import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import type { Writable as WritableType } from 'stream' import React from 'react' import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server' import { createFromReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack' import { renderToReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack/writer.browser.server' import { StyleRegistry, createStyleRegistry } from 'styled-jsx' import { UnwrapPromise } from '../lib/coalesced-function' import { GSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE, GSSP_COMPONENT_MEMBER_ERROR, GSSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE, STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR, SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT, SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT, SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT, UNSTABLE_REVALIDATE_RENAME_ERROR, } from '../lib/constants' import { isSerializableProps } from '../lib/is-serializable-props' import { GetServerSideProps, GetStaticProps, PreviewData } from '../types' import { isInAmpMode } from '../shared/lib/amp' import { AmpStateContext } from '../shared/lib/amp-context' import { SERVER_PROPS_ID, STATIC_PROPS_ID, STATIC_STATUS_PAGES, } from '../shared/lib/constants' import { defaultHead } from '../shared/lib/head' import { HeadManagerContext } from '../shared/lib/head-manager-context' import Loadable from '../shared/lib/loadable' import { LoadableContext } from '../shared/lib/loadable-context' import { RouterContext } from '../shared/lib/router-context' import { NextRouter } from '../shared/lib/router/router' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic' import { AppType, ComponentsEnhancer, DocumentInitialProps, DocumentProps, DocumentContext, HtmlContext, HtmlProps, getDisplayName, isResSent, loadGetInitialProps, NextComponentType, RenderPage, RenderPageResult, } from '../shared/lib/utils' import type { NextApiRequestCookies, __ApiPreviewProps } from './api-utils' import { denormalizePagePath } from './denormalize-page-path' import type { FontManifest } from './font-utils' import type { LoadComponentsReturnType, ManifestItem } from './load-components' import { normalizePagePath } from './normalize-page-path' import { getRequestMeta, NextParsedUrlQuery } from './request-meta' import { allowedStatusCodes, getRedirectStatus, Redirect, } from '../lib/load-custom-routes' import { DomainLocale } from './config' import RenderResult, { NodeWritablePiper } from './render-result' import isError from '../lib/is-error' let Writable: typeof import('stream').Writable let Buffer: typeof import('buffer').Buffer let optimizeAmp: typeof import('./optimize-amp').default let getFontDefinitionFromManifest: typeof import('./font-utils').getFontDefinitionFromManifest let tryGetPreviewData: typeof import('./api-utils').tryGetPreviewData let warn: typeof import('../build/output/log').warn let postProcess: typeof import('../shared/lib/post-process').default const DOCTYPE = '' if (!process.browser) { Writable = require('stream').Writable Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer optimizeAmp = require('./optimize-amp').default getFontDefinitionFromManifest = require('./font-utils').getFontDefinitionFromManifest tryGetPreviewData = require('./api-utils').tryGetPreviewData warn = require('../build/output/log').warn postProcess = require('../shared/lib/post-process').default } else { warn = console.warn.bind(console) } function noRouter() { const message = 'No router instance found. you should only use "next/router" inside the client side of your app.' throw new Error(message) } class ServerRouter implements NextRouter { route: string pathname: string query: ParsedUrlQuery asPath: string basePath: string events: any isFallback: boolean locale?: string isReady: boolean locales?: string[] defaultLocale?: string domainLocales?: DomainLocale[] isPreview: boolean isLocaleDomain: boolean constructor( pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, as: string, { isFallback }: { isFallback: boolean }, isReady: boolean, basePath: string, locale?: string, locales?: string[], defaultLocale?: string, domainLocales?: DomainLocale[], isPreview?: boolean, isLocaleDomain?: boolean ) { this.route = pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') || '/' this.pathname = pathname this.query = query this.asPath = as this.isFallback = isFallback this.basePath = basePath this.locale = locale this.locales = locales this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale this.isReady = isReady this.domainLocales = domainLocales this.isPreview = !!isPreview this.isLocaleDomain = !!isLocaleDomain } push(): any { noRouter() } replace(): any { noRouter() } reload() { noRouter() } back() { noRouter() } prefetch(): any { noRouter() } beforePopState() { noRouter() } } function enhanceComponents( options: ComponentsEnhancer, App: AppType, Component: NextComponentType ): { App: AppType Component: NextComponentType } { // For backwards compatibility if (typeof options === 'function') { return { App, Component: options(Component), } } return { App: options.enhanceApp ? options.enhanceApp(App) : App, Component: options.enhanceComponent ? options.enhanceComponent(Component) : Component, } } export type RenderOptsPartial = { buildId: string canonicalBase: string runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any } assetPrefix?: string err?: Error | null nextExport?: boolean dev?: boolean ampPath?: string ErrorDebug?: React.ComponentType<{ error: Error }> ampValidator?: (html: string, pathname: string) => Promise ampSkipValidation?: boolean ampOptimizerConfig?: { [key: string]: any } isDataReq?: boolean params?: ParsedUrlQuery previewProps: __ApiPreviewProps basePath: string unstable_runtimeJS?: false unstable_JsPreload?: false optimizeFonts: boolean fontManifest?: FontManifest optimizeImages: boolean optimizeCss: any devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString?: string resolvedUrl?: string resolvedAsPath?: string serverComponentManifest?: any renderServerComponentData?: boolean distDir?: string locale?: string locales?: string[] defaultLocale?: string domainLocales?: DomainLocale[] disableOptimizedLoading?: boolean supportsDynamicHTML?: boolean concurrentFeatures?: boolean customServer?: boolean } export type RenderOpts = LoadComponentsReturnType & RenderOptsPartial const invalidKeysMsg = (methodName: string, invalidKeys: string[]) => { return ( `Additional keys were returned from \`${methodName}\`. Properties intended for your component must be nested under the \`props\` key, e.g.:` + `\n\n\treturn { props: { title: 'My Title', content: '...' } }` + `\n\nKeys that need to be moved: ${invalidKeys.join(', ')}.` + `\nRead more:` ) } function checkRedirectValues( redirect: Redirect, req: IncomingMessage, method: 'getStaticProps' | 'getServerSideProps' ) { const { destination, permanent, statusCode, basePath } = redirect let errors: string[] = [] const hasStatusCode = typeof statusCode !== 'undefined' const hasPermanent = typeof permanent !== 'undefined' if (hasPermanent && hasStatusCode) { errors.push(`\`permanent\` and \`statusCode\` can not both be provided`) } else if (hasPermanent && typeof permanent !== 'boolean') { errors.push(`\`permanent\` must be \`true\` or \`false\``) } else if (hasStatusCode && !allowedStatusCodes.has(statusCode!)) { errors.push( `\`statusCode\` must undefined or one of ${[...allowedStatusCodes].join( ', ' )}` ) } const destinationType = typeof destination if (destinationType !== 'string') { errors.push( `\`destination\` should be string but received ${destinationType}` ) } const basePathType = typeof basePath if (basePathType !== 'undefined' && basePathType !== 'boolean') { errors.push( `\`basePath\` should be undefined or a false, received ${basePathType}` ) } if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Invalid redirect object returned from ${method} for ${req.url}\n` + errors.join(' and ') + '\n' + `See more info here:` ) } } // Create the wrapper component for a Flight stream. function createServerComponentRenderer( OriginalComponent: React.ComponentType, serverComponentManifest: NonNullable ) { let responseCache: any const ServerComponentWrapper = (props: any) => { let response = responseCache if (!response) { responseCache = response = createFromReadableStream( renderToReadableStream( , serverComponentManifest ) ) } return response.readRoot() } const Component = (props: any) => { return ( ) } // Although it's not allowed to attach some static methods to Component, // we still re-assign all the component APIs to keep the behavior unchanged. for (const methodName of [ 'getInitialProps', 'getStaticProps', 'getServerSideProps', 'getStaticPaths', ]) { const method = (OriginalComponent as any)[methodName] if (method) { ;(Component as any)[methodName] = method } } return Component } export async function renderToHTML( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: NextParsedUrlQuery, renderOpts: RenderOpts ): Promise { // In dev we invalidate the cache by appending a timestamp to the resource URL. // This is a workaround to fix // TODO: remove this workaround when is fixed. renderOpts.devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString = ? renderOpts.devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString || `?ts=${}` : '' // don't modify original query object query = Object.assign({}, query) const { err, dev = false, ampPath = '', App, Document, pageConfig = {}, buildManifest, fontManifest, reactLoadableManifest, ErrorDebug, getStaticProps, getStaticPaths, getServerSideProps, serverComponentManifest, renderServerComponentData, isDataReq, params, previewProps, basePath, devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString, supportsDynamicHTML, concurrentFeatures, } = renderOpts const isServerComponent = !!serverComponentManifest const OriginalComponent = renderOpts.Component const Component = isServerComponent ? createServerComponentRenderer(OriginalComponent, serverComponentManifest) : renderOpts.Component const getFontDefinition = (url: string): string => { if (fontManifest) { return getFontDefinitionFromManifest(url, fontManifest) } return '' } const callMiddleware = async (method: string, args: any[], props = false) => { let results: any = props ? {} : [] if ((Document as any)[`${method}Middleware`]) { let middlewareFunc = await (Document as any)[`${method}Middleware`] middlewareFunc = middlewareFunc.default || middlewareFunc const curResults = await middlewareFunc(...args) if (props) { for (const result of curResults) { results = { ...results, ...result, } } } else { results = curResults } } return results } const headTags = (...args: any) => callMiddleware('headTags', args) const isFallback = !!query.__nextFallback delete query.__nextFallback delete query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextDefaultLocale const isSSG = !!getStaticProps const isBuildTimeSSG = isSSG && renderOpts.nextExport const defaultAppGetInitialProps = App.getInitialProps === (App as any).origGetInitialProps const hasPageGetInitialProps = !!(Component as any).getInitialProps const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(pathname) const isAutoExport = !hasPageGetInitialProps && defaultAppGetInitialProps && !isSSG && !getServerSideProps && !concurrentFeatures for (const methodName of [ 'getStaticProps', 'getServerSideProps', 'getStaticPaths', ]) { if ((Component as any)[methodName]) { throw new Error( `page ${pathname} ${methodName} ${GSSP_COMPONENT_MEMBER_ERROR}` ) } } if (hasPageGetInitialProps && isSSG) { throw new Error(SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`) } if (hasPageGetInitialProps && getServerSideProps) { throw new Error(SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`) } if (getServerSideProps && isSSG) { throw new Error(SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`) } if (getStaticPaths && !pageIsDynamic) { throw new Error( `getStaticPaths is only allowed for dynamic SSG pages and was found on '${pathname}'.` + `\nRead more:` ) } if (!!getStaticPaths && !isSSG) { throw new Error( `getStaticPaths was added without a getStaticProps in ${pathname}. Without getStaticProps, getStaticPaths does nothing` ) } if (isSSG && pageIsDynamic && !getStaticPaths) { throw new Error( `getStaticPaths is required for dynamic SSG pages and is missing for '${pathname}'.` + `\nRead more:` ) } let asPath: string = renderOpts.resolvedAsPath || (req.url as string) if (dev) { const { isValidElementType } = require('react-is') if (!isValidElementType(Component)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"` ) } if (!isValidElementType(App)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_app"` ) } if (!isValidElementType(Document)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_document"` ) } if (isAutoExport || isFallback) { // remove query values except ones that will be set during export query = { ...(query.amp ? { amp: query.amp, } : {}), } asPath = `${pathname}${ // ensure trailing slash is present for non-dynamic auto-export pages req.url!.endsWith('/') && pathname !== '/' && !pageIsDynamic ? '/' : '' }` req.url = pathname } if (pathname === '/404' && (hasPageGetInitialProps || getServerSideProps)) { throw new Error( `\`pages/404\` ${STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}` ) } if ( STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(pathname) && (hasPageGetInitialProps || getServerSideProps) ) { throw new Error( `\`pages${pathname}\` ${STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}` ) } } await Loadable.preloadAll() // Make sure all dynamic imports are loaded let isPreview let previewData: PreviewData if ((isSSG || getServerSideProps) && !isFallback && !process.browser) { // Reads of this are cached on the `req` object, so this should resolve // instantly. There's no need to pass this data down from a previous // invoke, where we'd have to consider server & serverless. previewData = tryGetPreviewData(req, res, previewProps) isPreview = previewData !== false } // url will always be set const routerIsReady = !!( getServerSideProps || hasPageGetInitialProps || (!defaultAppGetInitialProps && !isSSG) ) const router = new ServerRouter( pathname, query, asPath, { isFallback: isFallback, }, routerIsReady, basePath, renderOpts.locale, renderOpts.locales, renderOpts.defaultLocale, renderOpts.domainLocales, isPreview, getRequestMeta(req, '__nextIsLocaleDomain') ) const jsxStyleRegistry = createStyleRegistry() const ctx = { err, req: isAutoExport ? undefined : req, res: isAutoExport ? undefined : res, pathname, query, asPath, locale: renderOpts.locale, locales: renderOpts.locales, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale, AppTree: (props: any) => { return ( ) }, defaultGetInitialProps: async ( docCtx: DocumentContext ): Promise => { const enhanceApp = (AppComp: any) => { return (props: any) => } const { html, head } = await docCtx.renderPage({ enhanceApp }) const styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles() return { html, head, styles } }, } let props: any const ampState = { ampFirst: pageConfig.amp === true, hasQuery: Boolean(query.amp), hybrid: pageConfig.amp === 'hybrid', } // Disable AMP under the web environment const inAmpMode = !process.browser && isInAmpMode(ampState) const reactLoadableModules: string[] = [] let head: JSX.Element[] = defaultHead(inAmpMode) let scriptLoader: any = {} const nextExport = !isSSG && (renderOpts.nextExport || (dev && (isAutoExport || isFallback))) const AppContainer = ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) => ( { head = state }, updateScripts: (scripts) => { scriptLoader = scripts }, scripts: {}, mountedInstances: new Set(), }} > reactLoadableModules.push(moduleName)} > {children} ) // The `useId` API uses the path indexes to generate an ID for each node. // To guarantee the match of hydration, we need to ensure that the structure // of wrapper nodes is isomorphic in server and client. // TODO: With `enhanceApp` and `enhanceComponents` options, this approach may // not be useful. // const Noop = () => null const AppContainerWithIsomorphicFiberStructure = ({ children, }: { children: JSX.Element }) => { return ( <> {/* */} <> {/* */} {dev ? ( <> {children} ) : ( children )} {/* */} ) } props = await loadGetInitialProps(App, { AppTree: ctx.AppTree, Component, router, ctx, }) if ((isSSG || getServerSideProps) && isPreview) { props.__N_PREVIEW = true } if (isSSG) { props[STATIC_PROPS_ID] = true } if (isSSG && !isFallback) { let data: UnwrapPromise> try { data = await getStaticProps!({ ...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: query as ParsedUrlQuery } : undefined), ...(isPreview ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined), locales: renderOpts.locales, locale: renderOpts.locale, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale, }) } catch (staticPropsError: any) { // remove not found error code to prevent triggering legacy // 404 rendering if (staticPropsError && staticPropsError.code === 'ENOENT') { delete staticPropsError.code } throw staticPropsError } if (data == null) { throw new Error(GSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE) } const invalidKeys = Object.keys(data).filter( (key) => key !== 'revalidate' && key !== 'props' && key !== 'redirect' && key !== 'notFound' ) if (invalidKeys.includes('unstable_revalidate')) { throw new Error(UNSTABLE_REVALIDATE_RENAME_ERROR) } if (invalidKeys.length) { throw new Error(invalidKeysMsg('getStaticProps', invalidKeys)) } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if ( typeof (data as any).notFound !== 'undefined' && typeof (data as any).redirect !== 'undefined' ) { throw new Error( `\`redirect\` and \`notFound\` can not both be returned from ${ isSSG ? 'getStaticProps' : 'getServerSideProps' } at the same time. Page: ${pathname}\nSee more info here:` ) } } if ('notFound' in data && data.notFound) { if (pathname === '/404') { throw new Error( `The /404 page can not return notFound in "getStaticProps", please remove it to continue!` ) } ;(renderOpts as any).isNotFound = true } if ( 'redirect' in data && data.redirect && typeof data.redirect === 'object' ) { checkRedirectValues(data.redirect as Redirect, req, 'getStaticProps') if (isBuildTimeSSG) { throw new Error( `\`redirect\` can not be returned from getStaticProps during prerendering (${req.url})\n` + `See more info here:` ) } ;(data as any).props = { __N_REDIRECT: data.redirect.destination, __N_REDIRECT_STATUS: getRedirectStatus(data.redirect), } if (typeof data.redirect.basePath !== 'undefined') { ;(data as any).props.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH = data.redirect.basePath } ;(renderOpts as any).isRedirect = true } if ( (dev || isBuildTimeSSG) && !(renderOpts as any).isNotFound && !isSerializableProps(pathname, 'getStaticProps', (data as any).props) ) { // this fn should throw an error instead of ever returning `false` throw new Error( 'invariant: getStaticProps did not return valid props. Please report this.' ) } if ('revalidate' in data) { if (typeof data.revalidate === 'number') { if (!Number.isInteger(data.revalidate)) { throw new Error( `A page's revalidate option must be seconds expressed as a natural number for ${req.url}. Mixed numbers, such as '${data.revalidate}', cannot be used.` + `\nTry changing the value to '${Math.ceil( data.revalidate )}' or using \`Math.ceil()\` if you're computing the value.` ) } else if (data.revalidate <= 0) { throw new Error( `A page's revalidate option can not be less than or equal to zero for ${req.url}. A revalidate option of zero means to revalidate after _every_ request, and implies stale data cannot be tolerated.` + `\n\nTo never revalidate, you can set revalidate to \`false\` (only ran once at build-time).` + `\nTo revalidate as soon as possible, you can set the value to \`1\`.` ) } else if (data.revalidate > 31536000) { // if it's greater than a year for some reason error console.warn( `Warning: A page's revalidate option was set to more than a year for ${req.url}. This may have been done in error.` + `\nTo only run getStaticProps at build-time and not revalidate at runtime, you can set \`revalidate\` to \`false\`!` ) } } else if (data.revalidate === true) { // When enabled, revalidate after 1 second. This value is optimal for // the most up-to-date page possible, but without a 1-to-1 // request-refresh ratio. data.revalidate = 1 } else if ( data.revalidate === false || typeof data.revalidate === 'undefined' ) { // By default, we never revalidate. data.revalidate = false } else { throw new Error( `A page's revalidate option must be seconds expressed as a natural number. Mixed numbers and strings cannot be used. Received '${JSON.stringify( data.revalidate )}' for ${req.url}` ) } } else { // By default, we never revalidate. ;(data as any).revalidate = false } props.pageProps = Object.assign( {}, props.pageProps, 'props' in data ? data.props : undefined ) // pass up revalidate and props for export // TODO: change this to a different passing mechanism ;(renderOpts as any).revalidate = 'revalidate' in data ? data.revalidate : undefined ;(renderOpts as any).pageData = props // this must come after revalidate is added to renderOpts if ((renderOpts as any).isNotFound) { return null } } if (getServerSideProps) { props[SERVER_PROPS_ID] = true } if (getServerSideProps && !isFallback) { let data: UnwrapPromise> let canAccessRes = true let resOrProxy = res let deferredContent = false if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { resOrProxy = new Proxy(res, { get: function (obj, prop, receiver) { if (!canAccessRes) { const message = `You should not access 'res' after getServerSideProps resolves.` + `\nRead more:` if (deferredContent) { throw new Error(message) } else { warn(message) } } return Reflect.get(obj, prop, receiver) }, }) } try { data = await getServerSideProps({ req: req as IncomingMessage & { cookies: NextApiRequestCookies }, res: resOrProxy, query, resolvedUrl: renderOpts.resolvedUrl as string, ...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: params as ParsedUrlQuery } : undefined), ...(previewData !== false ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined), locales: renderOpts.locales, locale: renderOpts.locale, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale, }) canAccessRes = false } catch (serverSidePropsError: any) { // remove not found error code to prevent triggering legacy // 404 rendering if ( isError(serverSidePropsError) && serverSidePropsError.code === 'ENOENT' ) { delete serverSidePropsError.code } throw serverSidePropsError } if (data == null) { throw new Error(GSSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE) } if ((data as any).props instanceof Promise) { deferredContent = true } const invalidKeys = Object.keys(data).filter( (key) => key !== 'props' && key !== 'redirect' && key !== 'notFound' ) if ((data as any).unstable_notFound) { throw new Error( `unstable_notFound has been renamed to notFound, please update the field to continue. Page: ${pathname}` ) } if ((data as any).unstable_redirect) { throw new Error( `unstable_redirect has been renamed to redirect, please update the field to continue. Page: ${pathname}` ) } if (invalidKeys.length) { throw new Error(invalidKeysMsg('getServerSideProps', invalidKeys)) } if ('notFound' in data && data.notFound) { if (pathname === '/404') { throw new Error( `The /404 page can not return notFound in "getStaticProps", please remove it to continue!` ) } ;(renderOpts as any).isNotFound = true return null } if ('redirect' in data && typeof data.redirect === 'object') { checkRedirectValues(data.redirect as Redirect, req, 'getServerSideProps') ;(data as any).props = { __N_REDIRECT: data.redirect.destination, __N_REDIRECT_STATUS: getRedirectStatus(data.redirect), } if (typeof data.redirect.basePath !== 'undefined') { ;(data as any).props.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH = data.redirect.basePath } ;(renderOpts as any).isRedirect = true } if (deferredContent) { ;(data as any).props = await (data as any).props } if ( (dev || isBuildTimeSSG) && !isSerializableProps(pathname, 'getServerSideProps', (data as any).props) ) { // this fn should throw an error instead of ever returning `false` throw new Error( 'invariant: getServerSideProps did not return valid props. Please report this.' ) } props.pageProps = Object.assign({}, props.pageProps, (data as any).props) ;(renderOpts as any).pageData = props } if ( !isSSG && // we only show this warning for legacy pages !getServerSideProps && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && Object.keys(props?.pageProps || {}).includes('url') ) { console.warn( `The prop \`url\` is a reserved prop in Next.js for legacy reasons and will be overridden on page ${pathname}\n` + `See more info here:` ) } // Avoid rendering page un-necessarily for getServerSideProps data request // and getServerSideProps/getStaticProps redirects if ((isDataReq && !isSSG) || (renderOpts as any).isRedirect) { return RenderResult.fromStatic(JSON.stringify(props)) } // We don't call getStaticProps or getServerSideProps while generating // the fallback so make sure to set pageProps to an empty object if (isFallback) { props.pageProps = {} } // Pass router to the Server Component as a temporary workaround. if (isServerComponent) { props.pageProps = Object.assign({}, props.pageProps, { router }) } // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if (isResSent(res) && !isSSG) return null if (renderServerComponentData) { const stream: ReadableStream = renderToReadableStream( , serverComponentManifest ) const reader = stream.getReader() return new RenderResult((innerRes, next) => { bufferedReadFromReadableStream(reader, (val) => innerRes.write(val)).then( () => next(), (innerErr) => next(innerErr) ) }) } // we preload the buildManifest for auto-export dynamic pages // to speed up hydrating query values let filteredBuildManifest = buildManifest if (isAutoExport && pageIsDynamic) { const page = denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath(pathname)) // This code would be much cleaner using `immer` and directly pushing into // the result from `getPageFiles`, we could maybe consider that in the // future. if (page in filteredBuildManifest.pages) { filteredBuildManifest = { ...filteredBuildManifest, pages: { ...filteredBuildManifest.pages, [page]: [ ...filteredBuildManifest.pages[page], ...filteredBuildManifest.lowPriorityFiles.filter((f) => f.includes('_buildManifest') ), ], }, lowPriorityFiles: filteredBuildManifest.lowPriorityFiles.filter( (f) => !f.includes('_buildManifest') ), } } } const Body = ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) => { return inAmpMode ? children :
} const appWrappers: Array<(content: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element> = [] const getWrappedApp = (app: JSX.Element) => { // Prevent wrappers from reading/writing props by rendering inside an // opaque component. Wrappers should use context instead. const InnerApp = () => app return ( {appWrappers.reduceRight((innerContent, fn) => { return fn(innerContent) }, )} ) } /** * Rules of Static & Dynamic HTML: * * 1.) We must generate static HTML unless the caller explicitly opts * in to dynamic HTML support. * * 2.) If dynamic HTML support is requested, we must honor that request * or throw an error. It is the sole responsibility of the caller to * ensure they aren't e.g. requesting dynamic HTML for an AMP page. * * These rules help ensure that other existing features like request caching, * coalescing, and ISR continue working as intended. */ const generateStaticHTML = supportsDynamicHTML !== true const renderDocument = async () => { if (process.browser && Document.getInitialProps) { throw new Error( '`getInitialProps` in Document component is not supported with `concurrentFeatures` enabled.' ) } if (!process.browser && Document.getInitialProps) { const renderPage: RenderPage = ( options: ComponentsEnhancer = {} ): RenderPageResult | Promise => { if (ctx.err && ErrorDebug) { const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString( ) return { html, head } } if (dev && (props.router || props.Component)) { throw new Error( `'router' and 'Component' can not be returned in getInitialProps from _app.js` ) } const { App: EnhancedApp, Component: EnhancedComponent } = enhanceComponents(options, App, Component) const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString( {getWrappedApp( )} ) return { html, head } } const documentCtx = { ...ctx, renderPage } const docProps: DocumentInitialProps = await loadGetInitialProps( Document, documentCtx ) // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if (isResSent(res) && !isSSG) return null if (!docProps || typeof docProps.html !== 'string') { const message = `"${getDisplayName( Document )}.getInitialProps()" should resolve to an object with a "html" prop set with a valid html string` throw new Error(message) } return { bodyResult: () => piperFromArray([docProps.html]), documentElement: (htmlProps: HtmlProps) => ( ), useMainContent: (fn?: (content: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element) => { if (fn) { throw new Error( 'The `children` property is not supported by non-functional custom Document components' ) } // @ts-ignore return }, head: docProps.head, headTags: await headTags(documentCtx), styles: docProps.styles, } } else { let bodyResult if (concurrentFeatures) { bodyResult = async () => { // this must be called inside bodyResult so appWrappers is // up to date when getWrappedApp is called const content = ctx.err && ErrorDebug ? ( ) : ( {getWrappedApp( )} ) return process.browser ? await renderToWebStream(content) : await renderToNodeStream(content, generateStaticHTML) } } else { const content = ctx.err && ErrorDebug ? ( ) : ( {getWrappedApp( )} ) // for non-concurrent rendering we need to ensure App is rendered // before _document so that updateHead is called/collected before // rendering _document's head const result = piperFromArray([ReactDOMServer.renderToString(content)]) bodyResult = () => result } return { bodyResult, documentElement: () => (Document as any)(), useMainContent: (fn?: (_content: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element) => { if (fn) { appWrappers.push(fn) } // @ts-ignore return }, head, headTags: [], styles: jsxStyleRegistry.styles(), } } } const documentResult = await renderDocument() if (!documentResult) { return null } const dynamicImportsIds = new Set() const dynamicImports = new Set() for (const mod of reactLoadableModules) { const manifestItem: ManifestItem = reactLoadableManifest[mod] if (manifestItem) { dynamicImportsIds.add( manifestItem.files.forEach((item) => { dynamicImports.add(item) }) } } const hybridAmp = ampState.hybrid const docComponentsRendered: DocumentProps['docComponentsRendered'] = {} const { assetPrefix, buildId, customServer, defaultLocale, disableOptimizedLoading, domainLocales, locale, locales, runtimeConfig, } = renderOpts const htmlProps: any = { __NEXT_DATA__: { props, // The result of getInitialProps page: pathname, // The rendered page query, // querystring parsed / passed by the user buildId, // buildId is used to facilitate caching of page bundles, we send it to the client so that pageloader knows where to load bundles assetPrefix: assetPrefix === '' ? undefined : assetPrefix, // send assetPrefix to the client side when configured, otherwise don't sent in the resulting HTML runtimeConfig, // runtimeConfig if provided, otherwise don't sent in the resulting HTML nextExport: nextExport === true ? true : undefined, // If this is a page exported by `next export` autoExport: isAutoExport === true ? true : undefined, // If this is an auto exported page isFallback, dynamicIds: dynamicImportsIds.size === 0 ? undefined : Array.from(dynamicImportsIds), err: renderOpts.err ? serializeError(dev, renderOpts.err) : undefined, // Error if one happened, otherwise don't sent in the resulting HTML gsp: !!getStaticProps ? true : undefined, // whether the page is getStaticProps gssp: !!getServerSideProps ? true : undefined, // whether the page is getServerSideProps rsc: isServerComponent ? true : undefined, // whether the page is a server components page customServer, // whether the user is using a custom server gip: hasPageGetInitialProps ? true : undefined, // whether the page has getInitialProps appGip: !defaultAppGetInitialProps ? true : undefined, // whether the _app has getInitialProps locale, locales, defaultLocale, domainLocales, isPreview: isPreview === true ? true : undefined, }, buildManifest: filteredBuildManifest, docComponentsRendered, dangerousAsPath: router.asPath, canonicalBase: !renderOpts.ampPath && getRequestMeta(req, '__nextStrippedLocale') ? `${renderOpts.canonicalBase || ''}/${renderOpts.locale}` : renderOpts.canonicalBase, ampPath, inAmpMode, isDevelopment: !!dev, hybridAmp, dynamicImports: Array.from(dynamicImports), assetPrefix, // Only enabled in production as development mode has features relying on HMR (style injection for example) unstable_runtimeJS: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? pageConfig.unstable_runtimeJS : undefined, unstable_JsPreload: pageConfig.unstable_JsPreload, devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString, scriptLoader, locale, disableOptimizedLoading, head: documentResult.head, headTags: documentResult.headTags, styles: documentResult.styles, useMainContent: documentResult.useMainContent, useMaybeDeferContent, } const document = ( {documentResult.documentElement(htmlProps)} ) let documentHTML: string if (process.browser) { // There is no `renderToStaticMarkup` exposed in the web environment, use // blocking `renderToReadableStream` to get the similar result. let result = '' const readable = (ReactDOMServer as any).renderToReadableStream(document, { onError: (e: any) => { throw e }, }) const reader = readable.getReader() const decoder = new TextDecoder() while (true) { const { done, value } = await if (done) { break } result += typeof value === 'string' ? value : decoder.decode(value) } documentHTML = result } else { documentHTML = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(document) } const nonRenderedComponents = [] const expectedDocComponents = ['Main', 'Head', 'NextScript', 'Html'] for (const comp of expectedDocComponents) { if (!(docComponentsRendered as any)[comp]) { nonRenderedComponents.push(comp) } } if (nonRenderedComponents.length) { const missingComponentList = nonRenderedComponents .map((e) => `<${e} />`) .join(', ') const plural = nonRenderedComponents.length !== 1 ? 's' : '' throw new Error( `Your custom Document (pages/_document) did not render all the required subcomponent${plural}.\n` + `Missing component${plural}: ${missingComponentList}\n` + 'Read how to fix here:' ) } const [renderTargetPrefix, renderTargetSuffix] = documentHTML.split( /<\/next-js-internal-body-render-target>/ ) const prefix: Array = [] if (!documentHTML.startsWith(DOCTYPE)) { prefix.push(DOCTYPE) } prefix.push(renderTargetPrefix) if (inAmpMode) { prefix.push('') } let pipers: Array = [ piperFromArray(prefix), await documentResult.bodyResult(), piperFromArray([renderTargetSuffix]), ] const postProcessors: Array<((html: string) => Promise) | null> = ( generateStaticHTML ? [ inAmpMode ? async (html: string) => { html = await optimizeAmp(html, renderOpts.ampOptimizerConfig) if (!renderOpts.ampSkipValidation && renderOpts.ampValidator) { await renderOpts.ampValidator(html, pathname) } return html } : null, !process.browser && (process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS || process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES) ? async (html: string) => { return await postProcess( html, { getFontDefinition }, { optimizeFonts: renderOpts.optimizeFonts, optimizeImages: renderOpts.optimizeImages, } ) } : null, !process.browser && renderOpts.optimizeCss ? async (html: string) => { // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies const Critters = require('critters') const cssOptimizer = new Critters({ ssrMode: true, reduceInlineStyles: false, path: renderOpts.distDir, publicPath: `${renderOpts.assetPrefix}/_next/`, preload: 'media', fonts: false, ...renderOpts.optimizeCss, }) return await cssOptimizer.process(html) } : null, inAmpMode || hybridAmp ? async (html: string) => { return html.replace(/&amp=1/g, '&=1') } : null, ] : [] ).filter(Boolean) if (generateStaticHTML || postProcessors.length > 0) { let html = await piperToString(chainPipers(pipers)) for (const postProcessor of postProcessors) { if (postProcessor) { html = await postProcessor(html) } } return new RenderResult(html) } return new RenderResult(chainPipers(pipers)) } function errorToJSON(err: Error) { return { name:, message: err.message, stack: err.stack, middleware: (err as any).middleware, } } function serializeError( dev: boolean | undefined, err: Error ): Error & { statusCode?: number } { if (dev) { return errorToJSON(err) } return { name: 'Internal Server Error.', message: '500 - Internal Server Error.', statusCode: 500, } } function renderToNodeStream( element: React.ReactElement, generateStaticHTML: boolean ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let underlyingStream: { resolve: (error?: Error) => void writable: WritableType queuedCallbacks: Array<() => void> } | null = null const stream = new Writable({ // Use the buffer from the underlying stream highWaterMark: 0, writev(chunks, callback) { let str = '' for (let { chunk } of chunks) { str += chunk.toString() } if (!underlyingStream) { throw new Error( 'invariant: write called without an underlying stream. This is a bug in Next.js' ) } if (!underlyingStream.writable.write(str)) { underlyingStream.queuedCallbacks.push(() => callback()) } else { callback() } }, }) stream.once('finish', () => { if (!underlyingStream) { throw new Error( 'invariant: finish called without an underlying stream. This is a bug in Next.js' ) } underlyingStream.resolve() }) stream.once('error', (err) => { if (!underlyingStream) { throw new Error( 'invariant: error called without an underlying stream. This is a bug in Next.js' ) } underlyingStream.resolve(err) }) // React uses `flush` to prevent stream middleware like gzip from buffering to the // point of harming streaming performance, so we make sure to expose it and forward it. // See: Object.defineProperty(stream, 'flush', { value: () => { if (!underlyingStream) { throw new Error( 'invariant: flush called without an underlying stream. This is a bug in Next.js' ) } if (typeof (underlyingStream.writable as any).flush === 'function') { ;(underlyingStream.writable as any).flush() } }, enumerable: true, }) let resolved = false const doResolve = (startWriting: any) => { if (!resolved) { resolved = true resolve((res, next) => { const drainHandler = () => { const prevCallbacks = underlyingStream!.queuedCallbacks underlyingStream!.queuedCallbacks = [] prevCallbacks.forEach((callback) => callback()) } res.on('drain', drainHandler) underlyingStream = { resolve: (err) => { underlyingStream = null res.removeListener('drain', drainHandler) next(err) }, writable: res, queuedCallbacks: [], } startWriting() }) } } const { abort, pipe } = (ReactDOMServer as any).renderToPipeableStream( element, { onError(error: Error) { if (!resolved) { resolved = true reject(error) } abort() }, onCompleteShell() { if (!generateStaticHTML) { doResolve(() => pipe(stream)) } }, onCompleteAll() { doResolve(() => pipe(stream)) }, } ) }) } async function bufferedReadFromReadableStream( reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader, writeFn: (val: string) => void ): Promise { const decoder = new TextDecoder() let bufferedString = '' let pendingFlush: Promise | null = null const flushBuffer = () => { if (!pendingFlush) { pendingFlush = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => { writeFn(bufferedString) bufferedString = '' pendingFlush = null resolve() }, 0) ) } } while (true) { const { done, value } = await if (done) { break } bufferedString += typeof value === 'string' ? value : decoder.decode(value) flushBuffer() } // Make sure the promise resolves after any pending flushes await pendingFlush } function renderToWebStream( element: React.ReactElement ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let resolved = false const stream: ReadableStream = ( ReactDOMServer as any ).renderToReadableStream(element, { onError(err: Error) { if (!resolved) { resolved = true reject(err) } }, onCompleteShell() { if (!resolved) { resolved = true resolve((res, next) => { bufferedReadFromReadableStream(reader, (val) => res.write(val) ).then( () => next(), (err) => next(err) ) }) } }, }) const reader = stream.getReader() }) } function chainPipers(pipers: NodeWritablePiper[]): NodeWritablePiper { return pipers.reduceRight( (lhs, rhs) => (res, next) => { rhs(res, (err) => (err ? next(err) : lhs(res, next))) }, (res, next) => { res.end() next() } ) } function piperFromArray(chunks: string[]): NodeWritablePiper { return (res, next) => { if (typeof (res as any).cork === 'function') { res.cork() } chunks.forEach((chunk) => res.write(chunk)) if (typeof (res as any).uncork === 'function') { res.uncork() } next() } } function piperToString(input: NodeWritablePiper): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const bufferedChunks: Buffer[] = [] const stream = new Writable({ writev(chunks, callback) { chunks.forEach((chunk) => bufferedChunks.push(chunk.chunk)) callback() }, }) input(stream, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(Buffer.concat(bufferedChunks).toString()) } }) }) } export function useMaybeDeferContent( _name: string, contentFn: () => JSX.Element ): [boolean, JSX.Element] { return [false, contentFn()] }