const path = require('path') const execa = require('execa') const resolveFrom = require('resolve-from') const ansiEscapes = require('ansi-escapes') function getPromptErrorDetails(rawAssertion, mostRecentChunk) { const assertion = rawAssertion.toString().trim() const mostRecent = (mostRecentChunk || '').trim() return `Waiting for:\n "${assertion}"\nmost recent chunk was:\n "${mostRecent}"` } async function waitForPrompt(cp, rawAssertion, timeout = 3000) { let assertion if (typeof rawAssertion === 'string') { assertion = (chunk) => chunk.includes(rawAssertion) } else if (rawAssertion instanceof RegExp) { assertion = (chunk) => rawAssertion.test(chunk) } else { assertion = rawAssertion } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let mostRecentChunk = 'NO CHUNKS SO FAR' console.log('Waiting for prompt...') const handleTimeout = setTimeout(() => { cleanup() const promptErrorDetails = getPromptErrorDetails( rawAssertion, mostRecentChunk ) reject( new Error( `Timed out after ${timeout}ms in waitForPrompt. ${promptErrorDetails}` ) ) }, timeout) const onComplete = () => { cleanup() const promptErrorDetails = getPromptErrorDetails( rawAssertion, mostRecentChunk ) reject( new Error( `Process exited before prompt was found in waitForPrompt. ${promptErrorDetails}` ) ) } const onData = (rawChunk) => { const chunk = rawChunk.toString() mostRecentChunk = chunk console.log('> ' + chunk) if (assertion(chunk)) { cleanup() resolve() } } const cleanup = () => { cp.stdout?.off('data', onData) cp.stderr?.off('data', onData)'close', onComplete)'exit', onComplete) clearTimeout(handleTimeout) } cp.stdout?.on('data', onData) cp.stderr?.on('data', onData) cp.on('close', onComplete) cp.on('exit', onComplete) }) } const SEMVER_TYPES = ['patch', 'minor', 'major'] async function main() { const args = process.argv const releaseType = args[args.indexOf('--release-type') + 1] const semverType = args[args.indexOf('--semver-type') + 1] const isCanary = releaseType !== 'stable' if (releaseType !== 'stable' && releaseType !== 'canary') { console.log(`Invalid release type ${releaseType}, must be stable or canary`) return } if (!isCanary && !SEMVER_TYPES.includes(semverType)) { console.log( `Invalid semver type ${semverType}, must be one of ${SEMVER_TYPES.join( ', ' )}` ) return } const githubToken = process.env.RELEASE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN if (!githubToken) { console.log(`Missing RELEASE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN`) return } const configStorePath = resolveFrom( path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/release'), 'configstore' ) const ConfigStore = require(configStorePath) const config = new ConfigStore('release') config.set('token', githubToken) await execa( `git remote set-url origin https://vercel-release-bot:${githubToken}`, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: true } ) await execa(`git config "vercel-release-bot"`, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: true, }) await execa(`git config ""`, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: true, }) console.log(`Running pnpm release-${isCanary ? 'canary' : 'stable'}...`) const child = execa(`pnpm release-${isCanary ? 'canary' : 'stable'}`, { stdio: 'pipe', shell: true, }) child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr) if (isCanary) { console.log("Releasing canary: enter 'y'\n") child.stdin.write('y\n') } else { console.log('Wait for the version prompt to show up') await waitForPrompt(child, 'Select a new version') console.log('Releasing stable') if (semverType === 'minor') { console.log('Releasing minor: cursor down > 1\n') child.stdin.write(ansiEscapes.cursorDown(1)) } if (semverType === 'major') { console.log('Releasing major: curser down > 1') child.stdin.write(ansiEscapes.cursorDown(1)) console.log('Releasing major: curser down > 2') child.stdin.write(ansiEscapes.cursorDown(1)) } if (semverType === 'patch') { console.log('Releasing patch: cursor stay\n') } console.log('Enter newline') child.stdin.write('\n') await waitForPrompt(child, 'Changes:') console.log('Enter y') child.stdin.write('y\n') } console.log('Await child process...') await child console.log('Release process is finished') } main()