import { mediaType } from 'next/dist/compiled/@hapi/accept' import { createHash } from 'crypto' import { promises } from 'fs' import { getOrientation, Orientation } from 'next/dist/compiled/get-orientation' import imageSizeOf from 'next/dist/compiled/image-size' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import isAnimated from 'next/dist/compiled/is-animated' import contentDisposition from 'next/dist/compiled/content-disposition' import { join } from 'path' import nodeUrl, { UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url' import { NextConfigComplete } from './config-shared' import { processBuffer, decodeBuffer, Operation } from './lib/squoosh/main' import { sendEtagResponse } from './send-payload' import { getContentType, getExtension } from './serve-static' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' import { NextUrlWithParsedQuery } from './request-meta' import { IncrementalCacheEntry, IncrementalCacheValue } from './response-cache' import { mockRequest } from './lib/mock-request' import { hasMatch } from '../shared/lib/match-remote-pattern' type XCacheHeader = 'MISS' | 'HIT' | 'STALE' const AVIF = 'image/avif' const WEBP = 'image/webp' const PNG = 'image/png' const JPEG = 'image/jpeg' const GIF = 'image/gif' const SVG = 'image/svg+xml' const CACHE_VERSION = 3 const ANIMATABLE_TYPES = [WEBP, PNG, GIF] const VECTOR_TYPES = [SVG] const BLUR_IMG_SIZE = 8 // should match `next-image-loader` let sharp: | (( input?: string | Buffer, options?: import('sharp').SharpOptions ) => import('sharp').Sharp) | undefined try { sharp = require(process.env.NEXT_SHARP_PATH || 'sharp') } catch (e) { // Sharp not present on the server, Squoosh fallback will be used } let showSharpMissingWarning = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' export interface ImageParamsResult { href: string isAbsolute: boolean isStatic: boolean width: number quality: number mimeType: string sizes: number[] minimumCacheTTL: number } export class ImageOptimizerCache { private cacheDir: string private nextConfig: NextConfigComplete static validateParams( req: IncomingMessage, query: UrlWithParsedQuery['query'], nextConfig: NextConfigComplete, isDev: boolean ): ImageParamsResult | { errorMessage: string } { const imageData = nextConfig.images const { deviceSizes = [], imageSizes = [], domains = [], minimumCacheTTL = 60, formats = ['image/webp'], } = imageData const remotePatterns = nextConfig.experimental.images?.remotePatterns || [] const { url, w, q } = query let href: string if (!url) { return { errorMessage: '"url" parameter is required' } } else if (Array.isArray(url)) { return { errorMessage: '"url" parameter cannot be an array' } } let isAbsolute: boolean if (url.startsWith('/')) { href = url isAbsolute = false } else { let hrefParsed: URL try { hrefParsed = new URL(url) href = hrefParsed.toString() isAbsolute = true } catch (_error) { return { errorMessage: '"url" parameter is invalid' } } if (!['http:', 'https:'].includes(hrefParsed.protocol)) { return { errorMessage: '"url" parameter is invalid' } } if (!hasMatch(domains, remotePatterns, hrefParsed)) { return { errorMessage: '"url" parameter is not allowed' } } } if (!w) { return { errorMessage: '"w" parameter (width) is required' } } else if (Array.isArray(w)) { return { errorMessage: '"w" parameter (width) cannot be an array' } } if (!q) { return { errorMessage: '"q" parameter (quality) is required' } } else if (Array.isArray(q)) { return { errorMessage: '"q" parameter (quality) cannot be an array' } } const width = parseInt(w, 10) if (width <= 0 || isNaN(width)) { return { errorMessage: '"w" parameter (width) must be a number greater than 0', } } const sizes = [...(deviceSizes || []), ...(imageSizes || [])] if (isDev) { sizes.push(BLUR_IMG_SIZE) } if (!sizes.includes(width)) { return { errorMessage: `"w" parameter (width) of ${width} is not allowed`, } } const quality = parseInt(q) if (isNaN(quality) || quality < 1 || quality > 100) { return { errorMessage: '"q" parameter (quality) must be a number between 1 and 100', } } const mimeType = getSupportedMimeType(formats || [], req.headers['accept']) const isStatic = url.startsWith( `${nextConfig.basePath || ''}/_next/static/media` ) return { href, sizes, isAbsolute, isStatic, width, quality, mimeType, minimumCacheTTL, } } static getCacheKey({ href, width, quality, mimeType, }: { href: string width: number quality: number mimeType: string }): string { return getHash([CACHE_VERSION, href, width, quality, mimeType]) } constructor({ distDir, nextConfig, }: { distDir: string nextConfig: NextConfigComplete }) { this.cacheDir = join(distDir, 'cache', 'images') this.nextConfig = nextConfig } async get(cacheKey: string): Promise { try { const cacheDir = join(this.cacheDir, cacheKey) const files = await promises.readdir(cacheDir) const now = for (const file of files) { const [maxAgeSt, expireAtSt, etag, extension] = file.split('.') const buffer = await promises.readFile(join(cacheDir, file)) const expireAt = Number(expireAtSt) const maxAge = Number(maxAgeSt) return { value: { kind: 'IMAGE', etag, buffer, extension, }, revalidateAfter: Math.max(maxAge, this.nextConfig.images.minimumCacheTTL) * 1000 +, curRevalidate: maxAge, isStale: now > expireAt, } } } catch (_) { // failed to read from cache dir, treat as cache miss } return null } async set( cacheKey: string, value: IncrementalCacheValue | null, revalidate?: number | false ) { if (value?.kind !== 'IMAGE') { throw new Error('invariant attempted to set non-image to image-cache') } if (typeof revalidate !== 'number') { throw new Error('invariant revalidate must be a number for image-cache') } const expireAt = Math.max(revalidate, this.nextConfig.images.minimumCacheTTL) * 1000 + try { await writeToCacheDir( join(this.cacheDir, cacheKey), value.extension, revalidate, expireAt, value.buffer, value.etag ) } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to write image to cache ${cacheKey}`, err) } } } export class ImageError extends Error { statusCode: number constructor(statusCode: number, message: string) { super(message) // ensure an error status is used > 400 if (statusCode >= 400) { this.statusCode = statusCode } else { this.statusCode = 500 } } } export async function imageOptimizer( _req: IncomingMessage, _res: ServerResponse, paramsResult: ImageParamsResult, nextConfig: NextConfigComplete, handleRequest: ( newReq: IncomingMessage, newRes: ServerResponse, newParsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery ) => Promise ): Promise<{ buffer: Buffer; contentType: string; maxAge: number }> { let upstreamBuffer: Buffer let upstreamType: string | null let maxAge: number const { isAbsolute, href, width, mimeType, quality } = paramsResult if (isAbsolute) { const upstreamRes = await fetch(href) if (!upstreamRes.ok) { console.error( 'upstream image response failed for', href, upstreamRes.status ) throw new ImageError( upstreamRes.status, '"url" parameter is valid but upstream response is invalid' ) } upstreamBuffer = Buffer.from(await upstreamRes.arrayBuffer()) upstreamType = detectContentType(upstreamBuffer) || upstreamRes.headers.get('Content-Type') maxAge = getMaxAge(upstreamRes.headers.get('Cache-Control')) } else { try { const { resBuffers, req: mockReq, res: mockRes, streamPromise: isStreamFinished, } = mockRequest(href, _req.headers, _req.method || 'GET', _req.connection) await handleRequest(mockReq, mockRes, nodeUrl.parse(href, true)) await isStreamFinished if (!mockRes.statusCode) { console.error('image response failed for', href, mockRes.statusCode) throw new ImageError( mockRes.statusCode, '"url" parameter is valid but internal response is invalid' ) } upstreamBuffer = Buffer.concat(resBuffers) upstreamType = detectContentType(upstreamBuffer) || mockRes.getHeader('Content-Type') maxAge = getMaxAge(mockRes.getHeader('Cache-Control')) } catch (err) { console.error('upstream image response failed for', href, err) throw new ImageError( 500, '"url" parameter is valid but upstream response is invalid' ) } } if (upstreamType === SVG && !nextConfig.images.dangerouslyAllowSVG) { console.error( `The requested resource "${href}" has type "${upstreamType}" but dangerouslyAllowSVG is disabled` ) throw new ImageError( 400, '"url" parameter is valid but image type is not allowed' ) } if (upstreamType) { const vector = VECTOR_TYPES.includes(upstreamType) const animate = ANIMATABLE_TYPES.includes(upstreamType) && isAnimated(upstreamBuffer) if (vector || animate) { return { buffer: upstreamBuffer, contentType: upstreamType, maxAge } } if (!upstreamType.startsWith('image/')) { console.error( "The requested resource isn't a valid image for", href, 'received', upstreamType ) throw new ImageError(400, "The requested resource isn't a valid image.") } } let contentType: string if (mimeType) { contentType = mimeType } else if ( upstreamType?.startsWith('image/') && getExtension(upstreamType) && upstreamType !== WEBP && upstreamType !== AVIF ) { contentType = upstreamType } else { contentType = JPEG } try { let optimizedBuffer: Buffer | undefined if (sharp) { // Begin sharp transformation logic const transformer = sharp(upstreamBuffer) transformer.rotate() const { width: metaWidth } = await transformer.metadata() if (metaWidth && metaWidth > width) { transformer.resize(width) } if (contentType === AVIF) { if (transformer.avif) { const avifQuality = quality - 15 transformer.avif({ quality: Math.max(avifQuality, 0), chromaSubsampling: '4:2:0', // same as webp }) } else { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + `Your installed version of the 'sharp' package does not support AVIF images. Run 'yarn add sharp@latest' to upgrade to the latest version.\n` + 'Read more:' ) transformer.webp({ quality }) } } else if (contentType === WEBP) { transformer.webp({ quality }) } else if (contentType === PNG) { transformer.png({ quality }) } else if (contentType === JPEG) { transformer.jpeg({ quality }) } optimizedBuffer = await transformer.toBuffer() // End sharp transformation logic } else { if (showSharpMissingWarning && nextConfig.output === 'standalone') { // TODO: should we ensure squoosh also works even though we don't // recommend it be used in production and this is a production feature console.error( `Error: 'sharp' is required to be installed in standalone mode for the image optimization to function correctly` ) throw new ImageError(500, 'internal server error') } // Show sharp warning in production once if (showSharpMissingWarning) { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + `For production Image Optimization with Next.js, the optional 'sharp' package is strongly recommended. Run 'yarn add sharp', and Next.js will use it automatically for Image Optimization.\n` + 'Read more:' ) showSharpMissingWarning = false } // Begin Squoosh transformation logic const orientation = await getOrientation(upstreamBuffer) const operations: Operation[] = [] if (orientation === Orientation.RIGHT_TOP) { operations.push({ type: 'rotate', numRotations: 1 }) } else if (orientation === Orientation.BOTTOM_RIGHT) { operations.push({ type: 'rotate', numRotations: 2 }) } else if (orientation === Orientation.LEFT_BOTTOM) { operations.push({ type: 'rotate', numRotations: 3 }) } else { // TODO: support more orientations // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars // const _: never = orientation } operations.push({ type: 'resize', width }) if (contentType === AVIF) { optimizedBuffer = await processBuffer( upstreamBuffer, operations, 'avif', quality ) } else if (contentType === WEBP) { optimizedBuffer = await processBuffer( upstreamBuffer, operations, 'webp', quality ) } else if (contentType === PNG) { optimizedBuffer = await processBuffer( upstreamBuffer, operations, 'png', quality ) } else if (contentType === JPEG) { optimizedBuffer = await processBuffer( upstreamBuffer, operations, 'jpeg', quality ) } // End Squoosh transformation logic } if (optimizedBuffer) { return { buffer: optimizedBuffer, contentType, maxAge: Math.max(maxAge, nextConfig.images.minimumCacheTTL), } } else { throw new ImageError(500, 'Unable to optimize buffer') } } catch (error) { if (upstreamBuffer && upstreamType) { // If we fail to optimize, fallback to the original image return { buffer: upstreamBuffer, contentType: upstreamType, maxAge: nextConfig.images.minimumCacheTTL, } } else { throw new ImageError( 400, 'Unable to optimize image and unable to fallback to upstream image' ) } } } async function writeToCacheDir( dir: string, extension: string, maxAge: number, expireAt: number, buffer: Buffer, etag: string ) { const filename = join(dir, `${maxAge}.${expireAt}.${etag}.${extension}`) // Added in: v14.14.0 // attempt cleaning up existing stale cache if ((promises as any).rm) { await (promises as any) .rm(dir, { force: true, recursive: true }) .catch(() => {}) } else { await promises.rmdir(dir, { recursive: true }).catch(() => {}) } await promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }) await promises.writeFile(filename, buffer) } function getFileNameWithExtension( url: string, contentType: string | null ): string | void { const [urlWithoutQueryParams] = url.split('?') const fileNameWithExtension = urlWithoutQueryParams.split('/').pop() if (!contentType || !fileNameWithExtension) { return } const [fileName] = fileNameWithExtension.split('.') const extension = getExtension(contentType) return `${fileName}.${extension}` } function setResponseHeaders( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, url: string, etag: string, contentType: string | null, isStatic: boolean, xCache: XCacheHeader, contentSecurityPolicy: string, maxAge: number, isDev: boolean ) { res.setHeader('Vary', 'Accept') res.setHeader( 'Cache-Control', isStatic ? 'public, max-age=315360000, immutable' : `public, max-age=${isDev ? 0 : maxAge}, must-revalidate` ) if (sendEtagResponse(req, res, etag)) { // already called res.end() so we're finished return { finished: true } } if (contentType) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType) } const fileName = getFileNameWithExtension(url, contentType) if (fileName) { res.setHeader( 'Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(fileName, { type: 'inline' }) ) } if (contentSecurityPolicy) { res.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', contentSecurityPolicy) } res.setHeader('X-Nextjs-Cache', xCache) return { finished: false } } export function sendResponse( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, url: string, extension: string, buffer: Buffer, isStatic: boolean, xCache: XCacheHeader, contentSecurityPolicy: string, maxAge: number, isDev: boolean ) { const contentType = getContentType(extension) const etag = getHash([buffer]) const result = setResponseHeaders( req, res, url, etag, contentType, isStatic, xCache, contentSecurityPolicy, maxAge, isDev ) if (!result.finished) { res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(buffer)) res.end(buffer) } } function getSupportedMimeType(options: string[], accept = ''): string { const mimeType = mediaType(accept, options) return accept.includes(mimeType) ? mimeType : '' } export function getHash(items: (string | number | Buffer)[]) { const hash = createHash('sha256') for (let item of items) { if (typeof item === 'number') hash.update(String(item)) else { hash.update(item) } } // See return hash.digest('base64').replace(/\//g, '-') } function parseCacheControl(str: string | null): Map { const map = new Map() if (!str) { return map } for (let directive of str.split(',')) { let [key, value] = directive.trim().split('=') key = key.toLowerCase() if (value) { value = value.toLowerCase() } map.set(key, value) } return map } /** * Inspects the first few bytes of a buffer to determine if * it matches the "magic number" of known file signatures. * */ export function detectContentType(buffer: Buffer) { if ([0xff, 0xd8, 0xff].every((b, i) => buffer[i] === b)) { return JPEG } if ( [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a].every( (b, i) => buffer[i] === b ) ) { return PNG } if ([0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38].every((b, i) => buffer[i] === b)) { return GIF } if ( [0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50].every( (b, i) => !b || buffer[i] === b ) ) { return WEBP } if ([0x3c, 0x3f, 0x78, 0x6d, 0x6c].every((b, i) => buffer[i] === b)) { return SVG } if ( [0, 0, 0, 0, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x66].every( (b, i) => !b || buffer[i] === b ) ) { return AVIF } return null } export function getMaxAge(str: string | null): number { const map = parseCacheControl(str) if (map) { let age = map.get('s-maxage') || map.get('max-age') || '' if (age.startsWith('"') && age.endsWith('"')) { age = age.slice(1, -1) } const n = parseInt(age, 10) if (!isNaN(n)) { return n } } return 0 } export async function resizeImage( content: Buffer, dimension: 'width' | 'height', size: number, // Should match VALID_BLUR_EXT extension: 'avif' | 'webp' | 'png' | 'jpeg', quality: number ): Promise { if (isAnimated(content)) { return content } else if (sharp) { const transformer = sharp(content) if (extension === 'avif') { if (transformer.avif) { transformer.avif({ quality }) } else { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + `Your installed version of the 'sharp' package does not support AVIF images. Run 'yarn add sharp@latest' to upgrade to the latest version.\n` + 'Read more:' ) transformer.webp({ quality }) } } else if (extension === 'webp') { transformer.webp({ quality }) } else if (extension === 'png') { transformer.png({ quality }) } else if (extension === 'jpeg') { transformer.jpeg({ quality }) } if (dimension === 'width') { transformer.resize(size) } else { transformer.resize(null, size) } const buf = await transformer.toBuffer() return buf } else { const resizeOperationOpts: Operation = dimension === 'width' ? { type: 'resize', width: size } : { type: 'resize', height: size } const buf = await processBuffer( content, [resizeOperationOpts], extension, quality ) return buf } } export async function getImageSize( buffer: Buffer, // Should match VALID_BLUR_EXT extension: 'avif' | 'webp' | 'png' | 'jpeg' ): Promise<{ width?: number height?: number }> { // TODO: upgrade "image-size" package to support AVIF // See if (extension === 'avif') { if (sharp) { const transformer = sharp(buffer) const { width, height } = await transformer.metadata() return { width, height } } else { const { width, height } = await decodeBuffer(buffer) return { width, height } } } const { width, height } = imageSizeOf(buffer) return { width, height } } export class Deferred { promise: Promise resolve!: (value: T) => void reject!: (error?: Error) => void constructor() { this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.resolve = resolve this.reject = reject }) } }