import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import execa from 'execa' import globby from 'globby' import cheerio from 'cheerio' import { install } from '../lib/install' import runJscodeshift from '../lib/run-jscodeshift' import htmlToReactAttributes from '../lib/html-to-react-attributes' import { indexContext } from '../lib/cra-to-next/index-to-component' import { globalCssContext } from '../lib/cra-to-next/global-css-transform' const feedbackMessage = `Please share any feedback on the migration here:` // log error and exit without new stacktrace function fatalMessage(...logs) { console.error(...logs, `\n${feedbackMessage}`) process.exit(1) } const craTransformsPath = path.join('../lib/cra-to-next') const globalCssTransformPath = require.resolve( path.join(craTransformsPath, 'global-css-transform.js') ) const indexTransformPath = require.resolve( path.join(craTransformsPath, 'index-to-component.js') ) class CraTransform { private appDir: string private pagesDir: string private isVite: boolean private isCra: boolean private isDryRun: boolean private indexPage: string private installClient: string private shouldLogInfo: boolean private packageJsonPath: string private shouldUseTypeScript: boolean private packageJsonData: { [key: string]: any } private jscodeShiftFlags: { [key: string]: boolean } constructor(files: string[], flags: { [key: string]: boolean }) { this.isDryRun = flags.dry this.jscodeShiftFlags = flags this.appDir = this.validateAppDir(files) this.packageJsonPath = path.join(this.appDir, 'package.json') this.packageJsonData = this.loadPackageJson() this.shouldLogInfo = flags.print || flags.dry this.pagesDir = this.getPagesDir() this.installClient = this.checkForYarn() ? 'yarn' : 'npm' const { dependencies, devDependencies } = this.packageJsonData const hasDep = (dep) => dependencies?.[dep] || devDependencies?.[dep] this.isCra = hasDep('react-scripts') this.isVite = !this.isCra && hasDep('vite') if (!this.isCra && !this.isVite) { fatalMessage( `Error: react-scripts was not detected, is this a CRA project?` ) } this.shouldUseTypeScript = fs.existsSync(path.join(this.appDir, 'tsconfig.json')) || globby.sync('src/**/*.{ts,tsx}', { cwd: path.join(this.appDir, 'src'), }).length > 0 this.indexPage = globby.sync( [`${this.isCra ? 'index' : 'main'}.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}`], { cwd: path.join(this.appDir, 'src'), } )[0] if (!this.indexPage) { fatalMessage('Error: unable to find `src/index`') } } public async transform() { console.log('Transforming CRA project at:', this.appDir) // convert src/index.js to a react component to render // inside of Next.js instead of the custom render root const indexTransformRes = await runJscodeshift( indexTransformPath, { ...this.jscodeShiftFlags, silent: true, verbose: 0 }, [path.join(this.appDir, 'src', this.indexPage)] ) if (indexTransformRes.error > 0) { fatalMessage( `Error: failed to apply transforms for src/${this.indexPage}, please check for syntax errors to continue` ) } if (indexContext.multipleRenderRoots) { fatalMessage( `Error: multiple ReactDOM.render roots in src/${this.indexPage}, migrate additional render roots to use portals instead to continue.\n` + `See here for more info:` ) } if (indexContext.nestedRender) { fatalMessage( `Error: nested ReactDOM.render found in src/${this.indexPage}, please migrate this to a top-level render (no wrapping functions) to continue` ) } // comment out global style imports and collect them // so that we can add them to _app const globalCssRes = await runJscodeshift( globalCssTransformPath, { ...this.jscodeShiftFlags }, [this.appDir] ) if (globalCssRes.error > 0) { fatalMessage( `Error: failed to apply transforms for src/${this.indexPage}, please check for syntax errors to continue` ) } if (!this.isDryRun) { await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(this.appDir, this.pagesDir)) } this.logCreate(this.pagesDir) if (globalCssContext.reactSvgImports.size > 0) { // This de-opts webpack 5 since svg/webpack doesn't support webpack 5 yet, // so we don't support this automatically fatalMessage( `Error: import {ReactComponent} from './logo.svg' is not supported, please use normal SVG imports to continue.\n` + `React SVG imports found in:\n${[ ...globalCssContext.reactSvgImports, ].join('\n')}` ) } await this.updatePackageJson() await this.createNextConfig() await this.updateGitIgnore() await this.createPages() } private checkForYarn() { try { const userAgent = process.env.npm_config_user_agent if (userAgent) { return Boolean(userAgent && userAgent.startsWith('yarn')) } execa.sync('yarnpkg', ['--version'], { stdio: 'ignore' }) return true } catch (e) { console.log('error', e) return false } } private logCreate(...args: any[]) { if (this.shouldLogInfo) { console.log('Created:', ...args) } } private logModify(...args: any[]) { if (this.shouldLogInfo) { console.log('Modified:', ...args) } } private logInfo(...args: any[]) { if (this.shouldLogInfo) { console.log(...args) } } private async createPages() { // load public/index.html and add tags to _document const htmlContent = await fs.promises.readFile( path.join(this.appDir, `${this.isCra ? 'public/' : ''}index.html`), 'utf8' ) const $ = cheerio.load(htmlContent) // note: title tag and meta[viewport] needs to be placed in _app // not _document const titleTag = $('title')[0] const metaViewport = $('meta[name="viewport"]')[0] const headTags = $('head').children() const bodyTags = $('body').children() const pageExt = this.shouldUseTypeScript ? 'tsx' : 'js' const appPage = path.join(this.pagesDir, `_app.${pageExt}`) const documentPage = path.join(this.pagesDir, `_document.${pageExt}`) const catchAllPage = path.join(this.pagesDir, `[[...slug]].${pageExt}`) const gatherTextChildren = (children: CheerioElement[]) => { return children .map((child) => { if (child.type === 'text') { return } return '' }) .join('') } const serializeAttrs = (attrs: CheerioElement['attribs']) => { const attrStr = Object.keys(attrs || {}) .map((name) => { const reactName = htmlToReactAttributes[name] || name const value = attrs[name] // allow process.env access to work dynamically still if (value.match(/%([a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,})%/)) { return `${reactName}={\`${value.replace( /%([a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,})%/g, (subStr) => { return `\${process.env.${subStr.substr(1, subStr.length - 2)}}` } )}\`}` } return `${reactName}="${value}"` }) .join(' ') return attrStr.length > 0 ? ` ${attrStr}` : '' } const serializedHeadTags: string[] = [] const serializedBodyTags: string[] = [], element) => { if ( element.tagName === 'title' || (element.tagName === 'meta' && === 'viewport') ) { return element } let hasChildren = element.children.length > 0 let serializedAttrs = serializeAttrs(element.attribs) if (element.tagName === 'script' || element.tagName === 'style') { hasChildren = false serializedAttrs += ` dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: \`${gatherTextChildren( element.children ).replace(/`/g, '\\`')}\` }}` } serializedHeadTags.push( hasChildren ? `<${element.tagName}${serializedAttrs}>${gatherTextChildren( element.children )}` : `<${element.tagName}${serializedAttrs} />` ) return element }), element) => { if (element.tagName === 'div' && === 'root') { return element } let hasChildren = element.children.length > 0 let serializedAttrs = serializeAttrs(element.attribs) if (element.tagName === 'script' || element.tagName === 'style') { hasChildren = false serializedAttrs += ` dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: \`${gatherTextChildren( element.children ).replace(/`/g, '\\`')}\` }}` } serializedHeadTags.push( hasChildren ? `<${element.tagName}${serializedAttrs}>${gatherTextChildren( element.children )}` : `<${element.tagName}${serializedAttrs} />` ) return element }) if (!this.isDryRun) { await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(this.appDir, appPage), `${ globalCssContext.cssImports.size === 0 ? '' : [...globalCssContext.cssImports] .map((file) => { if (!this.isCra) { file = file.startsWith('/') ? file.substr(1) : file } return `import '${ file.startsWith('/') ? path.relative( path.join(this.appDir, this.pagesDir), file ) : file }'` }) .join('\n') + '\n' }${titleTag ? `import Head from 'next/head'` : ''} export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps}) { ${ titleTag || metaViewport ? `return ( <> ${ titleTag ? `${gatherTextChildren( titleTag.children )}` : '' } ${metaViewport ? `` : ''} )` : 'return ' } } ` ) await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(this.appDir, documentPage), `import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document' class MyDocument extends Document { render() { return ( ${serializedHeadTags.join('\n ')}
${serializedBodyTags.join('\n ')} ) } } export default MyDocument ` ) const relativeIndexPath = path.relative( path.join(this.appDir, this.pagesDir), path.join(this.appDir, 'src', this.isCra ? '' : 'main') ) // TODO: should we default to ssr: true below and recommend they // set it to false if they encounter errors or prefer the more safe // option to prevent their first start from having any errors? await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(this.appDir, catchAllPage), `// import NextIndexWrapper from '${relativeIndexPath}' // next/dynamic is used to prevent breaking incompatibilities // with SSR from window.SOME_VAR usage, if this is not used // next/dynamic can be removed to take advantage of SSR/prerendering import dynamic from 'next/dynamic' // try changing "ssr" to true below to test for incompatibilities, if // no errors occur the above static import can be used instead and the // below removed const NextIndexWrapper = dynamic(() => import('${relativeIndexPath}'), { ssr: false }) export default function Page(props) { return } ` ) } this.logCreate(appPage) this.logCreate(documentPage) this.logCreate(catchAllPage) } private async updatePackageJson() { // rename react-scripts -> next and react-scripts test -> jest // add needed dependencies for webpack compatibility const newDependencies: Array<{ name: string version: string }> = [ // TODO: do we want to install jest automatically? { name: 'next', version: 'latest', }, ] const packageName = this.isCra ? 'react-scripts' : 'vite' const packagesToRemove = { [packageName]: undefined, } const neededDependencies: string[] = [] const { devDependencies, dependencies, scripts } = this.packageJsonData for (const dep of newDependencies) { if (!devDependencies?.[] && !dependencies?.[]) { neededDependencies.push(`${}@${dep.version}`) } } this.logInfo( `Installing ${neededDependencies.join(' ')} with ${this.installClient}` ) if (!this.isDryRun) { await fs.promises.writeFile( this.packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify( { ...this.packageJsonData, scripts: Object.keys(scripts).reduce((prev, cur) => { const command = scripts[cur] prev[cur] = command if (command === packageName) { prev[cur] = 'next dev' } if (command.includes(`${packageName} `)) { prev[cur] = command.replace( `${packageName} `, command.includes(`${packageName} test`) ? 'jest ' : 'next ' ) } if (cur === 'eject') { prev[cur] = undefined } // TODO: do we want to map start -> next start instead of CRA's // default of mapping starting to dev mode? if (cur === 'start') { prev[cur] = prev[cur].replace('next start', 'next dev') prev['start-production'] = 'next start' } return prev }, {} as { [key: string]: string }), dependencies: { ...dependencies, ...packagesToRemove, }, devDependencies: { ...devDependencies, ...packagesToRemove, }, }, null, 2 ) ) await install(this.appDir, neededDependencies, { useYarn: this.installClient === 'yarn', // do we want to detect offline as well? they might not // have next in the local cache already isOnline: true, }) } } private async updateGitIgnore() { // add Next.js specific items to .gitignore e.g. '.next' const gitignorePath = path.join(this.appDir, '.gitignore') let ignoreContent = await fs.promises.readFile(gitignorePath, 'utf8') const nextIgnores = ( await fs.promises.readFile( path.join(path.dirname(globalCssTransformPath), 'gitignore'), 'utf8' ) ).split('\n') if (!this.isDryRun) { for (const ignore of nextIgnores) { if (!ignoreContent.includes(ignore)) { ignoreContent += `\n${ignore}` } } await fs.promises.writeFile(gitignorePath, ignoreContent) } this.logModify('.gitignore') } private async createNextConfig() { if (!this.isDryRun) { const { proxy, homepage } = this.packageJsonData const homepagePath = new URL(homepage || '/', '') .pathname await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(this.appDir, 'next.config.js'), `module.exports = {${ proxy ? ` async rewrites() { return { fallback: [ { source: '/:path*', destination: '${proxy}' } ] } },` : '' } env: { PUBLIC_URL: '${homepagePath === '/' ? '' : homepagePath || ''}' }, experimental: { craCompat: true, }, // Remove this to leverage Next.js' static image handling // read more here: images: { disableStaticImages: true } } ` ) } this.logCreate('next.config.js') } private getPagesDir() { // prefer src/pages as CRA uses the src dir by default // and attempt falling back to top-level pages dir let pagesDir = 'src/pages' if (fs.existsSync(path.join(this.appDir, pagesDir))) { pagesDir = 'pages' } if (fs.existsSync(path.join(this.appDir, pagesDir))) { fatalMessage( `Error: a "./pages" directory already exists, please rename to continue` ) } return pagesDir } private loadPackageJson() { let packageJsonData try { packageJsonData = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(this.packageJsonPath, 'utf8') ) } catch (err) { fatalMessage( `Error: failed to load package.json from ${this.packageJsonPath}, ensure provided directory is root of CRA project` ) } return packageJsonData } private validateAppDir(files: string[]) { if (files.length > 1) { fatalMessage( `Error: only one directory should be provided for the cra-to-next transform, received ${files.join( ', ' )}` ) } const appDir = path.join(process.cwd(), files[0]) let isValidDirectory = false try { isValidDirectory = fs.lstatSync(appDir).isDirectory() } catch (err) { // not a valid directory } if (!isValidDirectory) { fatalMessage( `Error: invalid directory provided for the cra-to-next transform, received ${appDir}` ) } return appDir } } export default async function transformer(files, flags) { try { const craTransform = new CraTransform(files, flags) await craTransform.transform() console.log(`CRA to Next.js migration complete`, `\n${feedbackMessage}`) } catch (err) { fatalMessage(`Error: failed to complete transform`, err) } }