import { createConfigItem, loadOptions } from 'next/dist/compiled/babel/core' import loadConfig from 'next/dist/compiled/babel/core-lib-config' import nextBabelPreset from '../preset' import { NextBabelLoaderOptions, NextJsLoaderContext } from './types' import { consumeIterator } from './util' const nextDistPath = /(next[\\/]dist[\\/]next-server[\\/]lib)|(next[\\/]dist[\\/]client)|(next[\\/]dist[\\/]pages)/ /** * The properties defined here are the conditions with which subsets of inputs * can be identified that are able to share a common Babel config. For example, * in dev mode, different transforms must be applied to a source file depending * on whether you're compiling for the client or for the server - thus `isServer` * is germane. * * However, these characteristics need not protect against circumstances that * will not be encountered in Next.js. For example, a source file may be * transformed differently depending on whether we're doing a production compile * or for HMR in dev mode. However, those two circumstances will never be * encountered within the context of a single V8 context (and, thus, shared * cache). Therefore, hasReactRefresh is _not_ germane to caching. * * NOTE: This approach does not support multiple `.babelrc` files in a * single project. A per-cache-key config will be generated once and, * if `.babelrc` is present, that config will be used for any subsequent * transformations. */ interface CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching { isServer: boolean isPageFile: boolean isNextDist: boolean hasModuleExports: boolean } function getCacheCharacteristics( loaderOptions: NextBabelLoaderOptions, source: string, filename: string ): CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching { const { isServer, pagesDir } = loaderOptions const isPageFile = filename.startsWith(pagesDir) const isNextDist = nextDistPath.test(filename) const hasModuleExports = source.indexOf('module.exports') !== -1 return { isServer, isPageFile, isNextDist, hasModuleExports, } } /** * Return an array of Babel plugins, conditioned upon loader options and * source file characteristics. */ function getPlugins( loaderOptions: NextBabelLoaderOptions, cacheCharacteristics: CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching ) { const { isServer, isPageFile, isNextDist, hasModuleExports, } = cacheCharacteristics const { hasReactRefresh, development } = loaderOptions const applyCommonJsItem = hasModuleExports ? createConfigItem(require('../plugins/commonjs'), { type: 'plugin' }) : null const reactRefreshItem = hasReactRefresh ? createConfigItem( [require('react-refresh/babel'), { skipEnvCheck: true }], { type: 'plugin' } ) : null const noAnonymousDefaultExportItem = hasReactRefresh && !isServer ? createConfigItem( [require('../plugins/no-anonymous-default-export'), {}], { type: 'plugin' } ) : null const pageConfigItem = !isServer && isPageFile ? createConfigItem([require('../plugins/next-page-config')], { type: 'plugin', }) : null const disallowExportAllItem = !isServer && isPageFile ? createConfigItem( [require('../plugins/next-page-disallow-re-export-all-exports')], { type: 'plugin' } ) : null const transformDefineItem = createConfigItem( [ require.resolve('next/dist/compiled/babel/plugin-transform-define'), { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': development ? 'development' : 'production', 'typeof window': isServer ? 'undefined' : 'object', 'process.browser': isServer ? false : true, }, 'next-js-transform-define-instance', ], { type: 'plugin' } ) const nextSsgItem = !isServer && isPageFile ? createConfigItem([require.resolve('../plugins/next-ssg-transform')], { type: 'plugin', }) : null const commonJsItem = isNextDist ? createConfigItem( require('next/dist/compiled/babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs'), { type: 'plugin' } ) : null return [ noAnonymousDefaultExportItem, reactRefreshItem, pageConfigItem, disallowExportAllItem, applyCommonJsItem, transformDefineItem, nextSsgItem, commonJsItem, ].filter(Boolean) } /** * Generate a new, flat Babel config, ready to be handed to Babel-traverse. * This config should have no unresolved overrides, presets, etc. */ function getFreshConfig( this: NextJsLoaderContext, cacheCharacteristics: CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching, loaderOptions: NextBabelLoaderOptions, target: string, filename: string, inputSourceMap?: object | null ) { const { presets = [], isServer, pagesDir, development, hasReactRefresh, hasJsxRuntime, babelrc, } = loaderOptions const nextPresetItem = createConfigItem(nextBabelPreset, { type: 'preset' }) let options = { babelrc, cloneInputAst: false, filename, inputSourceMap: inputSourceMap || undefined, // Set the default sourcemap behavior based on Webpack's mapping flag, // but allow users to override if they want. sourceMaps: loaderOptions.sourceMaps === undefined ? inputSourceMap : loaderOptions.sourceMaps, // Ensure that Webpack will get a full absolute path in the sourcemap // so that it can properly map the module back to its internal cached // modules. sourceFileName: filename, plugins: getPlugins(loaderOptions, cacheCharacteristics), presets: [...presets, nextPresetItem], overrides: loaderOptions.overrides, caller: { name: 'next-babel-turbo-loader', supportsStaticESM: true, supportsDynamicImport: true, // Provide plugins with insight into webpack target. // target: target, // Webpack 5 supports TLA behind a flag. We enable it by default // for Babel, and then webpack will throw an error if the experimental // flag isn't enabled. supportsTopLevelAwait: true, isServer, pagesDir, development, hasReactRefresh, hasJsxRuntime, ...loaderOptions.caller, }, } as any Object.defineProperty(options.caller, 'onWarning', { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: (reason: any) => { if (!(reason instanceof Error)) { reason = new Error(reason) } this.emitWarning(reason) }, }) const loadedOptions = loadOptions(options) const config = consumeIterator(loadConfig(loadedOptions)) return config } /** * Each key returned here corresponds with a Babel config that can be shared. * The conditions of permissible sharing between files is dependent on specific * file attributes and Next.js compiler states: `CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching`. */ function getCacheKey(cacheCharacteristics: CharacteristicsGermaneToCaching) { const { isServer, isPageFile, isNextDist, hasModuleExports, } = cacheCharacteristics return ( 0 | (isServer ? 0b0001 : 0) | (isPageFile ? 0b0010 : 0) | (isNextDist ? 0b0100 : 0) | (hasModuleExports ? 0b1000 : 0) ) } type BabelConfig = any const configCache: Map = new Map() export default function getConfig( this: NextJsLoaderContext, { source, loaderOptions, target, filename, inputSourceMap, }: { source: string loaderOptions: NextBabelLoaderOptions target: string filename: string inputSourceMap?: object | null } ): BabelConfig { const cacheCharacteristics = getCacheCharacteristics( loaderOptions, source, filename ) const cacheKey = getCacheKey(cacheCharacteristics) if (configCache.has(cacheKey)) { return { ...configCache.get(cacheKey), filename, sourceFileName: filename, } } const freshConfig = this, cacheCharacteristics, loaderOptions, target, filename, inputSourceMap ) configCache.set(cacheKey, freshConfig) return freshConfig }