import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils' import { check } from 'next-test-utils' import { Readable } from 'stream' import { withRequestMeta, getRequestMeta, cookieWithRequestMeta, } from './helpers' const basePath = process.env.BASE_PATH ?? '' createNextDescribe( 'app-custom-routes', { files: __dirname, }, ({ next, isNextDeploy, isNextDev, isNextStart }) => { describe('works with api prefix correctly', () => { it('statically generates correctly with no dynamic usage', async () => { if (isNextStart) { expect( await next.readFile('.next/server/app/api/hello.json.body') ).toBeTruthy() expect( await next.readFile('.next/server/app/api/hello.json.meta') ).toBeTruthy() } expect( JSON.parse(await next.render(basePath + '/api/hello.json')) ).toEqual({ pathname: '/api/hello.json', }) }) it('does not statically generate with dynamic usage', async () => { if (isNextStart) { expect( await next .readFile('.next/server/app/api/dynamic.body') .catch(() => '') ).toBeFalsy() expect( await next .readFile('.next/server/app/api/dynamic.meta') .catch(() => '') ).toBeFalsy() } expect( JSON.parse(await next.render(basePath + '/api/dynamic')) ).toEqual({ pathname: '/api/dynamic', query: {}, }) }) }) describe('works with generateStaticParams correctly', () => { it.each([ '/static/first/data.json', '/static/second/data.json', '/static/three/data.json', ])('responds correctly on %s', async (path) => { expect(JSON.parse(await next.render(basePath + path))).toEqual({ params: { slug: path.split('/', 3)[2] }, now: expect.any(Number), }) if (isNextStart) { await check(async () => { expect( await next.readFile(`.next/server/app/${path}.body`) ).toBeTruthy() expect( await next.readFile(`.next/server/app/${path}.meta`) ).toBeTruthy() return 'success' }, 'success') } }) it.each([ '/revalidate-1/first/data.json', '/revalidate-1/second/data.json', '/revalidate-1/three/data.json', ])('revalidates correctly on %s', async (path) => { const data = JSON.parse(await next.render(basePath + path)) expect(data).toEqual({ params: { slug: path.split('/', 3)[2] }, now: expect.any(Number), }) await check(async () => { expect(data).not.toEqual( JSON.parse(await next.render(basePath + path)) ) return 'success' }, 'success') if (isNextStart) { await check(async () => { expect( await next.readFile(`.next/server/app/${path}.body`) ).toBeTruthy() expect( await next.readFile(`.next/server/app/${path}.meta`) ).toBeTruthy() return 'success' }, 'success') } }) }) describe('basic fetch request with a response', () => { describe.each(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'])( 'made via a %s request', (method) => { it.each(['/basic/endpoint', '/basic/vercel/endpoint'])( 'responds correctly on %s', async (path) => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + path, { method }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toContain('hello, world') const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.method).toEqual(method) } ) } ) describe('route groups', () => { it('routes to the correct handler', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/basic/endpoint/nested') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.pathname).toEqual('/basic/endpoint/nested') }) }) describe('request', () => { it('can read query parameters', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/query?ping=pong') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect('pong') }) it('can read query parameters (edge)', async () => { const res = await next.fetch( basePath + '/edge/advanced/query?ping=pong' ) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect('pong') }) }) describe('response', () => { // TODO-APP: re-enable when rewrites are supported again it.skip('supports the NextResponse.rewrite() helper', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/rewrite') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) // This is running in the edge runtime, so we expect not to see this // header. expect(res.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite')).toBeFalse() expect(await res.text()).toContain('hello, world') }) it('supports the NextResponse.redirect() helper', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/redirect/response', { // "Manually" perform the redirect, we want to inspect the // redirection response, so don't actually follow it. redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(307) expect(res.headers.get('location')).toEqual('') expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('supports the NextResponse.json() helper', async () => { const meta = { ping: 'pong' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/json', { headers: withRequestMeta(meta), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).toEqual('application/json') expect(await res.json()).toEqual(meta) }) }) }) describe('body', () => { // we can't stream a body to a function currently only stream response if (!isNextDeploy) { it('can handle handle a streaming request and streaming response', async () => { const body = new Array(10).fill(JSON.stringify({ ping: 'pong' })) let index = 0 const stream = new Readable({ read() { if (index >= body.length) return this.push(null) this.push(body[index] + '\n') index++ }, }) const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/streaming', { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toEqual(body.join('\n') + '\n') }) } it('can handle handle a streaming request and streaming response (edge)', async () => { const body = new Array(10).fill(JSON.stringify({ ping: 'pong' })) let index = 0 const stream = new Readable({ read() { if (index >= body.length) return this.push(null) this.push(body[index] + '\n') index++ }, }) const res = await next.fetch( basePath + '/edge/advanced/body/streaming', { method: 'POST', body: stream, } ) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toEqual(body.join('\n') + '\n') }) it('can read a JSON encoded body', async () => { const body = { ping: 'pong' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/json', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) it('can read a JSON encoded body (edge)', async () => { const body = { ping: 'pong' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/edge/advanced/body/json', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) it('can read a JSON encoded body for DELETE requests', async () => { const body = { name: 'foo' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/json', { method: 'DELETE', body: JSON.stringify(body), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toEqual('delete foo') }) it('can read a JSON encoded body for OPTIONS requests', async () => { const body = { name: 'bar' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/json', { method: 'OPTIONS', body: JSON.stringify(body), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toEqual('options bar') }) // we can't stream a body to a function currently only stream response if (!isNextDeploy) { it('can read a streamed JSON encoded body', async () => { const body = { ping: 'pong' } const encoded = JSON.stringify(body) let index = 0 const stream = new Readable({ async read() { if (index >= encoded.length) return this.push(null) this.push(encoded[index]) index++ }, }) const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/json', { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) } it('can read a streamed JSON encoded body (edge)', async () => { const body = { ping: 'pong' } const encoded = JSON.stringify(body) let index = 0 const stream = new Readable({ async read() { if (index >= encoded.length) return this.push(null) this.push(encoded[index]) index++ }, }) const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/edge/advanced/body/json', { method: 'POST', body: stream, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) it('can read the text body', async () => { const body = 'hello, world' const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/advanced/body/text', { method: 'POST', body, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) it('can read the text body (edge)', async () => { const body = 'hello, world' const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/edge/advanced/body/text', { method: 'POST', body, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.body).toEqual(body) }) }) describe('context', () => { it('provides params to routes with dynamic parameters', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/basic/vercel/endpoint') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.params).toEqual({ tenantID: 'vercel' }) }) it('provides params to routes with catch-all routes', async () => { const res = await next.fetch( basePath + '/basic/vercel/some/other/resource' ) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.params).toEqual({ tenantID: 'vercel', resource: ['some', 'other', 'resource'], }) }) it('does not provide params to routes without dynamic parameters', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/basic/endpoint') expect(res.ok).toBeTrue() const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect(meta.params).toEqual(null) }) }) describe('hooks', () => { describe('headers', () => { it('gets the correct values', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/headers', { headers: withRequestMeta({ ping: 'pong' }), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect('pong') }) }) describe('cookies', () => { it('gets the correct values', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/cookies', { headers: cookieWithRequestMeta({ ping: 'pong' }), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect('pong') }) }) describe('req.cookies', () => { it('gets the correct values', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/cookies/req', { headers: cookieWithRequestMeta({ ping: 'pong' }), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const meta = getRequestMeta(res.headers) expect('pong') }) }) describe('cookies().has()', () => { it('gets the correct values', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/cookies/has') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.json()).toEqual({ hasCookie: true }) }) }) describe('redirect', () => { it('can respond correctly', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/redirect', { // "Manually" perform the redirect, we want to inspect the // redirection response, so don't actually follow it. redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(307) expect(res.headers.get('location')).toEqual('') expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) }) describe('permanentRedirect', () => { it('can respond correctly', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/permanent-redirect', { // "Manually" perform the redirect, we want to inspect the // redirection response, so don't actually follow it. redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(308) expect(res.headers.get('location')).toEqual('') expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) }) describe('notFound', () => { it('can respond correctly in nodejs', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/not-found') expect(res.status).toEqual(404) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('can respond correctly in edge', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/hooks/not-found/edge') expect(res.status).toEqual(404) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) }) }) describe('error conditions', () => { it('responds with 400 (Bad Request) when the requested method is not a valid HTTP method', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/status/405', { method: 'HEADER', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(400) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('responds with 405 (Method Not Allowed) when method is not implemented', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/status/405', { method: 'POST', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(405) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('responds with 500 (Internal Server Error) when the handler throws an error', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/status/500') expect(res.status).toEqual(500) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('responds with 500 (Internal Server Error) when the handler calls', async () => { const error = '' // Precondition. We shouldn't have seen this before. This ensures we're // testing that the specific route throws this error in the console. expect(next.cliOutput).not.toContain(error) const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/status/500/next') expect(res.status).toEqual(500) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() if (!isNextDeploy) { await check(() => { expect(next.cliOutput).toContain(error) return 'yes' }, 'yes') } }) }) describe('automatic implementations', () => { it('implements HEAD on routes with GET already implemented', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/methods/head', { method: 'HEAD', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() }) it('implements OPTIONS on routes', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/methods/options', { method: 'OPTIONS', }) expect(res.status).toEqual(204) expect(await res.text()).toBeEmpty() expect(res.headers.get('allow')).toEqual( 'DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST' ) }) }) describe('edge functions', () => { it('returns response using edge runtime', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/edge') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toContain('hello, world') }) it('returns a response when headers are accessed', async () => { const meta = { ping: 'pong' } const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/edge/headers', { headers: withRequestMeta(meta), }) expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.json()).toEqual(meta) }) }) describe('dynamic = "force-static"', () => { it('strips search, headers, and domain from request', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/dynamic?query=true', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', cookie: 'session=true', }, }) const url = 'http://localhost:3000/dynamic' expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.json()).toEqual({ nextUrl: { href: url, search: '', searchParams: null, clone: url, }, req: { url, headers: null, }, headers: null, cookies: null, }) }) }) describe('customized metadata routes', () => { it('should work if conflict with metadata routes convention', async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/robots.txt') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe( 'User-agent: *\nAllow: /\n\nSitemap:' ) }) }) if (isNextDev) { describe('invalid exports', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await next.patchFile( 'app/default/route.ts', `\ export { GET as default } from '../../handlers/hello' ` ) }) afterAll(async () => { await next.deleteFile('app/default/route.ts') }) it('should print an error when exporting a default handler in dev', async () => { await check(async () => { const res = await next.fetch(basePath + '/default') // Ensure we get a 405 (Method Not Allowed) response when there is no // exported handler for the GET method. expect(res.status).toEqual(405) expect(next.cliOutput).toMatch( /Detected default export in '.+\/route\.ts'\. Export a named export for each HTTP method instead\./ ) expect(next.cliOutput).toMatch( /No HTTP methods exported in '.+\/route\.ts'\. Export a named export for each HTTP method\./ ) return 'yes' }, 'yes') }) }) } describe('no response returned', () => { it('should print an error when no response is returned', async () => { await next.fetch(basePath + '/no-response', { method: 'POST' }) await check(() => { expect(next.cliOutput).toMatch( /No response is returned from route handler '.+\/route\.ts'\. Ensure you return a `Response` or a `NextResponse` in all branches of your handler\./ ) return 'yes' }, 'yes') }) }) describe('no bundle error', () => { it('should not print bundling warning about React', async () => { const cliOutput = next.cliOutput expect(cliOutput).not.toContain('Attempted import error') }) }) } )