import { Compiler, Plugin } from 'webpack' import { createHash } from 'crypto' import path from 'path' /** * From escape-string-regexp: * brought here to reduce the bundle size * MIT License * Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus ( */ const matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g; const escapeRegex = (str: string) => { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); } return str.replace(matchOperatorsRe, '\\$&'); }; function getRawModuleIdentifier(m: any, dir: string) { // webpack impl: // new RawModule( // "/* (ignored) */", // `ignored ${context} ${request}`, // `${request} (ignored)` // ) let request = m.readableIdentifierStr.replace(/ \(ignored\)$/, '') let context = m.identifierStr .match(new RegExp(`^ignored (.*) ${escapeRegex(request)}$`)) .pop() if (path.isAbsolute(request)) { request = path.relative(dir, request) } if (path.isAbsolute(context)) { context = path.relative(dir, context) } const identifier = `${context}::${request}` console.warn( `[module identifier] RawModule ${m.identifier()} => ${identifier}` ) return identifier } function getMultiModuleIdentifier(m: any) { const mods = any) => d.module) if (mods.some((d: any) => !Boolean(d))) { throw new Error('Cannot handle a MultiModule with moduleless dependencies') } const ids = any) => if (ids.some((i: any) => !Boolean(i))) { throw new Error( 'Cannot handle a MultiModule dependency without a module id' ) } const identifier = ids.sort().join('::') console.warn( `[module identifier] MultiModule ${m.identifier()} => ${identifier}` ) return identifier } export class AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin implements Plugin { private dir: string constructor(dir: string) { this.dir = dir } apply(compiler: Compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( 'AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin', compilation => { compilation.hooks.beforeModuleIds.tap( 'AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin', modules => { ;(modules as any[]).forEach(m => { if ( != null) { return } let identifier: string if (m.constructor && === 'RawModule') { identifier = getRawModuleIdentifier(m, this.dir) } else if ( m.constructor && === 'MultiModule' ) { identifier = getMultiModuleIdentifier(m) } else { throw new Error( `Do not know how to handle module: ${ }, ${m.identifier && m.identifier()}, ${ m.type }, ${m.constructor &&}` ) } // This hashing algorithm is consistent with how the rest of // webpack does it (n.b. HashedModuleIdsPlugin) = createHash('md4') .update(identifier) .digest('hex') .substr(0, 4) }) } ) } ) } }