import '../next-server/server/node-polyfill-fetch' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' import gzipSize from 'next/dist/compiled/gzip-size' import textTable from 'next/dist/compiled/text-table' import path from 'path' import { isValidElementType } from 'react-is' import stripAnsi from 'next/dist/compiled/strip-ansi' import { Redirect, Rewrite, Header, CustomRoutes, } from '../lib/load-custom-routes' import { SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT, SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT, SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT, } from '../lib/constants' import prettyBytes from '../lib/pretty-bytes' import { recursiveReadDir } from '../lib/recursive-readdir' import { getRouteMatcher, getRouteRegex } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic' import escapePathDelimiters from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/escape-path-delimiters' import { findPageFile } from '../server/lib/find-page-file' import { GetStaticPaths } from 'next/types' import { denormalizePagePath } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path' import { BuildManifest } from '../next-server/server/get-page-files' import { removePathTrailingSlash } from '../client/normalize-trailing-slash' import type { UnwrapPromise } from '../lib/coalesced-function' import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../next-server/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path' const fileGzipStats: { [k: string]: Promise } = {} const fsStatGzip = (file: string) => { if (fileGzipStats[file]) return fileGzipStats[file] fileGzipStats[file] = gzipSize.file(file) return fileGzipStats[file] } export function collectPages( directory: string, pageExtensions: string[] ): Promise { return recursiveReadDir( directory, new RegExp(`\\.(?:${pageExtensions.join('|')})$`) ) } export interface PageInfo { isHybridAmp?: boolean size: number totalSize: number static: boolean isSsg: boolean ssgPageRoutes: string[] | null initialRevalidateSeconds: number | false } export async function printTreeView( list: readonly string[], pageInfos: Map, serverless: boolean, { distPath, buildId, pagesDir, pageExtensions, buildManifest, isModern, useStatic404, }: { distPath: string buildId: string pagesDir: string pageExtensions: string[] buildManifest: BuildManifest isModern: boolean useStatic404: boolean } ) { const getPrettySize = (_size: number): string => { const size = prettyBytes(_size) // green for 0-130kb if (_size < 130 * 1000) return // yellow for 130-170kb if (_size < 170 * 1000) return chalk.yellow(size) // red for >= 170kb return } const getCleanName = (fileName: string) => fileName // Trim off `static/` .replace(/^static\//, '') // Re-add `static/` for root files .replace(/^/, 'static') // Remove file hash .replace(/[.-]([0-9a-z]{6})[0-9a-z]{14}(?=\.)/, '.$1') const messages: [string, string, string][] = [ ['Page', 'Size', 'First Load JS'].map((entry) => chalk.underline(entry) ) as [string, string, string], ] const hasCustomApp = await findPageFile(pagesDir, '/_app', pageExtensions) pageInfos.set('/404', { ...(pageInfos.get('/404') || pageInfos.get('/_error')), static: useStatic404, } as any) if (!list.includes('/404')) { list = [...list, '/404'] } const sizeData = await computeFromManifest( buildManifest, distPath, isModern, pageInfos ) const pageList = list .slice() .filter( (e) => !( e === '/_document' || e === '/_error' || (!hasCustomApp && e === '/_app') ) ) .sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) pageList.forEach((item, i, arr) => { const symbol = i === 0 ? arr.length === 1 ? '─' : '┌' : i === arr.length - 1 ? '└' : '├' const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(item) const ampFirst = buildManifest.ampFirstPages.includes(item) messages.push([ `${symbol} ${ item === '/_app' ? ' ' : pageInfo?.static ? '○' : pageInfo?.isSsg ? '●' : 'λ' } ${ pageInfo?.initialRevalidateSeconds ? `${item} (ISR: ${pageInfo?.initialRevalidateSeconds} Seconds)` : item }`, pageInfo ? ampFirst ? chalk.cyan('AMP') : pageInfo.size >= 0 ? prettyBytes(pageInfo.size) : '' : '', pageInfo ? ampFirst ? chalk.cyan('AMP') : pageInfo.size >= 0 ? getPrettySize(pageInfo.totalSize) : '' : '', ]) const uniqueCssFiles = buildManifest.pages[item]?.filter( (file) => file.endsWith('.css') && sizeData.uniqueFiles.includes(file) ) || [] if (uniqueCssFiles.length > 0) { const contSymbol = i === arr.length - 1 ? ' ' : '├' uniqueCssFiles.forEach((file, index, { length }) => { const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├' messages.push([ `${contSymbol} ${innerSymbol} ${getCleanName(file)}`, prettyBytes(sizeData.sizeUniqueFiles[file]), '', ]) }) } if (pageInfo?.ssgPageRoutes?.length) { const totalRoutes = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes.length const previewPages = totalRoutes === 4 ? 4 : 3 const contSymbol = i === arr.length - 1 ? ' ' : '├' const routes = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes.slice(0, previewPages) if (totalRoutes > previewPages) { const remaining = totalRoutes - previewPages routes.push(`[+${remaining} more paths]`) } routes.forEach((slug, index, { length }) => { const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├' messages.push([`${contSymbol} ${innerSymbol} ${slug}`, '', '']) }) } }) const sharedFilesSize = sizeData.sizeCommonFiles const sharedFiles = sizeData.sizeCommonFile messages.push([ '+ First Load JS shared by all', getPrettySize(sharedFilesSize), '', ]) const sharedFileKeys = Object.keys(sharedFiles) const sharedCssFiles: string[] = [] ;[ ...sharedFileKeys .filter((file) => { if (file.endsWith('.css')) { sharedCssFiles.push(file) return false } return true }) .map((e) => e.replace(buildId, '')) .sort(), => e.replace(buildId, '')).sort(), ].forEach((fileName, index, { length }) => { const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├' const originalName = fileName.replace('', buildId) const cleanName = getCleanName(fileName) messages.push([ ` ${innerSymbol} ${cleanName}`, prettyBytes(sharedFiles[originalName]), '', ]) }) console.log( textTable(messages, { align: ['l', 'l', 'r'], stringLength: (str) => stripAnsi(str).length, }) ) console.log() console.log( textTable( [ [ 'λ', serverless ? '(Lambda)' : '(Server)', `server-side renders at runtime (uses ${chalk.cyan( 'getInitialProps' )} or ${chalk.cyan('getServerSideProps')})`, ], [ '○', '(Static)', 'automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)', ], [ '●', '(SSG)', `automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses ${chalk.cyan( 'getStaticProps' )})`, ], [ '', '(ISR)', `incremental static regeneration (uses revalidate in ${chalk.cyan( 'getStaticProps' )})`, ], ] as [string, string, string][], { align: ['l', 'l', 'l'], stringLength: (str) => stripAnsi(str).length, } ) ) console.log() } export function printCustomRoutes({ redirects, rewrites, headers, }: CustomRoutes) { const printRoutes = ( routes: Redirect[] | Rewrite[] | Header[], type: 'Redirects' | 'Rewrites' | 'Headers' ) => { const isRedirects = type === 'Redirects' const isHeaders = type === 'Headers' console.log(chalk.underline(type)) console.log() /* ┌ source ├ permanent/statusCode └ destination */ const routesStr = (routes as any[]) .map((route: { source: string }) => { let routeStr = `┌ source: ${route.source}\n` if (!isHeaders) { const r = route as Rewrite routeStr += `${isRedirects ? '├' : '└'} destination: ${ r.destination }\n` } if (isRedirects) { const r = route as Redirect routeStr += `└ ${ r.statusCode ? `status: ${r.statusCode}` : `permanent: ${r.permanent}` }\n` } if (isHeaders) { const r = route as Header routeStr += `└ headers:\n` for (let i = 0; i < r.headers.length; i++) { const header = r.headers[i] const last = i === headers.length - 1 routeStr += ` ${last ? '└' : '├'} ${header.key}: ${header.value}\n` } } return routeStr }) .join('\n') console.log(routesStr, '\n') } if (redirects.length) { printRoutes(redirects, 'Redirects') } if (rewrites.length) { printRoutes(rewrites, 'Rewrites') } if (headers.length) { printRoutes(headers, 'Headers') } } type ComputeManifestShape = { commonFiles: string[] uniqueFiles: string[] sizeUniqueFiles: { [file: string]: number } sizeCommonFile: { [file: string]: number } sizeCommonFiles: number } let cachedBuildManifest: BuildManifest | undefined let lastCompute: ComputeManifestShape | undefined let lastComputeModern: boolean | undefined let lastComputePageInfo: boolean | undefined async function computeFromManifest( manifest: BuildManifest, distPath: string, isModern: boolean, pageInfos?: Map ): Promise { if (, manifest) && lastComputeModern === isModern && lastComputePageInfo === !!pageInfos ) { return lastCompute! } let expected = 0 const files = new Map() Object.keys(manifest.pages).forEach((key) => { if (pageInfos) { const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(key) // don't include AMP pages since they don't rely on shared bundles // AMP First pages are not under the pageInfos key if (pageInfo?.isHybridAmp) { return } } ++expected manifest.pages[key].forEach((file) => { if ( // Select Modern or Legacy scripts file.endsWith('.module.js') !== isModern ) { return } if (key === '/_app') { files.set(file, Infinity) } else if (files.has(file)) { files.set(file, files.get(file)! + 1) } else { files.set(file, 1) } }) }) const commonFiles = [...files.entries()] .filter(([, len]) => len === expected || len === Infinity) .map(([f]) => f) const uniqueFiles = [...files.entries()] .filter(([, len]) => len === 1) .map(([f]) => f) let stats: [string, number][] try { stats = await Promise.all( async (f) => [f, await fsStatGzip(path.join(distPath, f))] as [string, number] ) ) } catch (_) { stats = [] } let uniqueStats: [string, number][] try { uniqueStats = await Promise.all( async (f) => [f, await fsStatGzip(path.join(distPath, f))] as [string, number] ) ) } catch (_) { uniqueStats = [] } lastCompute = { commonFiles, uniqueFiles, sizeUniqueFiles: uniqueStats.reduce( (obj, n) => Object.assign(obj, { [n[0]]: n[1] }), {} ), sizeCommonFile: stats.reduce( (obj, n) => Object.assign(obj, { [n[0]]: n[1] }), {} ), sizeCommonFiles: stats.reduce((size, [f, stat]) => { if (f.endsWith('.css')) return size return size + stat }, 0), } cachedBuildManifest = manifest lastComputeModern = isModern lastComputePageInfo = !!pageInfos return lastCompute! } export function difference(main: T[] | Set, sub: T[] | Set): T[] { const a = new Set(main) const b = new Set(sub) return [...a].filter((x) => !b.has(x)) } function intersect(main: T[], sub: T[]): T[] { const a = new Set(main) const b = new Set(sub) return [ Set([...a].filter((x) => b.has(x)))] } function sum(a: number[]): number { return a.reduce((size, stat) => size + stat, 0) } export async function getJsPageSizeInKb( page: string, distPath: string, buildManifest: BuildManifest, isModern: boolean ): Promise<[number, number]> { const data = await computeFromManifest(buildManifest, distPath, isModern) const fnFilterModern = (entry: string) => entry.endsWith('.js') && entry.endsWith('.module.js') === isModern const pageFiles = ( buildManifest.pages[denormalizePagePath(page)] || [] ).filter(fnFilterModern) const appFiles = (buildManifest.pages['/_app'] || []).filter(fnFilterModern) const fnMapRealPath = (dep: string) => `${distPath}/${dep}` const allFilesReal = [ Set([...pageFiles, ...appFiles])].map( fnMapRealPath ) const selfFilesReal = difference( intersect(pageFiles, data.uniqueFiles), data.commonFiles ).map(fnMapRealPath) try { // Doesn't use `Promise.all`, as we'd double compute duplicate files. This // function is memoized, so the second one will instantly resolve. const allFilesSize = sum(await Promise.all( const selfFilesSize = sum(await Promise.all( return [selfFilesSize, allFilesSize] } catch (_) {} return [-1, -1] } export async function buildStaticPaths( page: string, getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths, locales?: string[], defaultLocale?: string ): Promise< Omit>, 'paths'> & { paths: string[] } > { const prerenderPaths = new Set() const _routeRegex = getRouteRegex(page) const _routeMatcher = getRouteMatcher(_routeRegex) // Get the default list of allowed params. const _validParamKeys = Object.keys(_routeMatcher(page)) const staticPathsResult = await getStaticPaths() const expectedReturnVal = `Expected: { paths: [], fallback: boolean }\n` + `See here for more info:` if ( !staticPathsResult || typeof staticPathsResult !== 'object' || Array.isArray(staticPathsResult) ) { throw new Error( `Invalid value returned from getStaticPaths in ${page}. Received ${typeof staticPathsResult} ${expectedReturnVal}` ) } const invalidStaticPathKeys = Object.keys(staticPathsResult).filter( (key) => !(key === 'paths' || key === 'fallback') ) if (invalidStaticPathKeys.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Extra keys returned from getStaticPaths in ${page} (${invalidStaticPathKeys.join( ', ' )}) ${expectedReturnVal}` ) } if ( !( typeof staticPathsResult.fallback === 'boolean' || staticPathsResult.fallback === 'unstable_blocking' ) ) { throw new Error( `The \`fallback\` key must be returned from getStaticPaths in ${page}.\n` + expectedReturnVal ) } const toPrerender = staticPathsResult.paths if (!Array.isArray(toPrerender)) { throw new Error( `Invalid \`paths\` value returned from getStaticProps in ${page}.\n` + `\`paths\` must be an array of strings or objects of shape { params: [key: string]: string }` ) } toPrerender.forEach((entry) => { // For a string-provided path, we must make sure it matches the dynamic // route. if (typeof entry === 'string') { entry = removePathTrailingSlash(entry) const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(entry, locales) let cleanedEntry = entry if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { cleanedEntry = entry.substr(localePathResult.detectedLocale.length + 1) } else if (defaultLocale) { entry = `/${defaultLocale}${entry}` } const result = _routeMatcher(cleanedEntry) if (!result) { throw new Error( `The provided path \`${entry}\` does not match the page: \`${page}\`.` ) } prerenderPaths?.add(entry) } // For the object-provided path, we must make sure it specifies all // required keys. else { const invalidKeys = Object.keys(entry).filter( (key) => key !== 'params' && key !== 'locale' ) if (invalidKeys.length) { throw new Error( `Additional keys were returned from \`getStaticPaths\` in page "${page}". ` + `URL Parameters intended for this dynamic route must be nested under the \`params\` key, i.e.:` + `\n\n\treturn { params: { ${_validParamKeys .map((k) => `${k}: ...`) .join(', ')} } }` + `\n\nKeys that need to be moved: ${invalidKeys.join(', ')}.\n` ) } const { params = {} } = entry let builtPage = page _validParamKeys.forEach((validParamKey) => { const { repeat, optional } = _routeRegex.groups[validParamKey] let paramValue = params[validParamKey] if ( optional && params.hasOwnProperty(validParamKey) && (paramValue === null || paramValue === undefined || (paramValue as any) === false) ) { paramValue = [] } if ( (repeat && !Array.isArray(paramValue)) || (!repeat && typeof paramValue !== 'string') ) { throw new Error( `A required parameter (${validParamKey}) was not provided as ${ repeat ? 'an array' : 'a string' } in getStaticPaths for ${page}` ) } let replaced = `[${repeat ? '...' : ''}${validParamKey}]` if (optional) { replaced = `[${replaced}]` } builtPage = builtPage .replace( replaced, repeat ? (paramValue as string[]).map(escapePathDelimiters).join('/') : escapePathDelimiters(paramValue as string) ) .replace(/(?!^)\/$/, '') }) if (entry.locale && !locales?.includes(entry.locale)) { throw new Error( `Invalid locale returned from getStaticPaths for ${page}, the locale ${entry.locale} is not specified in next.config.js` ) } const curLocale = entry.locale || defaultLocale || '' prerenderPaths?.add(`${curLocale ? `/${curLocale}` : ''}${builtPage}`) } }) return { paths: [...prerenderPaths], fallback: staticPathsResult.fallback } } export async function isPageStatic( page: string, serverBundle: string, runtimeEnvConfig: any, locales?: string[], defaultLocale?: string ): Promise<{ isStatic?: boolean isAmpOnly?: boolean isHybridAmp?: boolean hasServerProps?: boolean hasStaticProps?: boolean prerenderRoutes?: string[] | undefined prerenderFallback?: boolean | 'unstable_blocking' | undefined }> { try { require('../next-server/lib/runtime-config').setConfig(runtimeEnvConfig) const mod = require(serverBundle) const Comp = mod.default || mod if (!Comp || !isValidElementType(Comp) || typeof Comp === 'string') { throw new Error('INVALID_DEFAULT_EXPORT') } const hasGetInitialProps = !!(Comp as any).getInitialProps const hasStaticProps = !!mod.getStaticProps const hasStaticPaths = !!mod.getStaticPaths const hasServerProps = !!mod.getServerSideProps const hasLegacyServerProps = !!mod.unstable_getServerProps const hasLegacyStaticProps = !!mod.unstable_getStaticProps const hasLegacyStaticPaths = !!mod.unstable_getStaticPaths const hasLegacyStaticParams = !!mod.unstable_getStaticParams if (hasLegacyStaticParams) { throw new Error( `unstable_getStaticParams was replaced with getStaticPaths. Please update your code.` ) } if (hasLegacyStaticPaths) { throw new Error( `unstable_getStaticPaths was replaced with getStaticPaths. Please update your code.` ) } if (hasLegacyStaticProps) { throw new Error( `unstable_getStaticProps was replaced with getStaticProps. Please update your code.` ) } if (hasLegacyServerProps) { throw new Error( `unstable_getServerProps was replaced with getServerSideProps. Please update your code.` ) } // A page cannot be prerendered _and_ define a data requirement. That's // contradictory! if (hasGetInitialProps && hasStaticProps) { throw new Error(SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT) } if (hasGetInitialProps && hasServerProps) { throw new Error(SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT) } if (hasStaticProps && hasServerProps) { throw new Error(SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT) } const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(page) // A page cannot have static parameters if it is not a dynamic page. if (hasStaticProps && hasStaticPaths && !pageIsDynamic) { throw new Error( `getStaticPaths can only be used with dynamic pages, not '${page}'.` + `\nLearn more:` ) } if (hasStaticProps && pageIsDynamic && !hasStaticPaths) { throw new Error( `getStaticPaths is required for dynamic SSG pages and is missing for '${page}'.` + `\nRead more:` ) } let prerenderRoutes: Array | undefined let prerenderFallback: boolean | 'unstable_blocking' | undefined if (hasStaticProps && hasStaticPaths) { ;({ paths: prerenderRoutes, fallback: prerenderFallback, } = await buildStaticPaths( page, mod.getStaticPaths, locales, defaultLocale )) } const config = mod.config || {} return { isStatic: !hasStaticProps && !hasGetInitialProps && !hasServerProps, isHybridAmp: config.amp === 'hybrid', isAmpOnly: config.amp === true, prerenderRoutes, prerenderFallback, hasStaticProps, hasServerProps, } } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return {} throw err } } export function hasCustomGetInitialProps( bundle: string, runtimeEnvConfig: any, checkingApp: boolean ): boolean { require('../next-server/lib/runtime-config').setConfig(runtimeEnvConfig) let mod = require(bundle) if (checkingApp) { mod = mod._app || mod.default || mod } else { mod = mod.default || mod } return mod.getInitialProps !== mod.origGetInitialProps } export function getNamedExports( bundle: string, runtimeEnvConfig: any ): Array { require('../next-server/lib/runtime-config').setConfig(runtimeEnvConfig) return Object.keys(require(bundle)) }