/* global importScripts, AMP_SW */ importScripts('https://cdn.ampproject.org/sw/amp-sw.js') /* This configures the AMP service worker to enhance network resiliency and optimizes asset caching. This configuration will: - Cache AMP scripts with a stale-while-revalidate strategy for a longer duration than the default http response headers indicate. - Cache valid visited AMP documents, and serve only in case of flaky network conditions. - Cache and serve an offline page. - Serve static assets with a cache first strategy. Checkout https://github.com/ampproject/amp-sw/ to learn more about how to configure asset caching and link prefetching. */ AMP_SW.init({ assetCachingOptions: [ { regexp: /\.(png|jpg|woff2|woff|css|js)/, cachingStrategy: 'CACHE_FIRST', // options are NETWORK_FIRST | CACHE_FIRST | STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE }, ], offlinePageOptions: { url: '/offline', assets: [], }, })