/* eslint-env jest */ import mitt from 'next-server/dist/lib/mitt' describe('mitt', () => { describe('With listeners', () => { it('should listen to a event', (done) => { const ev = mitt() ev.on('sample', done) ev.emit('sample') }) it('should listen to multiple listeners', () => { const ev = mitt() let cnt = 0 ev.on('sample', () => { cnt += 1 }) ev.on('sample', () => { cnt += 1 }) ev.emit('sample') expect(cnt).toBe(2) }) it('should listen to multiple events', () => { const ev = mitt() const data = [] const cb = (name) => { data.push(name) } ev.on('sample1', cb) ev.on('sample2', cb) ev.emit('sample1', 'one') ev.emit('sample2', 'two') expect(data).toEqual(['one', 'two']) }) it('should support multiple arguments', () => { const ev = mitt() let data ev.on('sample', (...args) => { data = args }) ev.emit('sample', 'one', 'two') expect(data).toEqual(['one', 'two']) }) it('should possible to stop listening an event', () => { const ev = mitt() let cnt = 0 const cb = () => { cnt += 1 } ev.on('sample', cb) ev.emit('sample') expect(cnt).toBe(1) ev.off('sample', cb) ev.emit('sample') expect(cnt).toBe(1) }) }) describe('Without a listener', () => { it('should not fail to emit', () => { const ev = mitt() ev.emit('aaaa', 10, 20) }) }) })