import { webpack } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' export type CompilerResult = { errors: string[] warnings: string[] } function generateStats( result: CompilerResult, stat: webpack.Stats ): CompilerResult { const { errors, warnings } = stat.toJson('errors-warnings') if (errors.length > 0) { result.errors.push(...errors) } if (warnings.length > 0) { result.warnings.push(...warnings) } return result } // Webpack 5 requires the compiler to be closed (to save caches) // Webpack 4 does not have this close method so in order to be backwards compatible we check if it exists function closeCompiler(compiler: webpack.Compiler | webpack.MultiCompiler) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if ('close' in compiler) { // @ts-ignore Close only exists on the compiler in webpack 5 return compiler.close((err: any) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve())) } resolve() }) } export function runCompiler( config: webpack.Configuration | webpack.Configuration[] ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const compiler = webpack(config) ( err: Error, statsOrMultiStats: { stats: webpack.Stats[] } | webpack.Stats ) => { closeCompiler(compiler).then(() => { if (err) { const reason = err?.toString() if (reason) { return resolve({ errors: [reason], warnings: [] }) } return reject(err) } if ('stats' in statsOrMultiStats) { const result: CompilerResult = statsOrMultiStats.stats.reduce( generateStats, { errors: [], warnings: [] } ) return resolve(result) } const result = generateStats( { errors: [], warnings: [] }, statsOrMultiStats ) return resolve(result) }) } ) }) }