import url from 'url' import { extname, join, dirname, sep } from 'path' import { renderToHTML } from '../next-server/server/render' import { promises } from 'fs' import AmpHtmlValidator from 'next/dist/compiled/amphtml-validator' import { loadComponents } from '../next-server/server/load-components' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic' import { getRouteMatcher } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import { getRouteRegex } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-regex' import { normalizePagePath } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path' import { SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR } from '../lib/constants' import 'next/dist/next-server/server/node-polyfill-fetch' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { ComponentType } from 'react' import { GetStaticProps } from '../types' import { requireFontManifest } from '../next-server/server/require' import { FontManifest } from '../next-server/server/font-utils' import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../next-server/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path' import { trace } from '../telemetry/trace' const envConfig = require('../next-server/lib/runtime-config') ;(global as any).__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true, } interface AmpValidation { page: string result: { errors: AmpHtmlValidator.ValidationError[] warnings: AmpHtmlValidator.ValidationError[] } } interface PathMap { page: string query?: { [key: string]: string | string[] } } interface ExportPageInput { path: string pathMap: PathMap distDir: string outDir: string pagesDataDir: string renderOpts: RenderOpts buildExport?: boolean serverRuntimeConfig: string subFolders?: boolean serverless: boolean optimizeFonts: boolean optimizeImages: boolean optimizeCss: any parentSpanId: any } interface ExportPageResults { ampValidations: AmpValidation[] fromBuildExportRevalidate?: number error?: boolean ssgNotFound?: boolean } interface RenderOpts { runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any } params?: { [key: string]: string | string[] } ampPath?: string ampValidatorPath?: string ampSkipValidation?: boolean hybridAmp?: boolean inAmpMode?: boolean optimizeFonts?: boolean optimizeImages?: boolean optimizeCss?: any fontManifest?: FontManifest locales?: string[] locale?: string defaultLocale?: string } type ComponentModule = ComponentType<{}> & { renderReqToHTML: typeof renderToHTML getStaticProps?: GetStaticProps } export default async function exportPage({ parentSpanId, path, pathMap, distDir, outDir, pagesDataDir, renderOpts, buildExport, serverRuntimeConfig, subFolders, serverless, optimizeFonts, optimizeImages, optimizeCss, }: ExportPageInput): Promise { const exportPageSpan = trace('export-page-worker', parentSpanId) return exportPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async () => { let results: ExportPageResults = { ampValidations: [], } try { const { query: originalQuery = {} } = pathMap const { page } = pathMap const filePath = normalizePagePath(path) const isDynamic = isDynamicRoute(page) const ampPath = `${filePath}.amp` let renderAmpPath = ampPath let query = { ...originalQuery } let params: { [key: string]: string | string[] } | undefined let updatedPath = (query.__nextSsgPath as string) || path let locale = query.__nextLocale || renderOpts.locale delete query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextSsgPath if (renderOpts.locale) { const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(path, renderOpts.locales) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { updatedPath = localePathResult.pathname locale = localePathResult.detectedLocale if (locale === renderOpts.defaultLocale) { renderAmpPath = `${normalizePagePath(updatedPath)}.amp` } } } // We need to show a warning if they try to provide query values // for an auto-exported page since they won't be available const hasOrigQueryValues = Object.keys(originalQuery).length > 0 const queryWithAutoExportWarn = () => { if (hasOrigQueryValues) { throw new Error( `\nError: you provided query values for ${path} which is an auto-exported page. These can not be applied since the page can no longer be re-rendered on the server. To disable auto-export for this page add \`getInitialProps\`\n` ) } } // Check if the page is a specified dynamic route if (isDynamic && page !== path) { params = getRouteMatcher(getRouteRegex(page))(updatedPath) || undefined if (params) { // we have to pass these separately for serverless if (!serverless) { query = { ...query, ...params, } } } else { throw new Error( `The provided export path '${updatedPath}' doesn't match the '${page}' page.\nRead more:` ) } } const headerMocks = { headers: {}, getHeader: () => ({}), setHeader: () => {}, hasHeader: () => false, removeHeader: () => {}, getHeaderNames: () => [], } const req = ({ url: updatedPath, ...headerMocks, } as unknown) as IncomingMessage const res = ({ ...headerMocks, } as unknown) as ServerResponse if (path === '/500' && page === '/_error') { res.statusCode = 500 } envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig: renderOpts.runtimeConfig, }) let htmlFilename = `${filePath}${sep}index.html` if (!subFolders) htmlFilename = `${filePath}.html` const pageExt = extname(page) const pathExt = extname(path) // Make sure page isn't a folder with a dot in the name e.g. `v1.2` if (pageExt !== pathExt && pathExt !== '') { // If the path has an extension, use that as the filename instead htmlFilename = path } else if (path === '/') { // If the path is the root, just use index.html htmlFilename = 'index.html' } const baseDir = join(outDir, dirname(htmlFilename)) let htmlFilepath = join(outDir, htmlFilename) await promises.mkdir(baseDir, { recursive: true }) let html let curRenderOpts: RenderOpts = {} let renderMethod = renderToHTML const renderedDuringBuild = (getStaticProps: any) => { return !buildExport && getStaticProps && !isDynamicRoute(path) } if (serverless) { const curUrl = url.parse(req.url!, true) req.url = url.format({ ...curUrl, query: { ...curUrl.query, ...query, }, }) const { Component: mod, getServerSideProps } = await loadComponents( distDir, page, serverless ) if (getServerSideProps) { throw new Error( `Error for page ${page}: ${SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}` ) } // if it was auto-exported the HTML is loaded here if (typeof mod === 'string') { html = mod queryWithAutoExportWarn() } else { // for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already // prerendered the file if (renderedDuringBuild((mod as ComponentModule).getStaticProps)) return results if ( (mod as ComponentModule).getStaticProps && !htmlFilepath.endsWith('.html') ) { // make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot htmlFilename += '.html' htmlFilepath += '.html' } renderMethod = (mod as ComponentModule).renderReqToHTML const result = await renderMethod( req, res, 'export', { ampPath: renderAmpPath, /// @ts-ignore optimizeFonts, /// @ts-ignore optimizeImages, /// @ts-ignore optimizeCss, distDir, fontManifest: optimizeFonts ? requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless) : null, locale: locale!, locales: renderOpts.locales!, }, // @ts-ignore params ) curRenderOpts = (result as any).renderOpts || {} html = (result as any).html } if (!html && !(curRenderOpts as any).isNotFound) { throw new Error(`Failed to render serverless page`) } } else { const components = await loadComponents(distDir, page, serverless) if (components.getServerSideProps) { throw new Error( `Error for page ${page}: ${SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}` ) } // for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already // prerendered the file if (renderedDuringBuild(components.getStaticProps)) { return results } // TODO: de-dupe the logic here between serverless and server mode if (components.getStaticProps && !htmlFilepath.endsWith('.html')) { // make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot htmlFilepath += '.html' htmlFilename += '.html' } if (typeof components.Component === 'string') { html = components.Component queryWithAutoExportWarn() } else { /** * This sets environment variable to be used at the time of static export by head.tsx. * Using this from process.env allows targeting both serverless and SSR by calling * `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS`. * TODO(prateekbh@): Remove this when experimental.optimizeFonts are being cleaned up. */ if (optimizeFonts) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(true) } if (optimizeImages) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES = JSON.stringify(true) } if (optimizeCss) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS = JSON.stringify(true) } curRenderOpts = { ...components, ...renderOpts, ampPath: renderAmpPath, params, optimizeFonts, optimizeImages, optimizeCss, fontManifest: optimizeFonts ? requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless) : null, locale: locale as string, } // @ts-ignore html = await renderMethod(req, res, page, query, curRenderOpts) } } results.ssgNotFound = (curRenderOpts as any).isNotFound const validateAmp = async ( rawAmpHtml: string, ampPageName: string, validatorPath?: string ) => { const validator = await AmpHtmlValidator.getInstance(validatorPath) const result = validator.validateString(rawAmpHtml) const errors = result.errors.filter((e) => e.severity === 'ERROR') const warnings = result.errors.filter((e) => e.severity !== 'ERROR') if (warnings.length || errors.length) { results.ampValidations.push({ page: ampPageName, result: { errors, warnings, }, }) } } if (curRenderOpts.inAmpMode && !curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) { if (!results.ssgNotFound) { await validateAmp(html, path, curRenderOpts.ampValidatorPath) } } else if (curRenderOpts.hybridAmp) { // we need to render the AMP version let ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}${sep}index.html` if (!subFolders) { ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}.html` } const ampBaseDir = join(outDir, dirname(ampHtmlFilename)) const ampHtmlFilepath = join(outDir, ampHtmlFilename) try { await promises.access(ampHtmlFilepath) } catch (_) { // make sure it doesn't exist from manual mapping let ampHtml if (serverless) { req.url += (req.url!.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + 'amp=1' // @ts-ignore ampHtml = ( await (renderMethod as any)( req, res, 'export', curRenderOpts, params ) ).html } else { ampHtml = await renderMethod( req, res, page, // @ts-ignore { ...query, amp: '1' }, curRenderOpts as any ) } if (!curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) { await validateAmp(ampHtml, page + '?amp=1') } await promises.mkdir(ampBaseDir, { recursive: true }) await promises.writeFile(ampHtmlFilepath, ampHtml, 'utf8') } } if ((curRenderOpts as any).pageData) { const dataFile = join( pagesDataDir, htmlFilename.replace(/\.html$/, '.json') ) await promises.mkdir(dirname(dataFile), { recursive: true }) await promises.writeFile( dataFile, JSON.stringify((curRenderOpts as any).pageData), 'utf8' ) if (curRenderOpts.hybridAmp) { await promises.writeFile( dataFile.replace(/\.json$/, '.amp.json'), JSON.stringify((curRenderOpts as any).pageData), 'utf8' ) } } results.fromBuildExportRevalidate = (curRenderOpts as any).revalidate if (results.ssgNotFound) { // don't attempt writing to disk if getStaticProps returned not found return results } await promises.writeFile(htmlFilepath, html, 'utf8') return results } catch (error) { console.error( `\nError occurred prerendering page "${path}". Read more:\n` + error.stack ) return { ...results, error: true } } }) }