name: build-and-test on: push: branches: ['canary'] pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize] env: NAPI_CLI_VERSION: 2.14.7 TURBO_VERSION: 1.11.3 NODE_MAINTENANCE_VERSION: 18 NODE_LTS_VERSION: 20 TEST_CONCURRENCY: 8 # disable backtrace for test snapshots RUST_BACKTRACE: 0 TURBO_TEAM: 'vercel' TURBO_REMOTE_ONLY: 'true' NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED: 1 # we build a dev binary for use in CI so skip downloading # canary next-swc binaries in the monorepo NEXT_SKIP_NATIVE_POSTINSTALL: 1 DATADOG_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.DATA_DOG_API_KEY }} NEXT_JUNIT_TEST_REPORT: 'true' DD_ENV: 'ci' TEST_TIMINGS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TEST_TIMINGS_TOKEN }} NEXT_TEST_JOB: 1 jobs: changes: name: Determine changes runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 25 - name: check for docs only change id: docs-change run: | echo "DOCS_ONLY<> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "$(node scripts/run-for-change.js --not --type docs --exec echo 'false')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: check for release id: is-release run: | if [[ $(node ./scripts/check-is-release.js 2> /dev/null || :) = v* ]]; then echo "IS_RELEASE=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT else echo "IS_RELEASE=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi outputs: docs-only: ${{ != 'false' }} is-release: ${{ == 'true' }} build-native: name: build-native uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: skipInstallBuild: 'yes' stepName: 'build-native' secrets: inherit build-next: name: build-next uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: skipNativeBuild: 'yes' stepName: 'build-next' secrets: inherit lint: name: lint needs: ['build-native', 'build-next'] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: pnpm lint-no-typescript && pnpm check-examples stepName: 'lint' secrets: inherit validate-docs-links: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 18 - run: corepack enable - name: 'Run link checker' run: node ./.github/actions/validate-docs-links/dist/index.js env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} check-types-precompiled: name: types and precompiled needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: pnpm types-and-precompiled stepName: 'types-and-precompiled' secrets: inherit test-cargo-unit: name: test cargo unit needs: ['changes', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: needsRust: 'yes' skipInstallBuild: 'yes' skipNativeBuild: 'yes' afterBuild: turbo run test-cargo-unit mold: 'yes' stepName: 'test-cargo-unit' secrets: inherit rust-check: name: rust check needs: ['changes', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: needsRust: 'yes' skipInstallBuild: 'yes' skipNativeBuild: 'yes' afterBuild: turbo run rust-check stepName: 'rust-check' secrets: inherit test-turbopack-dev: name: test turbopack dev needs: ['changes', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: RUST_BACKTRACE=0 NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS="$(pwd)/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json" TURBOPACK=1 NEXT_E2E_TEST_TIMEOUT=240000 NEXT_TEST_MODE=dev node run-tests.js --test-pattern '^(test\/(development|e2e))/.*\.test\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$' --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} stepName: 'test-turbopack-dev-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-turbopack-integration: name: test turbopack integration needs: ['changes', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: nodeVersion: 18.17.0 afterBuild: RUST_BACKTRACE=0 NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS="$(pwd)/test/turbopack-tests-manifest.json" TURBOPACK=1 node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type integration stepName: 'test-turbopack-integration-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-next-swc-wasm: name: test next-swc wasm needs: ['changes', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown && curl -sSf | sh && node ./scripts/normalize-version-bump.js && turbo run build-wasm -- --target nodejs --features tracing/release_max_level_info && git checkout . && mv packages/next-swc/crates/wasm/pkg packages/next-swc/crates/wasm/pkg-nodejs && node ./scripts/setup-wasm.mjs && NEXT_TEST_MODE=start TEST_WASM=true node run-tests.js test/production/pages-dir/production/test/index.test.ts test/e2e/streaming-ssr/index.test.ts stepName: 'test-next-swc-wasm' secrets: inherit test-unit: name: test unit needs: ['changes'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: node: [18, 20] # TODO: use env var like [env.NODE_MAINTENANCE_VERSION, env.NODE_LTS_VERSION] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: nodeVersion: ${{ matrix.node }} afterBuild: node run-tests.js -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type unit stepName: 'test-unit-${{ matrix.node }}' secrets: inherit test-dev: name: test dev needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: NEXT_TEST_MODE=dev node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type development stepName: 'test-dev-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-prod: name: test prod needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: NEXT_TEST_MODE=start node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type production stepName: 'test-prod-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-integration: name: test integration needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: - 1/12 - 2/12 - 3/12 - 4/12 - 5/12 - 6/12 - 7/12 - 8/12 - 9/12 - 10/12 - 11/12 - 12/12 uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: nodeVersion: 18.17.0 afterBuild: node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type integration stepName: 'test-integration-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-firefox-safari: name: test firefox and safari needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: pnpm playwright install && BROWSER_NAME=firefox node run-tests.js test/production/pages-dir/production/test/index.test.ts && BROWSER_NAME=safari NEXT_TEST_MODE=start node run-tests.js -c 1 test/production/pages-dir/production/test/index.test.ts test/e2e/basepath.test.ts && BROWSER_NAME=safari DEVICE_NAME='iPhone XR' node run-tests.js -c 1 test/production/prerender-prefetch/index.test.ts stepName: 'test-firefox-safari' secrets: inherit # TODO: remove these jobs once PPR is the default # Manifest generated via: test-ppr-integration: name: test ppr integration needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: nodeVersion: 18.17.0 afterBuild: __NEXT_EXPERIMENTAL_PPR=true NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS="test/ppr-tests-manifest.json" node run-tests.js --timings -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type integration stepName: 'test-ppr-integration' secrets: inherit test-ppr-dev: name: test ppr dev needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: __NEXT_EXPERIMENTAL_PPR=true NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS="test/ppr-tests-manifest.json" NEXT_TEST_MODE=dev node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type development stepName: 'test-ppr-dev-${{ }}' secrets: inherit test-ppr-prod: name: test ppr prod needs: ['changes', 'build-native', 'build-next'] if: ${{ == 'false' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: group: [1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4] uses: ./.github/workflows/build_reusable.yml with: afterBuild: __NEXT_EXPERIMENTAL_PPR=true NEXT_EXTERNAL_TESTS_FILTERS="test/ppr-tests-manifest.json" NEXT_TEST_MODE=start node run-tests.js --timings -g ${{ }} -c ${TEST_CONCURRENCY} --type production stepName: 'test-ppr-prod-${{ }}' secrets: inherit report-test-results: needs: [ 'changes', 'test-unit', 'test-dev', 'test-prod', 'test-integration', 'test-ppr-dev', 'test-ppr-prod', 'test-ppr-integration', 'test-turbopack-dev', 'test-turbopack-integration', ] if: ${{ always() && == 'false' && !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: report test results to datadog steps: - name: Download test report artifacts id: download-test-reports uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 with: pattern: test-reports-* path: test merge-multiple: true - name: Upload test report to datadog run: | if [ -d ./test/test-junit-report ]; then # Add a `test.type` tag to distinguish between turbopack and next.js runs DD_ENV=ci npx @datadog/datadog-ci@2.23.1 junit upload --tags test.type:nextjs --service nextjs ./test/test-junit-report fi if [ -d ./test/turbopack-test-junit-report ]; then # Add a `test.type` tag to distinguish between turbopack and next.js runs DD_ENV=ci npx @datadog/datadog-ci@2.23.1 junit upload --tags test.type:turbopack --service nextjs ./test/turbopack-test-junit-report fi tests-pass: needs: [ 'build-native', 'build-next', 'lint', 'validate-docs-links', 'check-types-precompiled', 'test-unit', 'test-dev', 'test-prod', 'test-integration', 'test-ppr-dev', 'test-ppr-prod', 'test-ppr-integration', 'test-cargo-unit', 'rust-check', 'test-next-swc-wasm', 'test-turbopack-dev', 'test-turbopack-integration', ] if: always() runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: thank you, next steps: - run: exit 1 if: ${{ always() && (contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled')) }}