import type { MiddlewareMatcher } from '../../analysis/get-page-static-info' import { getModuleBuildInfo } from './get-module-build-info' import { stringifyRequest } from '../stringify-request' import { MIDDLEWARE_LOCATION_REGEXP } from '../../../lib/constants' export type MiddlewareLoaderOptions = { absolutePagePath: string page: string matchers?: string } // matchers can have special characters that break the loader params // parsing so we base64 encode/decode the string export function encodeMatchers(matchers: MiddlewareMatcher[]) { return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(matchers)).toString('base64') } export function decodeMatchers(encodedMatchers: string) { return JSON.parse( Buffer.from(encodedMatchers, 'base64').toString() ) as MiddlewareMatcher[] } export default function middlewareLoader(this: any) { const { absolutePagePath, page, matchers: encodedMatchers, }: MiddlewareLoaderOptions = this.getOptions() const matchers = encodedMatchers ? decodeMatchers(encodedMatchers) : undefined const stringifiedPagePath = stringifyRequest(this, absolutePagePath) const buildInfo = getModuleBuildInfo(this._module) buildInfo.nextEdgeMiddleware = { matchers, page: page.replace(new RegExp(`/${MIDDLEWARE_LOCATION_REGEXP}$`), '') || '/', } return ` import { adapter, blockUnallowedResponse, enhanceGlobals } from 'next/dist/server/web/adapter' enhanceGlobals() var mod = require(${stringifiedPagePath}) var handler = mod.middleware || mod.default; if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new Error('The Middleware "pages${page}" must export a \`middleware\` or a \`default\` function'); } export default function (opts) { return blockUnallowedResponse(adapter({ ...opts, page: ${JSON.stringify(page)}, handler, })) } ` }