import { createHash } from 'crypto' import fs from 'fs' import { CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN } from 'next-server/constants' import { EOL } from 'os' import path from 'path' import { parse } from 'querystring' import { Compiler, Plugin } from 'webpack' function getFiles(dir: string, modules: any[]): string[] { if (!(modules && modules.length)) { return [] } function getFileByIdentifier(id: string) { if (id.startsWith('external ') || id.startsWith('multi ')) { return null } let n if ((n = id.lastIndexOf('!')) !== -1) { id = id.substring(n + 1) } if (id && !path.isAbsolute(id)) { id = path.resolve(dir, id) } return id } return modules .reduce( (acc: any[], val: any) => val.modules ? acc.concat(getFiles(dir, val.modules)) : (acc.push( getFileByIdentifier( typeof val.identifier === 'function' ? val.identifier() : val.identifier ) ), acc), [] ) .filter(Boolean) } export class ChunkGraphPlugin implements Plugin { private buildId: string private dir: string private filename: string constructor( buildId: string, dir: string, { filename }: { filename?: string } = {} ) { this.buildId = buildId this.dir = dir this.filename = filename || 'chunk-graph-manifest.json' } apply(compiler: Compiler) { const { dir } = this compiler.hooks.emit.tap('ChunkGraphPlugin', compilation => { type StringDictionary = { [pageName: string]: string[] } const manifest: { pages: StringDictionary pageChunks: StringDictionary chunks: StringDictionary hashes: { [pageName: string]: string } } = { pages: {}, pageChunks: {}, chunks: {}, hashes: {}, } const sharedFiles = [] as string[] const sharedChunks = [] as string[] const pages: StringDictionary = {} const pageChunks: StringDictionary = {} const allFiles = new Set() compilation.chunks.forEach(chunk => { if (!chunk.hasEntryModule()) { return } const chunkModules = new Map() const queue = new Set(chunk.groupsIterable) const chunksProcessed = new Set() const involvedChunks = new Set() for (const chunkGroup of queue) { for (const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) { chunk.files.forEach((file: string) => involvedChunks.add(file)) if (!chunksProcessed.has(chunk)) { chunksProcessed.add(chunk) for (const m of chunk.modulesIterable) { chunkModules.set(, m) } } } for (const child of chunkGroup.childrenIterable) { queue.add(child) } } const modules = [...chunkModules.values()] const files = getFiles(dir, modules) .filter(val => !val.includes('node_modules')) .map(f => path.relative(dir, f)) .sort() files.forEach(f => allFiles.add(f)) let pageName: string | undefined if (chunk.entryModule && chunk.entryModule.loaders) { const entryLoader = chunk.entryModule.loaders.find( ({ loader, options, }: { loader?: string | null options?: string | null }) => loader && loader.includes('next-client-pages-loader') && options ) if (entryLoader) { const { page } = parse(entryLoader.options) if (typeof page === 'string' && page) { pageName = page } } } if (pageName) { if ( pageName === '/_app' || pageName === '/_error' || pageName === '/_document' ) { sharedFiles.push(...files) sharedChunks.push(...involvedChunks) } else { pages[pageName] = files pageChunks[pageName] = [...involvedChunks] } } else { if ( === CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN) { sharedFiles.push(...files) sharedChunks.push(...involvedChunks) } else { manifest.chunks[] = files } } }) const getLambdaChunk = (name: string) => name.includes(this.buildId) ? name .replace(new RegExp(`${this.buildId}[\\/\\\\]`), 'client/') .replace(/[.]js$/, `.${this.buildId}.js`) : name for (const page in pages) { manifest.pages[page] = [...pages[page], ...sharedFiles] manifest.pageChunks[page] = [ Set([ ...pageChunks[page], ...pageChunks[page].map(getLambdaChunk), ...sharedChunks,, ]), ].sort() } manifest.hashes = ([...allFiles] as string[]).sort().reduce( (acc, cur) => Object.assign( acc, fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, cur)) ? { [cur]: createHash('sha1') .update(fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, cur))) .digest('hex'), } : undefined ), {} ) const json = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) + EOL compilation.assets[this.filename] = { source() { return json }, size() { return json.length }, } }) } }