import { webpack } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { isWebpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' export const ampFirstEntryNamesMap: WeakMap< webpack.compilation.Compilation, string[] > = new WeakMap() const PLUGIN_NAME = 'DropAmpFirstPagesPlugin' // Prevents outputting client pages when they are not needed export class DropClientPage implements webpack.Plugin { ampPages = new Set() apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation: any, { normalModuleFactory }: any) => { // Recursively look up the issuer till it ends up at the root function findEntryModule(mod: any): webpack.compilation.Module | null { const queue = new Set([mod]) for (const module of queue) { if (isWebpack5) { // @ts-ignore TODO: webpack 5 types const incomingConnections = compilation.moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(module) for (const incomingConnection of incomingConnections) { if (!incomingConnection.originModule) return module queue.add(incomingConnection.originModule) } continue } for (const reason of module.reasons) { if (!reason.module) return module queue.add(reason.module) } } return null } function handler(parser: any) { function markAsAmpFirst() { const entryModule = findEntryModule(parser.state.module) if (!entryModule) { return } // @ts-ignore buildInfo exists on Module entryModule.buildInfo.NEXT_ampFirst = true } if (isWebpack5) { parser.hooks.preDeclarator.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (declarator: any) => { if (declarator?.id?.name === STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE) { markAsAmpFirst() } }) return } parser.hooks.varDeclaration .for(STRING_LITERAL_DROP_BUNDLE) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, markAsAmpFirst) } normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/auto') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/esm') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/dynamic') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) if (!ampFirstEntryNamesMap.has(compilation)) { ampFirstEntryNamesMap.set(compilation, []) } const ampFirstEntryNamesItem = ampFirstEntryNamesMap.get( compilation ) as string[] compilation.hooks.seal.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { if (isWebpack5) { for (const [name, entryData] of compilation.entries) { for (const dependency of entryData.dependencies) { // @ts-ignore TODO: webpack 5 types const module = compilation.moduleGraph.getModule(dependency) if (module?.buildInfo?.NEXT_ampFirst) { ampFirstEntryNamesItem.push(name) // @ts-ignore @types/webpack has outdated types for webpack 5 compilation.entries.delete(name) } } } return } // Remove preparedEntrypoint that has bundle drop marker // This will ensure webpack does not create chunks/bundles for this particular entrypoint for ( let i = compilation._preparedEntrypoints.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { const entrypoint = compilation._preparedEntrypoints[i] if (entrypoint?.module?.buildInfo?.NEXT_ampFirst) { ampFirstEntryNamesItem.push( compilation._preparedEntrypoints.splice(i, 1) } } for (let i = compilation.entries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const entryModule = compilation.entries[i] if (entryModule?.buildInfo?.NEXT_ampFirst) { compilation.entries.splice(i, 1) } } }) } ) } }