// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies const ncc = require('@zeit/ncc') const { existsSync, readFileSync } = require('fs') const { basename, dirname, extname, join } = require('path') module.exports = function (task) { // eslint-disable-next-line require-yield task.plugin('ncc', {}, function* (file, options) { if (options.externals && options.packageName) { options.externals = { ...options.externals } delete options.externals[options.packageName] } return ncc(join(__dirname, file.dir, file.base), { filename: file.base, minify: true, ...options, }).then(({ code, assets }) => { Object.keys(assets).forEach((key) => { let data = assets[key].source if ( join(file.dir, key).endsWith('terser-webpack-plugin/dist/minify.js') ) { data = Buffer.from( data .toString() .replace( `require('terser')`, `require("${options.externals['terser']}")` ) ) } this._.files.push({ data, base: basename(key), dir: join(file.dir, dirname(key)), }) }) if (options && options.packageName) { writePackageManifest.call(this, options.packageName, file.base) } file.data = Buffer.from(code, 'utf8') }) }) } // This function writes a minimal `package.json` file for a compiled package. // It defines `name`, `main`, `author`, and `license`. It also defines `types`. // n.b. types intended for development usage only. function writePackageManifest(packageName, main) { const packagePath = require.resolve(packageName + '/package.json') let { name, author, license } = require(packagePath) const compiledPackagePath = join(__dirname, `compiled/${packageName}`) const potentialLicensePath = join(dirname(packagePath), './LICENSE') if (existsSync(potentialLicensePath)) { this._.files.push({ dir: compiledPackagePath, base: 'LICENSE', data: readFileSync(potentialLicensePath, 'utf8'), }) } else { // license might be lower case and not able to be found on case-sensitive // file systems (ubuntu) const otherPotentialLicensePath = join(dirname(packagePath), './license') if (existsSync(otherPotentialLicensePath)) { this._.files.push({ dir: compiledPackagePath, base: 'LICENSE', data: readFileSync(otherPotentialLicensePath, 'utf8'), }) } } this._.files.push({ dir: compiledPackagePath, base: 'package.json', data: JSON.stringify( Object.assign( {}, { name, main: `${basename(main, '.' + extname(main))}` }, author ? { author } : undefined, license ? { license } : undefined ) ) + '\n', }) }