import url from 'url' import { join } from 'path' import assert from 'assert' import cheerio from 'cheerio' import webdriver from 'next-webdriver' import { createNext, FileRef } from 'e2e-utils' import { NextInstance } from 'test/lib/next-modes/base' import { check, fetchViaHTTP, hasRedbox, renderViaHTTP, waitFor, } from 'next-test-utils' describe('basePath', () => { let next: NextInstance const basePath = '/docs' beforeAll(async () => { next = await createNext({ files: { pages: new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'basepath/pages')), public: new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'basepath/public')), external: new FileRef(join(__dirname, 'basepath/external')), }, nextConfig: { basePath, onDemandEntries: { // Make sure entries are not getting disposed. maxInactiveAge: 1000 * 60 * 60, }, async rewrites() { return [ { source: '/rewrite-1', destination: '/gssp', }, { source: '/rewrite-no-basepath', destination: '', basePath: false, }, { source: '/rewrite/chain-1', destination: '/rewrite/chain-2', }, { source: '/rewrite/chain-2', destination: '/gssp', }, ] }, async redirects() { return [ { source: '/redirect-1', destination: '/somewhere-else', permanent: false, }, { source: '/redirect-no-basepath', destination: '/another-destination', permanent: false, basePath: false, }, ] }, async headers() { return [ { source: '/add-header', headers: [ { key: 'x-hello', value: 'world', }, ], }, { source: '/add-header-no-basepath', basePath: false, headers: [ { key: 'x-hello', value: 'world', }, ], }, ] }, }, }) }) afterAll(() => next.destroy()) const runTests = (isDev = false, isDeploy = false) => { it('should navigate to /404 correctly client-side', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/slug-1`) await check( () => browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML'), /slug-1/ ) await browser.eval('next.router.push("/404", "/slug-2")') await check( () => browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML'), /page could not be found/ ) expect(await browser.eval('location.pathname')).toBe(`${basePath}/slug-2`) }) it('should navigate to /_error correctly client-side', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/slug-1`) await check( () => browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML'), /slug-1/ ) await browser.eval('next.router.push("/_error", "/slug-2")') await check( () => browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML'), /page could not be found/ ) expect(await browser.eval('location.pathname')).toBe(`${basePath}/slug-2`) }) it('should navigate to external site and back', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/external-and-back`) const initialText = await browser.elementByCss('p').text() expect(initialText).toBe('server') await browser .elementByCss('a') .click() .waitForElementByCss('input') .back() .waitForElementByCss('p') await waitFor(1000) const newText = await browser.elementByCss('p').text() expect(newText).toBe('server') }) if (process.env.BROWSER_NAME === 'safari') { // currently only testing the above test in safari // we can investigate testing more cases below if desired return } it.each([ { hash: '#hello?' }, { hash: '#?' }, { hash: '##' }, { hash: '##?' }, { hash: '##hello?' }, { hash: '##hello' }, { hash: '#hello?world' }, { search: '?hello=world', hash: '#a', query: { hello: 'world' } }, { search: '?hello', hash: '#a', query: { hello: '' } }, { search: '?hello=', hash: '#a', query: { hello: '' } }, ])( 'should handle query/hash correctly during query updating $hash $search', async ({ hash, search, query }) => { const browser = await webdriver( next.url, `${basePath}${search || ''}${hash || ''}` ) await check( () => browser.eval(' ? "ready" : "not ready"'), 'ready' ) expect(await browser.eval('window.location.pathname')).toBe(basePath) expect(await browser.eval('')).toBe(search || '') expect(await browser.eval('window.location.hash')).toBe(hash || '') expect(await browser.eval('next.router.pathname')).toBe('/') expect( JSON.parse(await browser.eval('JSON.stringify(next.router.query)')) ).toEqual(query || {}) } ) it('should navigate back correctly to a dynamic route', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}`) expect(await browser.elementByCss('#index-page').text()).toContain( 'index page' ) await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = 1') await browser.eval('"/catchall/first")') await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /first/) expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1) await browser.eval('"/catchall/second")') await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /second/) expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1) await browser.eval('') await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /first/) expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1) await browser.eval('window.history.forward()') await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /second/) expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1) }) it('should respect basePath in amphtml link rel', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/amp-hybrid`) const $ = cheerio.load(html) const expectedAmpHtmlUrl = isDev ? `${basePath}/amp-hybrid?amp=1` : `${basePath}/amp-hybrid.amp` expect($('link[rel=amphtml]').first().attr('href')).toBe( expectedAmpHtmlUrl ) }) if (!isDev) { if (!(global as any).isNextDeploy) { it('should add basePath to routes-manifest', async () => { const routesManifest = JSON.parse( await next.readFile('.next/routes-manifest.json') ) expect(routesManifest.basePath).toBe(basePath) }) } it('should prefetch pages correctly when manually called', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/other-page`) await browser.eval('"/gssp")') await check( async () => { const links = await browser.elementsByCss('link[rel=prefetch]') for (const link of links) { const href = await link.getAttribute('href') if (href.includes('gssp')) { return true } } const scripts = await browser.elementsByCss('script') for (const script of scripts) { const src = await script.getAttribute('src') if (src.includes('gssp')) { return true } } return false }, { test(result) { return result === true }, } ) }) it('should prefetch pages correctly in viewport with ', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('"/gssp")') await check(async () => { const hrefs = await browser.eval( `Object.keys(` ) hrefs.sort() assert.deepEqual( => new URL(href).pathname.replace(/\/_next\/data\/[^/]+/, '') ), [ `${basePath}/gsp.json`, `${basePath}/index.json`, // `${basePath}/index/index.json`, ] ) const prefetches = await browser.eval( `[]"link[rel=prefetch]")).map((e) => new URL(e.href).pathname)` ) expect(prefetches).toContainEqual( expect.stringMatching(/\/gsp-[^./]+\.js/) ) expect(prefetches).toContainEqual( expect.stringMatching(/\/gssp-[^./]+\.js/) ) expect(prefetches).toContainEqual( expect.stringMatching(/\/other-page-[^./]+\.js/) ) return 'yes' }, 'yes') }) } it('should 404 for public file without basePath', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, '/data.txt') expect(res.status).toBe(404) }) it('should serve public file with basePath correctly', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/data.txt`) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe('hello world') }) it('should rewrite with basePath by default', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/rewrite-1`) expect(html).toContain('getServerSideProps') }) it('should not rewrite without basePath without disabling', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, '/rewrite-1') expect(res.status).toBe(404) }) it('should not rewrite with basePath when set to false', async () => { // won't 404 as it matches the dynamic [slug] route const html = await renderViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/rewrite-no-basePath` ) expect(html).toContain('slug') }) it('should rewrite without basePath when set to false', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/rewrite-no-basePath') expect(html).toContain('Example Domain') }) it('should redirect with basePath by default', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/redirect-1`, undefined, { redirect: 'manual', } ) const { pathname } = url.parse(res.headers.get('location') || '') expect(pathname).toBe(`${basePath}/somewhere-else`) expect(res.status).toBe(307) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toContain(`${basePath}/somewhere-else`) }) it('should not redirect without basePath without disabling', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, '/redirect-1', undefined, { redirect: 'manual', }) expect(res.status).toBe(404) }) it('should not redirect with basePath when set to false', async () => { // won't 404 as it matches the dynamic [slug] route const html = await renderViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/rewrite-no-basePath` ) expect(html).toContain('slug') }) it('should redirect without basePath when set to false', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, '/redirect-no-basepath', undefined, { redirect: 'manual', } ) const { pathname } = url.parse(res.headers.get('location') || '') expect(pathname).toBe('/another-destination') expect(res.status).toBe(307) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toContain('/another-destination') }) // it('should add header with basePath by default', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/add-header`) expect(res.headers.get('x-hello')).toBe('world') }) it('should not add header without basePath without disabling', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, '/add-header') expect(res.headers.get('x-hello')).toBe(null) }) it('should not add header with basePath when set to false', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/add-header-no-basepath` ) expect(res.headers.get('x-hello')).toBe(null) }) it('should add header without basePath when set to false', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP(next.url, '/add-header-no-basepath') expect(res.headers.get('x-hello')).toBe('world') }) it('should not update URL for a 404', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, '/missing') if (isDeploy) { // the custom 404 only shows inside of the basePath so this // will be the Vercel default 404 page expect( await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML') ).toContain('NOT_FOUND') } else { const pathname = await browser.eval(() => window.location.pathname) expect( await browser.eval(() => (window as any).next.router.asPath) ).toBe('/missing') expect(pathname).toBe('/missing') } }) it('should handle 404 urls that start with basePath', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}hello`) if (isDeploy) { // the custom 404 only shows inside of the basePath so this // will be the Vercel default 404 page expect( await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML') ).toContain('NOT_FOUND') } else { expect( await browser.eval(() => (window as any).next.router.asPath) ).toBe(`${basePath}hello`) expect(await browser.eval(() => window.location.pathname)).toBe( `${basePath}hello` ) } }) // TODO: this test has been passing incorrectly since the below check // wasn't being awaited. We need to investigate if this test is // correct or not. it.skip('should navigate back to a non-basepath 404 that starts with basepath', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}hello`) await browser.eval(() => ((window as any).navigationMarker = true)) await browser.eval(() => (window as any).next.router.push('/hello')) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#pathname') await browser.back() await check( () => browser.eval(() => window.location.pathname), `${basePath}hello` ) expect(await browser.eval(() => (window as any).next.router.asPath)).toBe( `${basePath}hello` ) expect(await browser.eval(() => (window as any).navigationMarker)).toBe( true ) }) it('should update dynamic params after mount correctly', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello-dynamic`) await check( () => browser.elementByCss('#slug').text(), /slug: hello-dynamic/ ) }) it('should navigate to index page with getStaticProps', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate = "hi"') await browser.elementByCss('#index-gsp').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#prop') expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate')).toBe('hi') expect(await browser.elementByCss('#prop').text()).toBe('hello world') expect(await browser.elementByCss('#nested').text()).toBe('no') expect(JSON.parse(await browser.elementByCss('#query').text())).toEqual( {} ) expect(await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text()).toBe('/') if (!isDev) { const hrefs = await browser.eval(`Object.keys(`) hrefs.sort() expect( => new URL(href).pathname.replace(/\/_next\/data\/[^/]+/, '') ) ).toEqual([ `${basePath}/gsp.json`, `${basePath}/index.json`, // `${basePath}/index/index.json`, ]) } }) // TODO: investigate index/index seems this shouldn't work // as pages/index.js conflicts with pages/index/index.js it.skip('should navigate to nested index page with getStaticProps', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate = "hi"') await browser.elementByCss('#nested-index-gsp').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#prop') expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate')).toBe('hi') expect(await browser.elementByCss('#prop').text()).toBe('hello world') expect(await browser.elementByCss('#nested').text()).toBe('yes') expect(JSON.parse(await browser.elementByCss('#query').text())).toEqual( {} ) expect(await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text()).toBe('/index') if (!isDev) { const hrefs = await browser.eval(`Object.keys(`) hrefs.sort() expect( => new URL(href).pathname.replace(/\/_next\/data\/[^/]+/, '') ) ).toEqual([ `${basePath}/gsp.json`, `${basePath}/index.json`, `${basePath}/index/index.json`, ]) } }) it('should work with nested folder with same name as basePath', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/docs/another`) expect(html).toContain('hello from another') const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('"/docs/another")') await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /hello from another/) }) it('should work with normal dynamic page', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.elementByCss('#dynamic-link').click() await check( () => browser.eval(() => document.documentElement.innerHTML), /slug: first/ ) }) it('should work with hash links', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.elementByCss('#hashlink').click() const url = new URL(await browser.eval(() => window.location.href)) expect(url.pathname).toBe(`${basePath}/hello`) expect(url.hash).toBe('#hashlink') }) it('should work with catch-all page', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.elementByCss('#catchall-link').click() await check( () => browser.eval(() => document.documentElement.innerHTML), /parts: hello\/world/ ) }) it('should redirect trailing slash correctly', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/hello/`, {}, { redirect: 'manual' } ) expect(res.status).toBe(308) const { pathname } = new URL(res.headers.get('location')) expect(pathname).toBe(`${basePath}/hello`) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toContain(`${basePath}/hello`) }) it('should redirect trailing slash on root correctly', async () => { const res = await fetchViaHTTP( next.url, `${basePath}/`, {}, { redirect: 'manual' } ) expect(res.status).toBe(308) const { pathname } = new URL(res.headers.get('location')) expect(pathname).toBe(`${basePath}`) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toContain(`${basePath}`) }) it('should navigate an absolute url', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/absolute-url`) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#absolute-link').click() await check( () => browser.eval(() => window.location.origin), '' ) }) if (!(global as any).isNextDeploy) { it('should navigate an absolute local url with basePath', async () => { const browser = await webdriver( next.url, `${basePath}/absolute-url-basepath?port=${next.appPort}` ) await browser.eval('window._didNotNavigate = true') await browser.waitForElementByCss('#absolute-link').click() const text = await browser .waitForElementByCss('#something-else-page') .text() expect(text).toBe('something else') expect(await browser.eval('window._didNotNavigate')).toBe(true) }) it('should navigate an absolute local url without basePath', async () => { const browser = await webdriver( next.url, `${basePath}/absolute-url-no-basepath?port=${next.appPort}` ) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#absolute-link').click() await check( () => browser.eval(() => location.pathname), '/rewrite-no-basepath' ) const text = await browser.elementByCss('body').text() expect(text).toContain('Example Domain') }) } it('should 404 when manually adding basePath with ', async () => { const browser = await webdriver( next.url, `${basePath}/invalid-manual-basepath` ) await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = "hi"') await browser.elementByCss('#other-page-link').click() await check(() => browser.eval('window.beforeNav'), { test(content) { return content !== 'hi' }, }) const html = await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML') expect(html).toContain('This page could not be found') }) it('should 404 when manually adding basePath with router.push', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = "hi"') await browser.eval(`"${basePath}/other-page")`) await check(() => browser.eval('window.beforeNav'), { test(content) { return content !== 'hi' }, }) const html = await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML') expect(html).toContain('This page could not be found') }) it('should 404 when manually adding basePath with router.replace', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = "hi"') await browser.eval(`"${basePath}/other-page")`) await check(() => browser.eval('window.beforeNav'), { test(content) { return content !== 'hi' }, }) const html = await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML') expect(html).toContain('This page could not be found') }) it('should show the hello page under the /docs prefix', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { const text = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text() expect(text).toBe('Hello World') } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should have correct router paths on first load of /', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}`) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#pathname') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/') const asPath = await browser.elementByCss('#as-path').text() expect(asPath).toBe('/') }) it('should have correct router paths on first load of /hello', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#pathname') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/hello') const asPath = await browser.elementByCss('#as-path').text() expect(asPath).toBe('/hello') }) it('should fetch data for getStaticProps without reloading', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate = true') await browser.elementByCss('#gsp-link').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#gsp') expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate')).toBe(true) const props = JSON.parse(await browser.elementByCss('#props').text()) expect(props.hello).toBe('world') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/gsp') }) it('should fetch data for getServerSideProps without reloading', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate = true') await browser.elementByCss('#gssp-link').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#gssp') expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNavigate')).toBe(true) const props = JSON.parse(await browser.elementByCss('#props').text()) expect(props.hello).toBe('world') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() const asPath = await browser.elementByCss('#asPath').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/gssp') expect(asPath).toBe('/gssp') }) it('should have correct href for a link', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) const href = await browser.elementByCss('a').getAttribute('href') const { pathname } = url.parse(href) expect(pathname).toBe(`${basePath}/other-page`) }) it('should have correct href for a link to /', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/link-to-root`) const href = await browser.elementByCss('#link-back').getAttribute('href') const { pathname } = url.parse(href) expect(pathname).toBe(`${basePath}`) }) it('should show 404 for page not under the /docs prefix', async () => { const text = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, '/hello') expect(text).not.toContain('Hello World') expect(text).toContain( isDeploy ? 'NOT_FOUND' : 'This page could not be found' ) }) it('should show the other-page page under the /docs prefix', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/other-page`) try { const text = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text() expect(text).toBe('Hello Other') } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should have basePath field on Router', async () => { const html = await renderViaHTTP(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) const $ = cheerio.load(html) expect($('#base-path').text()).toBe(`${basePath}`) }) it('should navigate to the page without refresh', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh = "hello"') const text = await browser .elementByCss('#other-page-link') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#other-page-title') .elementByCss('h1') .text() expect(text).toBe('Hello Other') expect(await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh')).toBe('hello') } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should use urls with basepath in router events', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { await check( () => browser.eval(' ? "ready" : "no"'), 'ready' ) await browser.eval('window._clearEventLog()') await browser .elementByCss('#other-page-link') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#other-page-title') const eventLog = await browser.eval('window._getEventLog()') expect( eventLog.filter((item) => item[1]?.endsWith('/other-page')) ).toEqual([ ['routeChangeStart', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ['beforeHistoryChange', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ['routeChangeComplete', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ]) } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should use urls with basepath in router events for hash changes', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { await check( () => browser.eval(' ? "ready" : "no"'), 'ready' ) await browser.eval('window._clearEventLog()') await browser.elementByCss('#hash-change').click() const eventLog = await browser.eval('window._getEventLog()') expect(eventLog).toEqual([ [ 'hashChangeStart', `${basePath}/hello#some-hash`, { shallow: false }, ], [ 'hashChangeComplete', `${basePath}/hello#some-hash`, { shallow: false }, ], ]) } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should use urls with basepath in router events for cancelled routes', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { await check( () => browser.eval(' ? "ready" : "no"'), 'ready' ) await browser.eval('window._clearEventLog()') await browser .elementByCss('#slow-route') .click() .elementByCss('#other-page-link') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#other-page-title') const eventLog = await browser.eval('window._getEventLog()') expect(eventLog).toEqual([ ['routeChangeStart', `${basePath}/slow-route`, { shallow: false }], [ 'routeChangeError', 'Route Cancelled', true, `${basePath}/slow-route`, { shallow: false }, ], ['routeChangeStart', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ['beforeHistoryChange', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ['routeChangeComplete', `${basePath}/other-page`, { shallow: false }], ]) } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should use urls with basepath in router events for failed route change', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello`) try { await check( () => browser.eval(' ? "ready" : "no"'), 'ready' ) await browser.eval('window._clearEventLog()') await browser.elementByCss('#error-route').click() await check(async () => { const eventLog = await browser.eval('window._getEventLog()') assert.deepEqual(eventLog, [ ['routeChangeStart', `${basePath}/error-route`, { shallow: false }], [ 'routeChangeError', 'Failed to load static props', null, `${basePath}/error-route`, { shallow: false }, ], ]) return 'success' }, 'success') } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should allow URL query strings without refresh', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}/hello?query=true`) try { await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh = "hello"') await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Timeout of EventSource created in setupPing() // (on-demand-entries-utils.js) is 5000 ms (see #13132, #13560) setTimeout(resolve, isDev ? 10000 : 1000) }) expect(await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh')).toBe('hello') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/hello') expect(await browser.eval('window.location.pathname')).toBe( `${basePath}/hello` ) expect(await browser.eval('')).toBe('?query=true') if (isDev) { expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false) } } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should allow URL query strings on index without refresh', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}?query=true`) try { await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh = "hello"') await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Timeout of EventSource created in setupPing() // (on-demand-entries-utils.js) is 5000 ms (see #13132, #13560) setTimeout(resolve, isDev ? 10000 : 1000) }) expect(await browser.eval('window.itdidnotrefresh')).toBe('hello') const pathname = await browser.elementByCss('#pathname').text() expect(pathname).toBe('/') expect(await browser.eval('window.location.pathname')).toBe(basePath) expect(await browser.eval('')).toBe('?query=true') if (isDev) { expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false) } } finally { await browser.close() } }) it('should correctly replace state when same asPath but different url', async () => { const browser = await webdriver(next.url, `${basePath}`) try { await browser.elementByCss('#hello-link').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#something-else-link') await browser.elementByCss('#something-else-link').click() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#something-else-page') await browser.back() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#index-page') await browser.forward() await browser.waitForElementByCss('#something-else-page') } finally { await browser.close() } }) } runTests((global as any).isNextDev, (global as any).isNextDeploy) })