--- title: 'Incompatible `href` and `as` values' --- ## Why This Error Occurred Somewhere you are utilizing the `next/link` component, `Router#push`, or `Router#replace` with a dynamic route in your `href` that has an incompatible `as` value. The `as` value is incompatible when the path doesn't provide only the expected parameters for the dynamic route. Note: this error will only show when the `next/link` component is clicked not when only rendered. **Incompatible `href` and `as`** ```jsx filename="pages/blog.js" import Link from 'next/link' export default function Page(props) { return ( <> Invalid link ) } ``` **Compatible `href` and `as`** ```jsx filename="pages/blog.js" import Link from 'next/link' export default function Page(props) { return ( <> Valid link ) } ``` ## Possible Ways to Fix It Look for any usage of the `next/link` component, `Router#push`, or `Router#replace` and make sure that the provided `href` and `as` values are compatible ## Useful Links - [Routing section in Documentation](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing) - [Dynamic routing section in Documentation](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routes)