#!/usr/bin/env node import * as log from '../build/output/log' import arg from 'next/dist/compiled/arg/index.js' import { NON_STANDARD_NODE_ENV } from '../lib/constants' ;['react', 'react-dom'].forEach((dependency) => { try { // When 'npm link' is used it checks the clone location. Not the project. require.resolve(dependency) } catch (err) { console.warn( `The module '${dependency}' was not found. Next.js requires that you include it in 'dependencies' of your 'package.json'. To add it, run 'npm install ${dependency}'` ) } }) const defaultCommand = 'dev' export type cliCommand = (argv?: string[]) => void const commands: { [command: string]: () => Promise } = { build: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-build').nextBuild), start: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-start').nextStart), export: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-export').nextExport), dev: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-dev').nextDev), lint: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-lint').nextLint), telemetry: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-telemetry').nextTelemetry), info: () => Promise.resolve(require('../cli/next-info').nextInfo), } const args = arg( { // Types '--version': Boolean, '--help': Boolean, '--inspect': Boolean, // Aliases '-v': '--version', '-h': '--help', }, { permissive: true, } ) // Version is inlined into the file using taskr build pipeline if (args['--version']) { console.log(`Next.js v${process.env.__NEXT_VERSION}`) process.exit(0) } // Check if we are running `next ` or `next` const foundCommand = Boolean(commands[args._[0]]) // Makes sure the `next --help` case is covered // This help message is only showed for `next --help` // `next --help` falls through to be handled later if (!foundCommand && args['--help']) { console.log(` Usage $ next Available commands ${Object.keys(commands).join(', ')} Options --version, -v Version number --help, -h Displays this message For more information run a command with the --help flag $ next build --help `) process.exit(0) } const command = foundCommand ? args._[0] : defaultCommand const forwardedArgs = foundCommand ? args._.slice(1) : args._ if (args['--inspect']) throw new Error( `--inspect flag is deprecated. Use env variable NODE_OPTIONS instead: NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next ${command}` ) // Make sure the `next --help` case is covered if (args['--help']) { forwardedArgs.push('--help') } const defaultEnv = command === 'dev' ? 'development' : 'production' const standardEnv = ['production', 'development', 'test'] if (process.env.NODE_ENV) { const isNotStandard = !standardEnv.includes(process.env.NODE_ENV) const shouldWarnCommands = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? ['start', 'build'] : process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? ['dev'] : [] if (isNotStandard || shouldWarnCommands.includes(command)) { log.warn(NON_STANDARD_NODE_ENV) } } ;(process.env as any).NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || defaultEnv // Make sure commands gracefully respect termination signals (e.g. from Docker) process.on('SIGTERM', () => process.exit(0)) process.on('SIGINT', () => process.exit(0)) commands[command]() .then((exec) => exec(forwardedArgs)) .then(() => { if (command === 'build') { // ensure process exits after build completes so open handles/connections // don't cause process to hang process.exit(0) } }) if (command === 'dev') { const { CONFIG_FILES } = require('../shared/lib/constants') const { watchFile } = require('fs') for (const CONFIG_FILE of CONFIG_FILES) { watchFile(`${process.cwd()}/${CONFIG_FILE}`, (cur: any, prev: any) => { if (cur.size > 0 || prev.size > 0) { console.log( `\n> Found a change in ${CONFIG_FILE}. Restart the server to see the changes in effect.` ) } }) } }