import chalk from 'chalk' import { posix, join } from 'path' import { stringify } from 'querystring' import { API_ROUTE, DOT_NEXT_ALIAS, PAGES_DIR_ALIAS } from '../lib/constants' import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../server/api-utils' import { isTargetLikeServerless } from '../server/config' import { normalizePagePath } from '../server/normalize-page-path' import { warn } from './output/log' import { ClientPagesLoaderOptions } from './webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader' import { ServerlessLoaderQuery } from './webpack/loaders/next-serverless-loader' import { LoadedEnvFiles } from '@next/env' import { NextConfigComplete } from '../server/config-shared' type PagesMapping = { [page: string]: string } export function createPagesMapping( pagePaths: string[], extensions: string[], isWebpack5: boolean, isDev: boolean ): PagesMapping { const previousPages: PagesMapping = {} const pages: PagesMapping = pagePaths.reduce( (result: PagesMapping, pagePath): PagesMapping => { let page = `${pagePath .replace(new RegExp(`\\.+(${extensions.join('|')})$`), '') .replace(/\\/g, '/')}`.replace(/\/index$/, '') const pageKey = page === '' ? '/' : page if (pageKey in result) { warn( `Duplicate page detected. ${chalk.cyan( join('pages', previousPages[pageKey]) )} and ${chalk.cyan( join('pages', pagePath) )} both resolve to ${chalk.cyan(pageKey)}.` ) } else { previousPages[pageKey] = pagePath } result[pageKey] = join(PAGES_DIR_ALIAS, pagePath).replace(/\\/g, '/') return result }, {} ) // we alias these in development and allow webpack to // allow falling back to the correct source file so // that HMR can work properly when a file is added/removed if (isWebpack5 && isDev) { pages['/_app'] = `${PAGES_DIR_ALIAS}/_app` pages['/_error'] = `${PAGES_DIR_ALIAS}/_error` pages['/_document'] = `${PAGES_DIR_ALIAS}/_document` } else { pages['/_app'] = pages['/_app'] || 'next/dist/pages/_app' pages['/_error'] = pages['/_error'] || 'next/dist/pages/_error' pages['/_document'] = pages['/_document'] || 'next/dist/pages/_document' } return pages } export type WebpackEntrypoints = { [bundle: string]: | string | string[] | { import: string | string[] dependOn?: string | string[] } } type Entrypoints = { client: WebpackEntrypoints server: WebpackEntrypoints } export function createEntrypoints( pages: PagesMapping, target: 'server' | 'serverless' | 'experimental-serverless-trace', buildId: string, previewMode: __ApiPreviewProps, config: NextConfigComplete, loadedEnvFiles: LoadedEnvFiles ): Entrypoints { const client: WebpackEntrypoints = {} const server: WebpackEntrypoints = {} const hasRuntimeConfig = Object.keys(config.publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0 || Object.keys(config.serverRuntimeConfig).length > 0 const defaultServerlessOptions = { absoluteAppPath: pages['/_app'], absoluteDocumentPath: pages['/_document'], absoluteErrorPath: pages['/_error'], absolute404Path: pages['/404'] || '', distDir: DOT_NEXT_ALIAS, buildId, assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix, generateEtags: config.generateEtags ? 'true' : '', poweredByHeader: config.poweredByHeader ? 'true' : '', canonicalBase: config.amp.canonicalBase || '', basePath: config.basePath, runtimeConfig: hasRuntimeConfig ? JSON.stringify({ publicRuntimeConfig: config.publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig: config.serverRuntimeConfig, }) : '', previewProps: JSON.stringify(previewMode), // base64 encode to make sure contents don't break webpack URL loading loadedEnvFiles: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(loadedEnvFiles)).toString( 'base64' ), i18n: config.i18n ? JSON.stringify(config.i18n) : '', } Object.keys(pages).forEach((page) => { const absolutePagePath = pages[page] const bundleFile = normalizePagePath(page) const isApiRoute = page.match(API_ROUTE) const clientBundlePath = posix.join('pages', bundleFile) const serverBundlePath = posix.join('pages', bundleFile) const isLikeServerless = isTargetLikeServerless(target) if (isApiRoute && isLikeServerless) { const serverlessLoaderOptions: ServerlessLoaderQuery = { page, absolutePagePath, ...defaultServerlessOptions, } server[serverBundlePath] = `next-serverless-loader?${stringify( serverlessLoaderOptions )}!` } else if (isApiRoute || target === 'server') { server[serverBundlePath] = [absolutePagePath] } else if (isLikeServerless && page !== '/_app' && page !== '/_document') { const serverlessLoaderOptions: ServerlessLoaderQuery = { page, absolutePagePath, ...defaultServerlessOptions, } server[serverBundlePath] = `next-serverless-loader?${stringify( serverlessLoaderOptions )}!` } if (page === '/_document') { return } if (!isApiRoute) { const pageLoaderOpts: ClientPagesLoaderOptions = { page, absolutePagePath, } const pageLoader = `next-client-pages-loader?${stringify( pageLoaderOpts )}!` // Make sure next/router is a dependency of _app or else chunk splitting // might cause the router to not be able to load causing hydration // to fail client[clientBundlePath] = page === '/_app' ? [pageLoader, require.resolve('../client/router')] : pageLoader } }) return { client, server, } }