import devalue from 'next/dist/compiled/devalue' import webpack, { Compiler, compilation as CompilationType } from 'webpack' import sources from 'webpack-sources' import { BUILD_MANIFEST, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_POLYFILLS, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_REACT_REFRESH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP, } from '../../../next-server/lib/constants' import { BuildManifest } from '../../../next-server/server/get-page-files' import getRouteFromEntrypoint from '../../../next-server/server/get-route-from-entrypoint' import { ampFirstEntryNamesMap } from './next-drop-client-page-plugin' import { Rewrite } from '../../../lib/load-custom-routes' import { getSortedRoutes } from '../../../next-server/lib/router/utils' // @ts-ignore: TODO: remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable const { RawSource } = webpack.sources || sources const isWebpack5 = parseInt(webpack.version!) === 5 type DeepMutable = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepMutable } export type ClientBuildManifest = Record // This function takes the asset map generated in BuildManifestPlugin and creates a // reduced version to send to the client. function generateClientManifest( assetMap: BuildManifest, isModern: boolean, rewrites: Rewrite[] ): string { const clientManifest: ClientBuildManifest = { // TODO: update manifest type to include rewrites __rewrites: rewrites as any, } const appDependencies = new Set(assetMap.pages['/_app']) const sortedPageKeys = getSortedRoutes(Object.keys(assetMap.pages)) sortedPageKeys.forEach((page) => { const dependencies = assetMap.pages[page] if (page === '/_app') return // Filter out dependencies in the _app entry, because those will have already // been loaded by the client prior to a navigation event const filteredDeps = dependencies.filter( (dep) => !appDependencies.has(dep) && (!dep.endsWith('.js') || dep.endsWith('.module.js') === isModern) ) // The manifest can omit the page if it has no requirements if (filteredDeps.length) { clientManifest[page] = filteredDeps } }) // provide the sorted pages as an array so we don't rely on the object's keys // being in order and we don't slow down look-up time for page assets clientManifest.sortedPages = sortedPageKeys return devalue(clientManifest) } function isJsFile(file: string): boolean { // We don't want to include `.hot-update.js` files into the initial page return !file.endsWith('.hot-update.js') && file.endsWith('.js') } function getFilesArray(files: any) { if (!files) { return [] } if (isWebpack5) { return Array.from(files) } return files } // This plugin creates a build-manifest.json for all assets that are being output // It has a mapping of "entry" filename to real filename. Because the real filename can be hashed in production export default class BuildManifestPlugin { private buildId: string private modern: boolean private rewrites: Rewrite[] constructor(options: { buildId: string modern: boolean rewrites: Rewrite[] }) { this.buildId = options.buildId this.modern = options.modern this.rewrites = => { const rewrite = { ...r } // omit external rewrite destinations since these aren't // handled client-side if (!rewrite.destination.startsWith('/')) { delete rewrite.destination } return rewrite }) } createAssets(compilation: any, assets: any) { const namedChunks: Map = compilation.namedChunks const assetMap: DeepMutable = { polyfillFiles: [], devFiles: [], ampDevFiles: [], lowPriorityFiles: [], pages: { '/_app': [] }, ampFirstPages: [], } const ampFirstEntryNames = ampFirstEntryNamesMap.get(compilation) if (ampFirstEntryNames) { for (const entryName of ampFirstEntryNames) { const pagePath = getRouteFromEntrypoint(entryName) if (!pagePath) { continue } assetMap.ampFirstPages.push(pagePath) } } const mainJsChunk = namedChunks.get(CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN) const mainJsFiles: string[] = getFilesArray(mainJsChunk?.files).filter( isJsFile ) const polyfillChunk = namedChunks.get(CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_POLYFILLS) // Create a separate entry for polyfills assetMap.polyfillFiles = getFilesArray(polyfillChunk?.files).filter( isJsFile ) const reactRefreshChunk = namedChunks.get( CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_REACT_REFRESH ) assetMap.devFiles = getFilesArray(reactRefreshChunk?.files).filter(isJsFile) for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()) { const isAmpRuntime = === CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_AMP if (isAmpRuntime) { for (const file of entrypoint.getFiles()) { if (!(isJsFile(file) || file.endsWith('.css'))) { continue } assetMap.ampDevFiles.push(file.replace(/\\/g, '/')) } continue } const pagePath = getRouteFromEntrypoint( if (!pagePath) { continue } const filesForEntry: string[] = [] // getFiles() - helper function to read the files for an entrypoint from stats object for (const file of entrypoint.getFiles()) { if (!(isJsFile(file) || file.endsWith('.css'))) { continue } filesForEntry.push(file.replace(/\\/g, '/')) } assetMap.pages[pagePath] = [...mainJsFiles, ...filesForEntry] } // Add the runtime build manifest file (generated later in this file) // as a dependency for the app. If the flag is false, the file won't be // downloaded by the client. assetMap.lowPriorityFiles.push( `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.js` ) if (this.modern) { assetMap.lowPriorityFiles.push( `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.module.js` ) } // Add the runtime ssg manifest file as a lazy-loaded file dependency. // We also stub this file out for development mode (when it is not // generated). const srcEmptySsgManifest = `self.__SSG_MANIFEST=new Set;self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB&&self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB()` const ssgManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_ssgManifest.js` assetMap.lowPriorityFiles.push(ssgManifestPath) assets[ssgManifestPath] = new RawSource(srcEmptySsgManifest) if (this.modern) { const ssgManifestPathModern = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_ssgManifest.module.js` assetMap.lowPriorityFiles.push(ssgManifestPathModern) assets[ssgManifestPathModern] = new RawSource(srcEmptySsgManifest) } assetMap.pages = Object.keys(assetMap.pages) .sort() // eslint-disable-next-line .reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = assetMap.pages[c]), a), {} as any) assets[BUILD_MANIFEST] = new RawSource(JSON.stringify(assetMap, null, 2)) const clientManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.js` assets[clientManifestPath] = new RawSource( `self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest( assetMap, false, this.rewrites )};self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB && self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB()` ) if (this.modern) { const modernClientManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.module.js` assets[modernClientManifestPath] = new RawSource( `self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest( assetMap, true, this.rewrites )};self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB && self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB()` ) } return assets } apply(compiler: Compiler) { if (isWebpack5) { compiler.hooks.make.tap('NextJsBuildManifest', (compilation) => { // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap( { name: 'NextJsBuildManifest', // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS, }, (assets: any) => { this.createAssets(compilation, assets) } ) }) return } compiler.hooks.emit.tap('NextJsBuildManifest', (compilation: any) => { this.createAssets(compilation, compilation.assets) }) } }