const path = require('path') const _glob = require('glob') const fs = require('fs').promises const fetch = require('node-fetch') const { promisify } = require('util') const { Sema } = require('async-sema') const { spawn, exec: execOrig } = require('child_process') const glob = promisify(_glob) const exec = promisify(execOrig) const timings = [] const NUM_RETRIES = 2 const DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 2 const RESULTS_EXT = `.results.json` const isTestJob = !!process.env.NEXT_TEST_JOB const TIMINGS_API = `` const UNIT_TEST_EXT = '.unit.test.js' const DEV_TEST_EXT = '.dev.test.js' const PROD_TEST_EXT = '.prod.test.js' const NON_CONCURRENT_TESTS = [ 'test/integration/basic/test/index.test.js', 'test/acceptance/', 'test/acceptance/', 'test/acceptance/', 'test/acceptance/', ] // which types we have configured to run separate const configuredTestTypes = [UNIT_TEST_EXT] async function main() { let concurrencyIdx = process.argv.indexOf('-c') const concurrency = parseInt(process.argv[concurrencyIdx + 1], 10) || DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY const outputTimings = process.argv.indexOf('--timings') !== -1 const writeTimings = process.argv.indexOf('--write-timings') !== -1 const isAzure = process.argv.indexOf('--azure') !== -1 const groupIdx = process.argv.indexOf('-g') const groupArg = groupIdx !== -1 && process.argv[groupIdx + 1] const testTypeIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--type') const testType = process.argv[testTypeIdx + 1] let filterTestsBy switch (testType) { case 'unit': filterTestsBy = UNIT_TEST_EXT break case 'dev': filterTestsBy = DEV_TEST_EXT break case 'production': filterTestsBy = PROD_TEST_EXT break case 'all': filterTestsBy = 'none' break default: break } console.log('Running tests with concurrency:', concurrency) let tests = process.argv.filter((arg) => arg.endsWith('.test.js')) let prevTimings if (tests.length === 0) { tests = ( await glob('**/*.test.js', { nodir: true, cwd: path.join(__dirname, 'test'), }) ).filter((test) => { // only include the specified type if (filterTestsBy) { return filterTestsBy === 'none' ? true : test.endsWith(filterTestsBy) // include all except the separately configured types } else { return !configuredTestTypes.some((type) => test.endsWith(type)) } }) if (outputTimings && groupArg) { console.log('Fetching previous timings data') try { const timingsFile = path.join(__dirname, 'test-timings.json') try { prevTimings = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(timingsFile, 'utf8')) console.log('Loaded test timings from disk successfully') } catch (_) {} if (!prevTimings) { const timingsRes = await fetch( `${TIMINGS_API}?which=${isAzure ? 'azure' : 'actions'}` ) if (!timingsRes.ok) { throw new Error(`request status: ${timingsRes.status}`) } prevTimings = await timingsRes.json() console.log('Fetched previous timings data successfully') if (writeTimings) { await fs.writeFile(timingsFile, JSON.stringify(prevTimings)) console.log('Wrote previous timings data to', timingsFile) process.exit(0) } } } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to fetch timings data`, err) } } } let testNames = [ Set( => { let name = `${f.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/test$/, '')}` if (!name.startsWith('test/')) name = `test/${name}` return name }) ), ] if (groupArg) { const groupParts = groupArg.split('/') const groupPos = parseInt(groupParts[0], 10) const groupTotal = parseInt(groupParts[1], 10) const numPerGroup = Math.ceil(testNames.length / groupTotal) let offset = groupPos === 1 ? 0 : (groupPos - 1) * numPerGroup - 1 // if there's an odd number of suites give the first group the extra if (testNames.length % 2 !== 0 && groupPos !== 1) offset++ if (prevTimings) { const groups = [[]] const groupTimes = [0] for (const testName of testNames) { let smallestGroup = groupTimes[0] let smallestGroupIdx = 0 // get the smallest group time to add current one to for (let i = 1; i < groupTotal; i++) { if (!groups[i]) { groups[i] = [] groupTimes[i] = 0 } const time = groupTimes[i] if (time < smallestGroup) { smallestGroup = time smallestGroupIdx = i } } groups[smallestGroupIdx].push(testName) groupTimes[smallestGroupIdx] += prevTimings[testName] || 1 } const curGroupIdx = groupPos - 1 testNames = groups[curGroupIdx] console.log( 'Current group previous accumulated times:', Math.round(groupTimes[curGroupIdx]) + 's' ) } else { testNames = testNames.splice(offset, numPerGroup) } } console.log('Running tests:', '\n', => `${name}\n`)) const sema = new Sema(concurrency, { capacity: testNames.length }) const jestPath = path.join( path.dirname(require.resolve('jest-cli/package.json')), 'bin/jest.js' ) const children = new Set() const runTest = (test = '', usePolling) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const start = new Date().getTime() const child = spawn( 'node', [ jestPath, '--runInBand', '--forceExit', '--verbose', ...(isTestJob ? ['--json', `--outputFile=${test}${RESULTS_EXT}`] : []), test, ], { stdio: 'inherit', env: { JEST_RETRY_TIMES: 0, ...process.env, ...(isAzure ? { HEADLESS: 'true', __POST_PROCESS_MIDDLEWARE_TIME_BUDGET: '50', } : {}), ...(usePolling ? { // Events can be finicky in CI. This switches to a more // reliable polling method. CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING: 'true', CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL: 500, } : {}), }, } ) children.add(child) child.on('exit', (code) => { children.delete(child) if (code) reject(new Error(`failed with code: ${code}`)) resolve(new Date().getTime() - start) }) }) const nonConcurrentTestNames = [] testNames = testNames.filter((testName) => { if (NON_CONCURRENT_TESTS.includes(testName)) { nonConcurrentTestNames.push(testName) return false } return true }) // run non-concurrent test names separately and before // concurrent ones for (const test of nonConcurrentTestNames) { let passed = false for (let i = 0; i < NUM_RETRIES + 1; i++) { try { const time = await runTest(test, i > 0) timings.push({ file: test, time, }) passed = true break } catch (err) { if (i < NUM_RETRIES) { try { const testDir = path.dirname(path.join(__dirname, test)) console.log('Cleaning test files at', testDir) await exec(`git clean -fdx "${testDir}"`) await exec(`git checkout "${testDir}"`) } catch (err) {} } } } if (!passed) { console.error(`${test} failed to pass within ${NUM_RETRIES} retries`) children.forEach((child) => child.kill()) if (isTestJob) { try { const testsOutput = await fs.readFile(`${test}${RESULTS_EXT}`, 'utf8') console.log( `--test output start--`, testsOutput, `--test output end--` ) } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to load test output`, err) } } process.exit(1) } } await Promise.all( (test) => { await sema.acquire() let passed = false for (let i = 0; i < NUM_RETRIES + 1; i++) { try { const time = await runTest(test, i > 0) timings.push({ file: test, time, }) passed = true break } catch (err) { if (i < NUM_RETRIES) { try { const testDir = path.dirname(path.join(__dirname, test)) console.log('Cleaning test files at', testDir) await exec(`git clean -fdx "${testDir}"`) await exec(`git checkout "${testDir}"`) } catch (err) {} } } } if (!passed) { console.error(`${test} failed to pass within ${NUM_RETRIES} retries`) children.forEach((child) => child.kill()) if (isTestJob) { try { const testsOutput = await fs.readFile( `${test}${RESULTS_EXT}`, 'utf8' ) console.log( `--test output start--`, testsOutput, `--test output end--` ) } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to load test output`, err) } } process.exit(1) } sema.release() }) ) if (outputTimings) { const curTimings = {} // let junitData = `` /* */ for (const timing of timings) { const timeInSeconds = timing.time / 1000 curTimings[timing.file] = timeInSeconds // junitData += ` // // // // ` } // junitData += `` // console.log('output timing data to junit.xml') if (prevTimings) { try { const timingsRes = await fetch(TIMINGS_API, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ timings: curTimings, which: isAzure ? 'azure' : 'actions', }), }) if (!timingsRes.ok) { throw new Error(`request status: ${timingsRes.status}`) } console.log( 'Sent updated timings successfully', await timingsRes.json() ) } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to update timings data', err) } } } } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })