import devalue from 'next/dist/compiled/devalue' import escapeRegexp from 'next/dist/compiled/escape-string-regexp' import { join } from 'path' import { parse } from 'querystring' import { loader } from 'webpack' import { API_ROUTE } from '../../../lib/constants' import { BUILD_MANIFEST, REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST, ROUTES_MANIFEST, } from '../../../next-server/lib/constants' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../../../next-server/lib/router/utils' import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../../../next-server/server/api-utils' export type ServerlessLoaderQuery = { page: string distDir: string absolutePagePath: string absoluteAppPath: string absoluteDocumentPath: string absoluteErrorPath: string buildId: string assetPrefix: string generateEtags: string poweredByHeader: string canonicalBase: string basePath: string runtimeConfig: string previewProps: string loadedEnvFiles: string i18n: string } const vercelHeader = 'x-vercel-id' const nextServerlessLoader: loader.Loader = function () { const { distDir, absolutePagePath, page, buildId, canonicalBase, assetPrefix, absoluteAppPath, absoluteDocumentPath, absoluteErrorPath, generateEtags, poweredByHeader, basePath, runtimeConfig, previewProps, loadedEnvFiles, i18n, }: ServerlessLoaderQuery = typeof this.query === 'string' ? parse(this.query.substr(1)) : this.query const buildManifest = join(distDir, BUILD_MANIFEST).replace(/\\/g, '/') const reactLoadableManifest = join(distDir, REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST).replace( /\\/g, '/' ) const routesManifest = join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST).replace(/\\/g, '/') const escapedBuildId = escapeRegexp(buildId) const pageIsDynamicRoute = isDynamicRoute(page) const encodedPreviewProps = devalue( JSON.parse(previewProps) as __ApiPreviewProps ) const i18nEnabled = !!i18n const defaultRouteRegex = pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` const defaultRouteRegex = getRouteRegex("${page}") ` : '' const normalizeDynamicRouteParams = pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` function normalizeDynamicRouteParams(query) { return Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups) .reduce((prev, key) => { let value = query[key] ${ '' // non-provided optional values should be undefined so normalize // them to undefined } if( defaultRouteRegex.groups[key].optional && (!value || ( Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 1 && ${ '' // fallback optional catch-all SSG pages have // [[...paramName]] for the root path on Vercel } (value[0] === 'index' || value[0] === \`[[...\${key}]]\`) )) ) { value = undefined delete query[key] } ${ '' // query values from the proxy aren't already split into arrays // so make sure to normalize catch-all values } if ( value && typeof value === 'string' && defaultRouteRegex.groups[key].repeat ) { value = value.split('/') } if (value) { prev[key] = value } return prev }, {}) } ` : '' const envLoading = ` const { processEnv } = require('@next/env') processEnv(${Buffer.from(loadedEnvFiles, 'base64').toString()}) ` const runtimeConfigImports = runtimeConfig ? ` const { setConfig } = require('next/config') ` : '' const runtimeConfigSetter = runtimeConfig ? ` const runtimeConfig = ${runtimeConfig} setConfig(runtimeConfig) ` : 'const runtimeConfig = {}' const dynamicRouteImports = pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` const { getRouteMatcher } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'); const { getRouteRegex } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/route-regex'); ` : '' const dynamicRouteMatcher = pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` const dynamicRouteMatcher = getRouteMatcher(getRouteRegex("${page}")) ` : '' const rewriteImports = ` const { rewrites } = require('${routesManifest}') const { pathToRegexp, default: pathMatch } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/path-match') ` const handleRewrites = ` const getCustomRouteMatcher = pathMatch(true) const prepareDestination = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination').default function handleRewrites(parsedUrl) { for (const rewrite of rewrites) { const matcher = getCustomRouteMatcher(rewrite.source) const params = matcher(parsedUrl.pathname) if (params) { const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination( rewrite.destination, params, parsedUrl.query, true, "${basePath}" ) Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, parsedDestination.query) delete parsedDestination.query Object.assign(parsedUrl, parsedDestination) if (parsedUrl.pathname === '${page}'){ break } ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` const dynamicParams = dynamicRouteMatcher(parsedUrl.pathname);\ if (dynamicParams) { parsedUrl.query = { ...parsedUrl.query, ...dynamicParams } break } ` : '' } } } return parsedUrl } ` const handleBasePath = basePath ? ` // always strip the basePath if configured since it is required req.url = req.url.replace(new RegExp('^${basePath}'), '') || '/' parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname.replace(new RegExp('^${basePath}'), '') || '/' ` : '' const handleLocale = i18nEnabled ? ` // get pathname from URL with basePath stripped for locale detection const i18n = ${i18n} const accept = require('@hapi/accept') const { detectLocaleCookie } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/i18n/detect-locale-cookie') const { normalizeLocalePath } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path') let detectedLocale = detectLocaleCookie(req, i18n.locales) if (!detectedLocale) { detectedLocale = accept.language( req.headers['accept-language'], i18n.locales ) } const denormalizedPagePath = denormalizePagePath(parsedUrl.pathname || '/') const detectedDefaultLocale = detectedLocale === i18n.defaultLocale const shouldStripDefaultLocale = detectedDefaultLocale && denormalizedPagePath === \`/\${i18n.defaultLocale}\` const shouldAddLocalePrefix = !detectedDefaultLocale && denormalizedPagePath === '/' detectedLocale = detectedLocale || i18n.defaultLocale if ( !nextStartMode && i18n.localeDetection !== false && (shouldAddLocalePrefix || shouldStripDefaultLocale) ) { res.setHeader( 'Location', formatUrl({ // make sure to include any query values when redirecting ...parsedUrl, pathname: shouldStripDefaultLocale ? '/' : \`/\${detectedLocale}\`, }) ) res.statusCode = 307 res.end() return } // TODO: domain based locales (domain to locale mapping needs to be provided in next.config.js) const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(parsedUrl.pathname, i18n.locales) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale req.url = formatUrl({ ...parsedUrl, pathname: localePathResult.pathname, }) parsedUrl.pathname = localePathResult.pathname } detectedLocale = detectedLocale || i18n.defaultLocale ` : ` const i18n = {} const detectedLocale = undefined ` if (page.match(API_ROUTE)) { return ` import initServer from 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-init-server!' import onError from 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-error-server!' import 'next/dist/next-server/server/node-polyfill-fetch' ${envLoading} ${runtimeConfigImports} ${ /* this needs to be called first so its available for any other imports */ runtimeConfigSetter } ${dynamicRouteImports} const { parse: parseUrl } = require('url') const { apiResolver } = require('next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils') ${rewriteImports} ${dynamicRouteMatcher} ${defaultRouteRegex} ${normalizeDynamicRouteParams} ${handleRewrites} export default async (req, res) => { try { await initServer() // We need to trust the dynamic route params from the proxy // to ensure we are using the correct values const trustQuery = req.headers['${vercelHeader}'] const parsedUrl = handleRewrites(parseUrl(req.url, true)) ${handleBasePath} const params = ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` normalizeDynamicRouteParams( trustQuery ? parsedUrl.query : dynamicRouteMatcher(parsedUrl.pathname) ) ` : `{}` } const resolver = require('${absolutePagePath}') await apiResolver( req, res, Object.assign({}, parsedUrl.query, params ), resolver, ${encodedPreviewProps}, true, onError ) } catch (err) { console.error(err) await onError(err) // TODO: better error for DECODE_FAILED? if (err.code === 'DECODE_FAILED') { res.statusCode = 400 res.end('Bad Request') } else { // Throw the error to crash the serverless function throw err } } } ` } else { return ` import initServer from 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-init-server!' import onError from 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-error-server!' import 'next/dist/next-server/server/node-polyfill-fetch' const {isResSent} = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/utils'); ${envLoading} ${runtimeConfigImports} ${ // this needs to be called first so its available for any other imports runtimeConfigSetter } const {parse: parseUrl, format: formatUrl} = require('url') const {parse: parseQs} = require('querystring') const { renderToHTML } = require('next/dist/next-server/server/render'); const { tryGetPreviewData } = require('next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils'); const { denormalizePagePath } = require('next/dist/next-server/server/denormalize-page-path') const { setLazyProp, getCookieParser } = require('next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils') const {sendPayload} = require('next/dist/next-server/server/send-payload'); const buildManifest = require('${buildManifest}'); const reactLoadableManifest = require('${reactLoadableManifest}'); const Document = require('${absoluteDocumentPath}').default; const Error = require('${absoluteErrorPath}').default; const App = require('${absoluteAppPath}').default; ${dynamicRouteImports} ${rewriteImports} const ComponentInfo = require('${absolutePagePath}') const Component = ComponentInfo.default export default Component export const unstable_getStaticParams = ComponentInfo['unstable_getStaticParam' + 's'] export const getStaticProps = ComponentInfo['getStaticProp' + 's'] export const getStaticPaths = ComponentInfo['getStaticPath' + 's'] export const getServerSideProps = ComponentInfo['getServerSideProp' + 's'] // kept for detecting legacy exports export const unstable_getStaticProps = ComponentInfo['unstable_getStaticProp' + 's'] export const unstable_getStaticPaths = ComponentInfo['unstable_getStaticPath' + 's'] export const unstable_getServerProps = ComponentInfo['unstable_getServerProp' + 's'] ${dynamicRouteMatcher} ${defaultRouteRegex} ${normalizeDynamicRouteParams} ${handleRewrites} export const config = ComponentInfo['confi' + 'g'] || {} export const _app = App export async function renderReqToHTML(req, res, renderMode, _renderOpts, _params) { const fromExport = renderMode === 'export' || renderMode === true; const nextStartMode = renderMode === 'passthrough' setLazyProp({ req }, 'cookies', getCookieParser(req)) const options = { App, Document, buildManifest, getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, getStaticPaths, reactLoadableManifest, canonicalBase: "${canonicalBase}", buildId: "${buildId}", assetPrefix: "${assetPrefix}", runtimeConfig: runtimeConfig.publicRuntimeConfig || {}, previewProps: ${encodedPreviewProps}, env: process.env, basePath: "${basePath}", ..._renderOpts } let _nextData = false let parsedUrl try { // We need to trust the dynamic route params from the proxy // to ensure we are using the correct values const trustQuery = !getStaticProps && req.headers['${vercelHeader}'] let parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url, true) let routeNoAssetPath = parsedUrl.pathname${ basePath ? `.replace(new RegExp('^${basePath}'), '') || '/'` : '' } const origQuery = Object.assign({}, parsedUrl.query) parsedUrl = handleRewrites(parsedUrl) ${handleBasePath} if (parsedUrl.pathname.match(/_next\\/data/)) { const { default: getrouteNoAssetPath, } = require('next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/get-route-from-asset-path'); _nextData = true; parsedUrl.pathname = getrouteNoAssetPath( parsedUrl.pathname.replace( new RegExp('/_next/data/${escapedBuildId}/'), '/' ), '.json' ); routeNoAssetPath = parsedUrl.pathname } ${handleLocale} const renderOpts = Object.assign( { Component, pageConfig: config, nextExport: fromExport, isDataReq: _nextData, locale: detectedLocale, locales: i18n.locales, defaultLocale: i18n.defaultLocale, }, options, ) ${ page === '/_error' ? ` if (!res.statusCode) { res.statusCode = 404 } ` : '' } ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` const params = ( fromExport ) ? {} : normalizeDynamicRouteParams( trustQuery ? parsedUrl.query : dynamicRouteMatcher(parsedUrl.pathname) ) ` : `const params = {};` } ${ // Temporary work around: `x-now-route-matches` is a platform header // _only_ set for `Prerender` requests. We should move this logic // into our builder to ensure we're decoupled. However, this entails // removing reliance on `req.url` and using `req.query` instead // (which is needed for "custom routes" anyway). pageIsDynamicRoute ? `const nowParams = req.headers && req.headers["x-now-route-matches"] ? getRouteMatcher( (function() { const { re, groups } = getRouteRegex("${page}"); return { re: { // Simulate a RegExp match from the \`req.url\` input exec: str => { const obj = parseQs(str); return Object.keys(obj).reduce( (prev, key) => Object.assign(prev, { [key]: obj[key] }), {} ); } }, groups }; })() )(req.headers["x-now-route-matches"]) : null; ` : `const nowParams = null;` } // make sure to set renderOpts to the correct params e.g. _params // if provided from worker or params if we're parsing them here renderOpts.params = _params || params // make sure to normalize req.url on Vercel to strip dynamic params // from the query which are added during routing ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` if (trustQuery) { const _parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url, true) delete for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) { delete _parsedUrl.query[param] } req.url = formatUrl(_parsedUrl) } ` : '' } // normalize request URL/asPath for fallback/revalidate pages since the // proxy sets the request URL to the output's path for fallback pages ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` if (nowParams) { const _parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url) for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) { const paramIdx = _parsedUrl.pathname.indexOf(\`[\${param}]\`) if (paramIdx > -1) { _parsedUrl.pathname = _parsedUrl.pathname.substr(0, paramIdx) + encodeURI(nowParams[param]) + _parsedUrl.pathname.substr(paramIdx + param.length + 2) } } parsedUrl.pathname = _parsedUrl.pathname req.url = formatUrl(_parsedUrl) } ` : `` } // make sure to normalize asPath for revalidate and _next/data requests // since the asPath should match what is shown on the client if ( !fromExport && (getStaticProps || getServerSideProps) ) { ${ pageIsDynamicRoute ? ` // don't include dynamic route params in query while normalizing // asPath if (trustQuery) { delete for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) { delete origQuery[param] } } ` : `` } parsedUrl.pathname = denormalizePagePath(parsedUrl.pathname) renderOpts.resolvedUrl = formatUrl({ ...parsedUrl, query: origQuery }) // For getServerSideProps we need to ensure we use the original URL // and not the resolved URL to prevent a hydration mismatch on asPath renderOpts.resolvedAsPath = getServerSideProps ? formatUrl({ ...parsedUrl, pathname: routeNoAssetPath, query: origQuery, }) : renderOpts.resolvedUrl } const isFallback = parsedUrl.query.__nextFallback const previewData = tryGetPreviewData(req, res, options.previewProps) const isPreviewMode = previewData !== false if (process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS) { renderOpts.optimizeFonts = true /** * __webpack_require__.__NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST__ is added by * font-stylesheet-gathering-plugin */ renderOpts.fontManifest = __webpack_require__.__NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST__; process.env['__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONT'+'S'] = true } let result = await renderToHTML(req, res, "${page}", Object.assign({}, getStaticProps ? { ...(parsedUrl.query.amp ? { amp: '1' } : {}) } : parsedUrl.query, nowParams ? nowParams : params, _params, isFallback ? { __nextFallback: 'true' } : {}), renderOpts) if (!renderMode) { if (_nextData || getStaticProps || getServerSideProps) { sendPayload(req, res, _nextData ? JSON.stringify(renderOpts.pageData) : result, _nextData ? 'json' : 'html', ${ generateEtags === 'true' ? true : false }, { private: isPreviewMode, stateful: !!getServerSideProps, revalidate: renderOpts.revalidate, }) return null } } else if (isPreviewMode) { res.setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' ) } if (renderMode) return { html: result, renderOpts } return result } catch (err) { if (!parsedUrl) { parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url, true) } if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { res.statusCode = 404 } else if (err.code === 'DECODE_FAILED') { // TODO: better error? res.statusCode = 400 } else { console.error('Unhandled error during request:', err) // Backwards compat (call getInitialProps in custom error): try { await renderToHTML(req, res, "/_error", parsedUrl.query, Object.assign({}, options, { getStaticProps: undefined, getStaticPaths: undefined, getServerSideProps: undefined, Component: Error, err: err, // Short-circuit rendering: isDataReq: true })) } catch (underErrorErr) { console.error('Failed call /_error subroutine, continuing to crash function:', underErrorErr) } // Throw the error to crash the serverless function if (isResSent(res)) { console.error('!!! WARNING !!!') console.error( 'Your function crashed, but closed the response before allowing the function to exit.\\n' + 'This may cause unexpected behavior for the next request.' ) console.error('!!! WARNING !!!') } throw err } const result = await renderToHTML(req, res, "/_error", parsedUrl.query, Object.assign({}, options, { getStaticProps: undefined, getStaticPaths: undefined, getServerSideProps: undefined, Component: Error, err: res.statusCode === 404 ? undefined : err })) return result } } export async function render (req, res) { try { await initServer() const html = await renderReqToHTML(req, res) if (html) { sendPayload(req, res, html, 'html', {generateEtags: ${JSON.stringify( generateEtags === 'true' )}, poweredByHeader: ${JSON.stringify(poweredByHeader === 'true')}}) } } catch(err) { console.error(err) await onError(err) // Throw the error to crash the serverless function throw err } } ` } } export default nextServerlessLoader