flakey.length > 0)) { test.excludedCases = info.failed.concat(info.flakey) } return test }) } // The new manifest version 2 only contains the list of tests that should // be run, with exclusions added based on rules. Any new tests that are added // will be automatically included if they match the include rules. if (manifest.version === 2) { return (tests) => tests .filter((test) => { // Check to see if this was included as-is in the manifest. if (test.file in manifest.suites) return true // If this file doesn't match any of the include patterns, then it // should be excluded. if ( manifest.rules.include.every( (pattern) => !minimatch(test.file, pattern) ) ) { return false } // If the file matches any of the exclude patterns, then it should be // excluded. if ( manifest.rules.exclude?.some((pattern) => minimatch(test.file, pattern) ) ) { return false } // Otherwise, it should be included. return true }) .map((test) => { const info = manifest.suites[test.file] // If there's no info for this test, then it's a test that has no // failures or flakey tests, so we can just include it as-is. if (!info) { return test } // Exclude failing and flakey tests, newly added tests are // automatically included. const { failed = [], flakey = [] } = info if (failed.length > 0 || flakey.length > 0) { test.excludedCases = failed.concat(flakey) } return test }) } throw new Error(`Unknown manifest version: ${manifest.version}`) } module.exports = { getTestFilter }